Chapter 621: It's Him

Su Liu took a glance at the purple-robed cultivator upon hearing this, and his expression changed ever so slightly, but he continued with what he was doing without pause as the ball of five-colored lightning split back up into four lightning dragons at his behest before hurtling toward Silver Fox.

Silver Fox was clearly quite apprehensive of these lightning dragons, and bright silver light erupted out of his body as he rushed toward the purple-robed cultivator, leaving a trail of afterimages in his wake.

"Alright, but let's make this clear: you're asking for my help, so after this, I don't owe you anything anymore," the purple-robed cultivator said with a faint smile, and his voice indicated that he was a man.

Han Li's expression changed slightly upon hearing this. The purple-robed cultivator's voice struck him with a sense of familiarity.

"Fine!" Silver Fox snapped as he drew to a halt beside the purple-robed cultivator, who rubbed his hands together, and bright purple light surged out of his body before forming a vast cloud of purple radiance.

A burst of formidable devilish qi fluctuations erupted out of the purple light, and Han Li's heat stirred slightly upon seeing this.

Not only was this burst of devilish qi tremendously powerful, it was also exceptionally pure, far more so than the devilish qi that he released while unleashing his Provenance True Devil Arts.

The purple light rippled slightly, then immediately swept back toward the purple-robed cultivator to form a huge purple projection with three heads and six arms behind him.

The projection's three heads were all different from one another. One of the heads had a single horn with a furious look on its face, another wore a flame-shaped helmet with its eyes shut, seemingly in a state of slumber, while the final head wore a sympathetic expression with a vertical eye on its forehead.

In fact, all three heads had a vertical eye on each of their foreheads, but at this moment, these eyes were tightly shut.

The six arms were also all wielding different weapons, and right at this moment, the purple-robed cultivator's sleeves rolled up on their own to reveal a fine layer of purple scales on the skin of his arms.

A hint of recognition flashed through Han Li's eyes upon seeing this, and he murmured to himself, "It's him..."

The purple-robed cultivator was most likely Shi Chuankong, the man that he had met back in Primordial Origin City.

At this moment, the purple scales on his arms were also glowing brightly as a series of purple veins spread over his entire body, and he swelled to several times his original size. Originally, he had a tall and slender build, but his body became extremely muscular and imposing, and a series of devilish patterns had appeared over his skin, while his eyes had also turned a dark purple color.

An enormous aura erupted out of his body, but it was only at the pinnacle of the Golden Immortal Stage.

He made a hand seal to release two beams of purple light into the devilish projection behind him, and the projection's horned head suddenly began to glow brightly, while the vertical eye on its forehead also sprang open.

A beam of silver light shot out of the vertical eye, giving off incredible formidable spatial law power fluctuations that caused the nearby space to ripple incessantly.

The silver light then instantly vanished into thin air, and in the next instant, a ball of bright silver light appeared behind Silver Fox before transforming into a swirling silver vortex.

The four lightning dragons converged onto the scene, but the silver vortex abruptly expanded to encompass the lightning dragons, and in the next instant, the lightning dragons and the silver vortex vanished in unison.

A hint of surprise appeared on Su Liu's face upon seeing this, and right at this moment, a silver vortex suddenly appeared behind him.

The four lightning dragons shot out of the vortex, catching him completely off guard and striking him on the back to send him flying forward with tremendous force.

"Bravo! Su Liu's really shot himself in the foot there!" Silver Fox chortled with glee.

"We have to get out of here. Su Liu is not someone that we can take on right now," the purple-robed cultivator said as he made a hand seal, and the purple projection behind him wrapped its six arms around him and Silver Fox, then fled into the distance as a ball of radiant purple light.

"Get back here!"

A thunderous roar of fury rang out as arcs of five-colored lightning instantly spread through the surrounding area to form a lightning spirit domain that encompassed the purple lightning within it.

The lightning spirit domain was virtually substantial in form, and once again, it obstructed the view of all of the bystanders.

Arcs of five-colored lightning converged from all parts of the spirit domain, lashing viciously against the ball of purple light like whips.

The ball of purple light rippled violently, and it was being rapidly whittled down by teh relentless lightning strikes.

All of a sudden, Su Liu appeared at the center of the lightning spirit domain.

The armor on his back was damaged, revealing a large section of his bronze-colored skin, but he was clearly unscathed.

However, he seemed to have been infuriated by the fact that his own attack had been used against him, and he immediately made a hand seal, upon which all of the five-colored lightning in the spirit domain converged to form a giant ax.

