Chapter 395: Remodeling

Han Li began to chant an incantation while casting a series of incantation seals forward, and the array immediately began to operate.

The eight ring designs within the array blurred momentarily, following which a series of profound golden runes appeared within them, intertwining with one another to form numerous spherical projections in mid-air.

As Han Li continued to cast more incantation seals into the array, the spherical projections exploded into balls of blue flames, making it appear as if the entire array had been set alight.

Right at this moment, he switched to a different hand seal, and all of the balls of fire drifted out of the array before converging toward the Heavy Water True Axis.

The fireball around the Heavy Water True Axis rapidly swelled to the size of a millstone, and the heat that it was radiating was rapidly elevating, causing the surrounding air temperature to spike drastically.

In the face of these scorching blue flames, the spirit patterns on the surface of the axis gradually began to turn transparent.

A month flew by in a flash.

At this point, the Heavy Water True Axis had already turned completely transparent, resembling a translucent blue crystal that was radiating dazzling blue light.

However, this blue light was constantly pulsating, and it was as if the Heavy Water True Axis could succumb to the heat and melt into a liquid form at any moment.

At the same time, the Water Dao Rune on the axis had become even brighter and was giving off formidable water law fluctuations.

Han Li swept a sleeve through the air upon seeing this, and seven or eight different materials appeared in front of him.

All of these materials were different shades of blue and contained water law powers.

He made a hand seal while sweeping a sleeve through the air, and all of the blue flames in the entire array gradually converged into the eight ring designs in the array.

A few seconds later, all of the blue flames in the array had completely gathered in the eight rings, forming eight pillars of blue fire.

With a wave of Han Li's hand, the eight materials each flew into one of the eight fiery pillars.

Immediately thereafter, Han Li began to chant an incantation, and the eight pillars of blue fire began to rapidly revolve, transforming into eight fiery tornadoes that were radiating scorching heat.

The eight materials within the fiery tornadoes melted into balls of blue liquid one after another, and within each ball of blue liquid was a blue rune that symbolized the law powers that the materials contained.

Han Li gave a slight nod upon seeing this, then switched to a different hand seal once again, upon which the blue liquid within the eight pillars of fire flew out in unison before vanishing into the ball of fire around the Heavy Water True Axis.

Han Li then took a deep breath as a look of concentration appeared on his face, and he began to make a rapid string of hand seals.

Meanwhile, the ball of fire around the Heavy Water True Axis began to revolve, quickly forming a fiery vortex.

The eight pillars of fire within the array also converged and fused into the fiery vortex, causing it to rapidly expand while also increasing in heat.

Large beads of sweat were beginning to appear on Han Li's forehead as he continued to make a rapid string of hand seals, and the eight balls of liquid gradually fused into the Heavenly Water True Axis while the fiery vortex continued to revolve.

With each ball of liquid that was infused, the blue light radiating from the axis would brighten slightly, and countless blue runes could be seen dancing within the light.

The blue light appeared very chaotic, while all of the blue runes inside were also jumping around in a completely haphazard fashion, causing the entire axis to tremble in an unstable fashion.

Right at this moment, the Earthly Deity Avatar's eyes abruptly sprang open, and it made a hand seal as a thick blue translucent thread appeared above its head.

Immediately thereafter, the blue thread shot forth and infused itself into the Heavy Water True Axis.

A burst of blinding blue light erupted out of the Heavy Water True Axis, illuminating the entire seabed within a radius of several hundred kilometers.

A burst of formidable water law fluctuations were emanating from the blue light, sending visible ripples spreading through the surrounding air.

All of a sudden, all of the blue runes around the Heavy Water True Axis were abruptly stabilized before vanishing into the axis in a flash.

Han Li immediately began casting incantation seals into the axis upon seeing this, and the axis began to buzz and tremble, as was the case with the blue light that it was emitting.

In the next instant, the surface of the sea within a radius of hundreds of kilometers began to churn violently, and countless vortexes appeared beneath the surface.

All of a sudden, countless blades and arrows of water began to sweep through the seawater, shredding everything in their path.

All of the living marine creatures within a radius of several hundred kilometers were instantly slaughtered, while a thick layer of the seabed had also been stripped away.

Han Li faltered slightly upon seeing this, following which an elated look appeared in his eyes.

He then took a deep breath, and the elation in his eyes faded. At the same time, the flow of azure nascent flames surging out of his mouth ceased, and the array on the ground instantly stopped functioning as well.

The Earthly Deity Avatar also withdrew the blue nascent flame that was streaming out of its mouth. With all of the flames out of the way, all that was left was the semi-transparent Heavy Water True Axis hovering in mid-air.

Han Li opened his mouth to release a ball of blood essence, fused into the Heavy Water True Axis in a flash.

Immediately thereafter, the semi-transparent axis quickly began to take on an opaque black color, and at the same time, it was rapidly cooling down.

Blue light flashed over the axis's surface, and nine specks of gentle blue light emerged before transforming into nine Water Dao Runes.

