Chapter 393: Return

Han Li nodded in response to this revelation, and he wasn't overly surprised.

Even though this was the True Immortal Realm, it wasn't much different in nature from lower realms in that there were still conflicts constantly taking place between cultivators, and every single day, there were countless sects being destroyed, with their treasures and cultivation arts being plundered.

With that in mind, Han Li chose to remain silent. Daoist Hu Yan had clearly mentioned this topic for a reason, and there had to have been a follow-up.

Sure enough, after a brief pause, Daoist Hu Yan continued, "What I want to tell you is that there are more than just three levels of the Mantra Treasured Axis. Instead, the full cultivation art has nine levels."

Han Li's expression instantly changed drastically upon hearing this.

After reaching the pinnacle of the late-True Immortal Stage, he had begun planning for this future cultivation once he reached the Golden Immortal Stage, and he had tried to search for cultivation arts related to the laws of time that were beyond the True Immortal Stage, but to no avail. Hence, he was naturally extremely excited to hear that there were more parts of the Mantra Axis Scripture.

Han Li took a deep breath to suppress his own excitement, then asked, "In that case, why did Senior Baili declare that there were only three levels to the Mantra Axis Scripture?"

"Even in the context of the entire True Immortal Realm, cultivation arts related to the laws of time are exceedingly rare, and those that can support one's cultivation to the Golden Immortal Stage are already extremely sought-after. If it were revealed that the Mantra Axis Scripture had more than three levels, then endless troubles would've most likely awaited the sect," Daoist Hu Yan explained.

"That does make sense," Han Li mused with a contemplative nod.

"On top of that, Dao Lord Baili only obtained the first six levels of the cultivation art, and at the moment, I have all six levels in my possession," Daoist Hu Yan revealed.

Han Li's expression remained unchanged, but internally, he was growing rather excited as he asked, "What do you need me to do, Senior Hu Yan?"

"All you need to do is accompany us into the Infernal Frost Immortal Manor and help me obtain a certain item. After that, I'll give you the latter three levels of the cultivation art," Daoist Hu Yan replied with a smile.

A contemplative look appeared on Han Li's face upon hearing this.

Meanwhile, Daoist Hu Yan stood calmly with his hands clasped behind his back, seemingly completely unconcerned by the possibility that Han Li could reject him.

A long while later, Han Li raised his head as he said, "If what you're telling me is true, then I'm certainly open to considering the offer. However, I have to make sure that you really do have the latter three levels of Mantra Axis Scripture in your possession."

Daoist Hu Yan faltered slightly upon hearing this, then nodded in response as he flipped a hand over to produce a jade slip. After that, he cast a few incantation seals into the jade slip before tossing it at Han Li.

Han Li caught the jade slip before briefly inspecting its contents with his spiritual sense, then nodded as he declared, "This indeed a continuation of the Mantra Axis Scripture."

Only the first few lines of the jade slip were revealed to him, but having already mastered the first three levels of the Mantra Axis Scripture, he was naturally able to identify from those few lines whether this was the fourth level of the cultivation art.

"In that case, do we have ourselves an agreement?" Daoist Hu Yan asked with a smile.

"Before I answer that, I have a question that I'd like to ask you," Han Li replied.

"Go ahead, Fellow Daoist Li," Daoist Hu Yan prompted.

"I am just a True Immortal cultivator, and my powers are far inferior to yours, so even if I accompany you into the immortal manor, I struggle to see how I can offer you any meaningful assistance. I'm sure there must be a reason why you're willing to offer me such substantial compensation for my participation, and I want to know that reason," Han Li said.

"Even if you hadn't asked me this question, I would've explained it to you. I've already told you just now that I'm entering the Infernal Frost Immortal Manor in order to obtain a certain item. During this process, my chances of success will be significantly increased if I can benefit from the assistance of your Mantra Treasured Axis," Daoist Hu Yan explained.

"If it's a precious treasure that you're going after, then there will surely be people fighting over it. Will that not put us in a dangerous situation?" Han Li asked as his brows furrowed slightly.

"There will definitely be some danger, but the Mantra Axis Scripture is an extremely precious cultivation, so you can't expect to obtain it without taking any risk. Of course, we'll do everything in our power to keep you safe, but I can't make any promises beyond that," Daiost Hu Yan replied.

Han Li still seemed to be rather hesitant upon hearing this.

"How about this? As a show of sincerity, as long as you're willing to enter the immortal manor with us, I can give you the fourth level of the Mantra Axis Scripture right away, and after we obtain the item that I'm searching for, I'll give you the subsequent two levels," Daoist Hu Yan said.

Han Li contemplated the matter for a moment longer upon hearing this, then nodded in agreement to the offer.

"Alright, in that case, we have ourselves an agreement. Rest assured, you can count on me to follow through on my promises," Daoist Hu Yan said with a smile.

"That was never a concern for me, Senior Hu Yan. We've known each other for many years, and I'm well aware of your integrity and character," Han Li replied with a smile of his own.

