Chapter 409: Separated

As they drew closer and closer, the speck of blue light expanded further and further, and Han Li and the others were gradually able to see the entire thing.

It was indeed a blue spatial vortex, and it was releasing very similar energy fluctuations to the vortex that they had just entered through.

All of a sudden, the space up above abruptly shuddered, following which all of the snowflakes in the sky were rendered completely stationary.

Immediately thereafter, the snowflake converged to form a giant snow dragon that was over 1,000 feet thick, swooping down upon everyone with tremendous power.

A resounding boom rang out as the blue light barrier around everyone was struck by the snow dragon and was violently shattered. The wind and snow that surged into the broken light barrier had become extremely violent, and it split up everyone in different directions before hurling them high up into the sky.

The power released by the exploding snow dragon was so fierce that an extremely violent windstorm was swept up, and everyone was frantically trying to steady themselves in mid-air, but they were unable to do so, and the gusts of ferocious wind sent them flying away in different directions.

Bright azure light emerged over Han Li's body as his Thunderstorm Wings appeared on his back, and he flapped them with all his might, doing everything in his power to stabilize himself.

He was just about to search for Daoist Hu Yan when he spotted a black shadow hurtling rapidly toward him, following which he felt a soft body wrap itself around him.

Han Li had only just barely managed to steady himself, but the impact of having someone else crash into him tipped him off balance once again, and he fell involuntarily into a gust of ferocious wind.

The world spun rapidly around him, and he didn't get a chance to see who it was that was clinging to him before he fell unconscious.


On a vast and windy snowland.

The space in this area was far more stable than in the previous area, and the landscape was riddled with massive cedar trees that were covered in snow.

There were around a dozen figures standing in front of a cluster of cedar trees, and they were led by none other than Deputy Palace Master Xue Ying of the Northern Glacial Immortal Palace.

Even though they were standing together, it was clear that there was some division among them. The Northern Glacial Immortal Palace cultivators were all gathered together, while the three dao lords of the Blaze Dragon Dao were standing a bit further away.

"The immortal manor will only be open for a year, why is it that Palace Master Xiao hasn't come to meet up with us?" Ouyang Kuishan asked as he took a glance at the snowland around him.

"We wouldn't have to act so urgently if the location of the Infernal Frost Immortal Manor's entrance hadn't been leaked," Xue Ying said in a cold voice.

It was clear that she was suspecting the three dao lords of leaking the location of the entrance.

Ouyang Kuishan's expression darkened slightly upon hearing this, and he gave a cold harrump before falling silent.

"The palace master is taking care of the people entering the immortal manor after us. He's going to send them into the spatial storm to separate them, and that'll make them much easier to deal with. Even if any of them dare to oppose us, we'll be able to divide and conquer them, rather than having to face them all at once," Xue Ying explained.

"In that case, that's where we should go. That should be the first area of the Infernal Frost Immortal Manor, the Light Frost Region," Lu Yuqing said.

"How do you know about this, Fellow Daoist Lu?" Han Li asked as he turned to Lu Yuqing with a puzzled expression.

"As I said earlier, our Black Wind Island discovered the entrance of the Infernal Frost Immortal Manor even earlier than the Northern Glacial Immortal Palace, and even though we've been ordered to keep everything about the immortal manor secret, my father still conducted a great deal of research into the immortal manor in advance," Lu Yuqing explained.

A peculiar look appeared on Han Li's face as he asked, "In that case, was it your father that leaked the location of the immortal manor's entrance in secret?"

This was not just a completely baseless theory from Han Li.

Black Wind Island had guarded the entrance of the immortal manor for the Northern Glacial Immortal Palace for many years, yet they had received no reward at all for their efforts, and not even a single one of the Immortal Palace's 12 spots had been granted to them.

As a result, Lu Yuqing had no choice but to implore Han Li to request a spot for her from Daoist Hu Yan, and only then was she able to enter the Infernal Frost Immortal Manor.

Lu Yuqing was terrified to hear this, and she hurriedly waved her hands as she denied, "Please don't make such damning accusations, Brother Liu! We wouldn't dare to do something like that. If the Immortal Palace pins the blame on us, then our entire island runs the risk of being wiped out!"

Han Li had no intention of pursuing this matter, and he smiled as he reassured, "Don't worry, I was just curious. I didn't mean to cause any alarm."

The location of the immortal manor's entrance being leaked was a positive development for Han Li, and he didn't care who it was that had leaked this information. Even though he had joined forces with Daoist Hu Yan and the True Flame Sect, they still couldn't compare with the likes of the Northern Glacial Immortal Palace and the Dawn Fall Sect.

In the wake of the location of the entrance being leaked, many powers had been able to get involved, thereby completely muddying the waters, and that could only benefit people like Han Li.

After a brief moment of contemplation, Han Li took a glance into the distance, then swept a hand through the air to summon an azure flying boat with four azure wings on either side.

"Let's go. There's no point in staying here any longer," he said to Lu Yuqing, then flew onto the spirit boat.

Lu Yuqing nodded in response before also springing up into the air and landing on the flying boat behind Han Li.

The flying boat then sped away as a streak of azure light at Han Li's behest.

There was a blanket of dark clouds hanging in the sky at a low altitude, giving the entire area a rather oppressive atmosphere.

It was a very bleak and desolate area with no living creatures in sight, nor any sounds to be heard aside from that of the passing wind.

After flying for a few minutes, snowflakes suddenly began to drift through the air. Initially, the snow was quite sparse, but as they continued onward, the snowfall became heavier and heavier.

At the same time, the environment beneath them gradually began to change. As they left the gray desert behind, they arrived on a vast ice field.

The clouds in the sky had darkened significantly, and the snowflakes drifting through the air also appeared significantly heavier than before, falling from the sky thick and fast.

Thankfully, this area wasn't filled with the same intense cold as the initial area that they had arrived in upon entering the immortal manor, and the layers of protective spiritual light over their bodies were sufficient to keep them warm.

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