A burst of water law fluctuations that were several times more formidable than before surged out of the Heavy Water True Axis, and a hint of elation appeared in Han Li's eyes upon seeing this.

After toiling away for over a month, he had finally succeeded.

He was looking a little weary, and only after taking a recovery pill did his complexion gradually improve.

Han Li exhaled as he examined the Heavy Water True Axis, and the satisfaction in his eyes grew even more pronounced.

The refinement had been unexpectedly successful, and the axis's power had been significantly enhanced. Even though he hadn't tested it in battle yet, he estimated that it was at least four to five times more powerful than before.

The primary reason for this was the substantial investment that Han Li had made, infusing eight materials that contained water law powers into the Heavy Water True Axis at once. Many of these materials had been obtained from Han Li's past enemies, and they could've been used to refine an immortal treasure or two of comparable power to the Heavy Water True Axis.

Now that all of them had been infused into the Heavy Water True Axis, it only made sense that there was such a significant enhancement in power.

Aside from that, there was another important factor, which was that the water law thread that the Earthly Deity Avatar had manifested from the power of faith had also been infused into the Heavy Water True Axis.

A water law thread manifested by an Earthly Immortal wasn't going to be as pure as one manifested by a True Immortal who had truly mastered the laws of water, but it was still nothing to be scoffed at.

Han Li made a beckoning motion to draw the Heavy Water True Axis into his grasp, and he felt as if he were holding a vast sea, allowing him to control all of the water-attribute spiritual power within a radius of thousands of kilometers.

Han Li tossed the Heavy Water True Axis before making a hand seal, and the axis began to emit dazzling blue light as all nine of the Water Dao Runes on its surface lit up, forming a blue ring of light.

He closed his eyes as he carefully sensed the change taking place within the blue ring of light, trying to glean the laws of water.

Even though he was currently cultivating the laws of time, it naturally couldn't hurt to master more laws.

Having just remodeled the Heavy Water True Axis, he had developed a deeper understanding of the laws of water, and he was certainly going to take full advantage of this opportunity.

A burst of water-attribute law powers began to spread through the area, and the nearby seawater began to churn violently once again, sending enormous waves sweeping over the surface.

Right at this moment, a burst of black light flashed from the Heavenly Water Pouch strapped to the Earthly Deity Avatar's waist, and a ball of second level heavy water flew out from within.

As soon as the ball of heavy water emerged, it immediately flew toward the Heavy Water True Axis before fusing into it.

The light radiating from the Heavy Water True Axis rippled slightly, then became a little brighter.

Han Li's eyes sprang open as a hint of surprise appeared on his face, but he made no effort to stop what was happening.

The Heavy Water True Axis continued to revolve as one ball of heavy water after another flew out of the Heavenly Water Pouch before fusing into the axis.

Due to the time constraints, the Earthly Deity Avatar hadn't manifested much second level heavy water, and before long, the Heavenly Water Pouch was completely emptied.

After absorbing all of this heavy water, the blue light radiating from the axis had become brighter, while the axis itself had also become significantly heavier.

This was a very pleasant surprise to Han Li.

Back when the Heavy Water True Axis was first refined, it hadn't been all that powerful, and only after it had absorbed a huge quantity of first level heavy water did it become one of his trump cards.

Unfortunately, it was unable to absorb more heavy water beyond a certain point, thereby stunting its growth, but now, following its remodeling, it had regained the ability to absorb heavy water.

Han Li swept a sleeve through the air, and a ball of first level heavy water flew out of one of his Heavenly Water Pouches before enveloping the Heavy Water True Axis.

However, the Heavy Water True Axis seemed to be rather resistant to level one heavy water and refused to absorb it.

Han Li's brows furrowed slightly upon seeing this, but he quickly realized why this was happening.

Not only had the Heavy Water True Axis become far more powerful following the refinement process, the energy that it contained had also become far purer.

In comparison, the energy imbued within the first level heavy water was of an inferior level, so it would've actually only been detrimental for the axis to absorb first level heavy water.

"It looks like I'll have to refine all of my first level heavy water, after all," he murmured to himself as he flipped a hand over to produce a Heavenly Water Pouch, then handed it to his Earthly Deity Avatar.

At this point, there were only roughly three years left until the emergence of the immortal manor, so time was very tight, and the more second level heavy water that he could refine, the more powerful the Heavy Water True Axis would become.

The Earthly Deity Avatar accepted the Heavenly Water Pouch, then drew out a large ball of first level heavy water.

At the same time, dazzling blue light began to radiate from its body as bursts of power of faith were transmitted to it from afar, while a tiny blue thread of light appeared above his head.

A wry smile appeared on Han Li's face at the sight of the thin blue thread.

All of the water law powers that the Earthly Deity Avatar had manifested from the power of faith had been infused into the Heavy Water True Axis, thereby leaving the avatar's cultivation base severely impaired, and now, it had to start all over again in its manifestation of law powers.

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