"Come and board our flying boat, Fellow Daoist Li. We're still inside the Soul Stirring Winds right now, and this is not a place anyone should stay in for an extended period of time," Daoist Hu Yan said as he made an inviting hand gesture.

Han Li duly obliged, flying onto the yellow flying boat, and Daoist Hu Yan made a hand seal, upon which the entire flying boat began to radiate dazzling yellow light, forming a ball of yellow radiance that encompassed the entire boat.

Immediately thereafter, the ball of yellow light set off at a remarkable speed, and it was giving offtype of special energy fluctuations that seemed to be capable of suppressing Soul Stirring Winds, as evidenced by the face that all of the Soul Stirring Winds in the path of the ball of yellow light instantly parted to grant it free passage.

Sitting on the flying boat, Han Li was surprised to discover that he was unable to hear the sounds of the Soul Stirring Winds at all.

It seemed that this flying boat had similar properties to his Wind Shelter Bead, except those properties were significantly more enhanced in the former.

With that in mind, he began to carefully inspect the flying boat, particularly the three yellow crystals embedded into the boat.

Yun Ni noticed what Han Li was looking at, and she explained, "Those crystals come from the remains of Evil Warding Beasts."

"Evil Warding Beasts? The same beasts that are said to be able to bring luck and ward off misfortune?" Han Li asked with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

He had seen records of this type of beast in some ancient scriptures in the past. It was said that these beasts possessed the innate ability to suppress all evil entities, thereby earning itself a resounding reputation in the True Immortal Realm.

It was also said that those who had such a beast by their side would always be blessed with good fortune, and for this reason, Evil Warding Beasts had been hunted to near extinction many years ago.

"I don't know if Evil Warding Beasts can bring good fortune or not, but Hu Yan used their remains to refine this flying boat, and quite evidently, it's very effective at warding off Soul Stirring Winds," Yun Ni replied with a faint smile.

"I see, as expected of a man of Senior Hu Yan's talents. By the way, where is Bai Suyuan right now?" Han Li asked.

"Yuan'er had already left the Blaze Dragon Dao prior to the preaching ceremony, and she's currently cultivating in a safe place," Yun Ni replied.

"That's good to hear," Han Li replied with a nod.

At the mention of Bai Suyuan, Han Li couldn't help but think of Meng Qianqian and the others. In order to avoid exposing his own identity, he hadn't contacted them at all since last parting ways with them.

However, everyone had to forge rely on themselves in life, and perhaps Meng Qianqian and the others could carve out their own paths without his protection.

Han Li shook his head to rid himself of this train of thought, then closed his eyes and began to cultivate.

Three days passed by in the blink of an eye.

It only took the flying boat three days to cover the same distance that had taken Han Li about half a month to travel.

The three of them were standing in mid-air, looking at the sea up ahead, and Daoist Hu Yan mused, "So this is the Black Wind Sea..."

"The Black Wind Sea is on the outskirts of the Northern Glacial Immortal Region, so the world's origin qi here is naturally far sparser than elsewhere. At the moment, we're on the northwestern border of the Black Wind Sea. Here are some maps of the entire region," Han Li said as he pulled out a pair of jade slips before handing them to Daoist Hu Yan and Yun Ni.

Daoist Hu Yan accepted the jade slip before injecting his spiritual sense into it, upon which he raised an eyebrow as he remarked, "It looks like the Black Wind Sea is quite a massive region."

"The Black Wind Sea may be secluded, but it's no smaller than the average continent," Han Li agreed with a nod.

Daoist Hu Yan's brows furrowed slightly upon hearing, and he stowed the jade slip away before flipping a hand over to summon a blue scroll, upon which was a piece of scenic artwork.

"That's an Infernal Frost Scenic Painting!" Han Li exclaimed as his gaze fell upon the blue scroll.

"Oh? How do you know that, Fellow Daoist Li?" Daoist Hu Yan asked with a surprised expression.

"I once saw this item being sold in a secret auction held before the preaching ceremony, but that one had been an incomplete artwork, yet even so, it had still been purchased for a very high price. Could it be that you were the one who purchased the item?" Han Li asked.

"An Infernal Frost Scenic Painting was sold at an auction before the preaching ceremony? This is the first time I've heard about this. However, I obtained this artwork from elsewhere, so it's definitely not the same as the one that you saw," Daoist Hu Yan said with a surprised expression.

"Does that mean there are two of these Infernal Frost Scenic Paintings? Also, judging from its name, it seems to have something to do with the Infernal Frost Immortal Manor, is that right?" Han Li asked.

"That's right. In order to enter the Infernal Frost Immortal Manor, you must have an Infernal Frost Scenic Painting, so it acts as a key of sorts. According to my knowledge, there are a total of eight of these paintings.

“The Northern Glacial Immortal Palace, the Dawn Fall Sect, the Vast Flow Palace, and the Blaze Dragon Dao all have one each, while the remaining four are missing. The one that you saw during that auction must've been one of those four," Daoist Hu Yan mused.

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