Bursts of thunderous rumbling erupted out of the ax, and a tremendously fearsome aura spread through the entire surrounding area.

Su Liu raised an arm before bringing it down again in a swift and forceful motion, and the lightning ax came crashing down with unmatched power, tearing through the nearby space as it descended upon the ball of purple light.

Almost at the exact same moment, a giant crimson sword the size of a mountain came hurtling forth from afar, and wrapped around it was an enormous fiery wyrm projection that was giving off tremendous fire law power fluctuations.

The crimson sword wasn't as powerful as the lightning ax, but it was certainly nothing to be scoffed at, and it was also leaving a spatial rift in its wake as it swept toward the ball of purple light.

The sword had come from none other than Gongshu Tian, and at this point, the thin man had also regained consciousness, but he was still yet to recover from his injuries, so he refrained from entering the fray.

Right at this moment, a burst of bright silver light suddenly appeared within the ball of purple light, then quickly spread outward to form a silver spirit domain.

The spirit domain had only just taken shape before both the lightning ax and the giant sword arrived, and the silver spirit domain immediately began to warp and twist.

All of the surrounding space within a radius of several thousand feet also twist and elongate, and the lightning ax and the giant sword were swept up by the twisted space, diverting them away from their original trajectories.

As a result, they glanced past the silver spirit domain, then clashed against each other with a an earth-shattering boom.

The silver spirit domain also dimmed significantly, indicating that it had been severely exerted. However, at the same time, it rapidly elongated into the shape of a spear, then pierced into space and vanished without a trace in the blink of an eye.

Almost at the exact same moment, the azure light shuddered violently before a cracking sound rang out from inside, it exploded into countless specks of azure light that quickly dissipated.

All of this had taken place in the blink of an eye, and all Su Liu and Gongshu Tian saw were a few flashes of silver light before Silver Fox and the purple-robed cultivator vanished out of sight.

"Shit!" Gongshu Tian cursed to himself with a frustrated look on his face, and the thin man was also looking far from pleased.

Su Liu's brows were slightly furrowed, and the fury in his eyes slowly abated as the giant lightning ax faded at his behest.

"Fellow Daoist Su, your laws of lightning were the perfect counter to Silver Fox! If the three of us had joined forces from the very beginning, Silver Fox wouldn't have gotten away, and Brother Wang wouldn't have been injured, either!" Gongshu Tian said as he turned to Su Liu.

"Are you questioning me?" Su Liu asked as he turned to Gongshu Tian with a cold expression.

Gongshu Tian's expression stiffened slightly, and the tone of his voice softened a little as he replied, "No, I'm just stating the facts. The three of us were assigned the mission of capturing Silver Fox, yet now, not only has he gotten away, he's taken the Myriad Soul Herb as well. How are we going to answer to our higher-ups?"

Su Liu took a glance at the severely ravaged inner city, then at the people in the cage on the flying boat, and he sneered, "Capturing Silver Fox is your mission, I was only instructed to help you.

“I did everything I needed to do, and it's up to you to think about how to answer to our higher-ups. As for everyone on that boat, they're all esteemed guests who came to attend the Jade Kun Pavilion auction, so you'd better think carefully about what you want to do with them."

As soon as his voice trailed off, he withdrew his lightning spirit domain, then vanished from the spot before Gongshu Tian had a chance to say anything.

With the lightning spirit domain gone, Gongshu Tian and the thin man were revealed to everyone.

At this point, an enormous crowd of bystanders had gathered at the scene, and the two immortal envoys clearly weren't very pleased with all the attention.

Gongshu Tian gave a cold harrumph, and the two immortal envoys promptly departed as two streaks of light.

The flying boat beside them also flew away after them, while the people in the cage were dumped out in a rather unceremonious fashion.

All of the freed cultivators were extremely relieved, and they immediately departed, as did the crowd of bystanders.

"Judging from their expressions, it seems that they failed to capture Silver Fox," Han Li remarked as he watched the departing the immortal envoys.

At the same time, the thought of Shi Chuankong flashed through his mind.

It seemed that the three-headed projection that he had conjured up was somehow related to the Provenance True Devil Arts, and on top of that, he had also mastered the laws of space.

It was a real pity that Su Liu's lightning spirit domain had obstructed everyone's view and prevented him from seeing the final moments of the battle.

"The fun's over now, so let's get out of here, Fellow Daoist Li. I don't think it would be wise to linger here," Daoist Master Jingyang urged.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, Fellow Daoist Jingyang. Let's go," Han Li agreed.

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