Chapter 378: Earthly List

After Han Li opened his eyes, Wyrm 3 said, "Now that you've become a Reincarnation Disciple, there's one more thing that you must be made aware of."

Wyrm 3 swept a sleeve through the air to release a streak of yellow light as he spoke, and Han Li caught it to discover that it was a jade slip, then took a glance at Wyrm 3 before pressing the jade slip to his own forehead.

Moments later, he removed the jade slip from his forehead, then made a hand seal as he began to chant an incantation, and a layer of crimson light immediately emerged from his crimson mask before forming a crimson screen of light in front of him.

After sweeping his gaze over the screen of light, Han Li reached out a finger without any hesitation before tapping on a tiny stone plaque icon in the corner, upon which a projection of a white stone plaque that was around 10 feet tall instantly shot out of the icon.

At the top of the stone plaque were the words "Earthly List" inscribed in golden seal text, while down below were some lines of small golden text that laid out different cultivation arts, secret techniques, and pill recipes.

After those came some lines of small silver text that provided descriptions of the items on the list, and each of them ended with a number that seemed to be denoting the prices of the individual items.

It only took a quick glance over the list before an elated look appeared on Han Li's face.

"Mountain Body Refinement Arts, earth-attribute Profound Immortal cultivation arts, uses the essence of mountains to refine the physical body... Can be cultivated to the Golden Immortal Stage 150 points."

"High Zenith Spirit Eyes, an ocular ability that lays bare everything between heaven and earth to the cultivator. 200 points."

"Recipe for the Origin Spirit Pill..."

"What you're seeing right now is the Reincarnation Palace Earthly List that's only accessible to Reincarnation Disciples. The cultivation arts and secret techniques on the list have all been gathered by the Reincarnation Palace over the course of countless years, and I won't go into detail about how valuable they are.

“As for the numbers at the end, they lay out the number of contribution points required to secure each item, and you earn contribution points by completing Reincarnation Palace missions," Wyrm 3 explained.

"I see. It seems like there are many perks to joining the Reincarnation Palace. Any one of these items would be extremely sought after in the outside world, but it appears all I can do for the moment is take a look at the list," Han Li replied with a nod.

"That's not true. All new Reincarnation Disciples receive 100 contribution points in addition to a free level of the Spirit Refinement Technique. You can choose something within 100 contribution points on the list now, or save up for the future."

Wyrm 3 flipped a hand over to produce a crimson jade badge as he spoke, then pointed it at the stone plaque projection in front of Han Li, releasing a streak of red light that vanished into the stone plaque in a flash.

Immediately thereafter, the number "100" appeared at the bottom of the stone plaque, and Han Li's eyes instantly lit up upon seeing this.

He expressed his gratitude to Wyrm 3, then began browsing the items on the Earthly List.

There were many items on the list that were extremely tempting to him, and these 100 contribution points couldn't have come at a better time.

All of a sudden, Han Li's eyes lit up as he spotted all seven levels of the Spirit Refinement Technique on the stone plaque.

Perhaps it was because the first three levels had already been leaked, but those levels were quite cheap to obtain, but from the fourth level onward, the number of contribution points required spiked up drastically.

Among them, the fourth level cost 2,000 contribution points, while the fifth level cost a staggering 10,000.

Han Li's brows furrowed slightly upon seeing this.

He didn't know how much compensation he could expect to earn from completing missions, but judging from the contribution point costs of the other items on the list, it was clear that 10,000 contribution points was an astronomical sum that wasn't going to be easy to accumulate at all.

Having said that, this was only to be expected. There weren't going to be many avenues at all in the entire Northern Glacial Immortal Region that he could obtain this cultivation art through, so its rarity further increased its value.

Now that he already had the fourth level of the cultivation art, he would be able to stave off the spiritual sense crisis for the time being, and that should give him enough time to save up contribution points for the subsequent levels.

With that in mind, Han Li continued to browse through the list, and before long, another item on the list had caught his attention.

Recipe for the Golden Soul Pill... Didn't Daoist Xie previously mention the Golden Soul Pill to me?

With that in mind, he turned his attention to the description for the item on the list, and his eyes immediately lit up.

The Golden Soul Pill wasn't a pill that could enhance one's cultivation base or provide any restorative effects. Instead, its only use was to stabilize one's soul.

Most importantly, the description claimed that this pill could increase a late-True Immortal cultivator's chances of breaking through their Golden Immortal Stage bottleneck.

In order to prepare for his Golden Immortal Stage breakthrough, Han Li had read many scriptures throughout the years, and the process required one to open 36 immortal acupoints and overcome the first three decays in order to trigger an evolution in their immortal spiritual power.

After that, their soul would also evolve from an ordinary soul into a Golden Immortal Soul.

This process wasn't as difficult as opening the 36 immortal acupoints or overcoming the three decays, but it was definitely no easy feat, either.

He then turned his gaze to the listed price for the pill recipe to discover that it was exactly 100 contribution points.

"It seems like you're interested in this Golden Soul Pill recipe," Wyrm 3 remarked.

Han Li nodded in response. "Do you know why this pill recipe only costs 100 contribution points, Fellow Daoist Wyrm 3?"

"The reason for this is that even though a Golden Soul Pill can be very conducive to a successful Golden Immortal Stage breakthrough, the primary ingredient required to refine it is a complete Golden Immortal Stage nascent soul, which is obviously something extremely precious.

“It's very difficult to earn contribution points in the Reincarnation Palace, so I suggest that you exercise prudence in your use of these 100 contribution points and don't just spend them rashly," Wyrm 3 cautioned.

Han Li nodded in response with a contemplative expression.

While it was true that finding a complete Golden Immortal Stage nascent soul was extremely difficult for other True Immortal cultivators, he just so happened to have one in his possession right now.

With that in mind, he quickly browsed through the remaining items on the list before his gaze fell back upon the Golden Soul Pill recipe, and he reached out a finger toward that item on the list.

Wyrm 3's brows furrowed slightly upon seeing this, and he interjected, "Fellow Daoist Dragon Five..."

"Thank you for the words of advice, but I've already decided to spend my 100 contribution points on this pill recipe," Han Li said in a determined voice.

"It's up to you how you spend your contribution points, but do keep in mind that anything that you secure from the Earthly List must be kept secret, even from those closest to you, and anyone who goes against this rule will be severely punished," Wyrm 3 said in an indifferent voice.

"I'll be sure to keep that in mind," Han Li replied with a nod.

He then tapped a finger on the Golden Soul Pill recipe, and his 100 contribution points were instantly deducted, while a teleportation vortex appeared at the center of the stone plaque projection.

Moments later, a white jade slip emerged from the vortex, and Han Li pressed the jade slip against his forehead before injecting his spiritual sense into it.

Shortly thereafter, he removed the jade slip from his forehead, and his expression remained unchanged, but internally, he was quite elated.

Aside from the Golden Immortal Stage nascent soul, none of the other ingredients required to refine the Golden Soul Pill were all that precious, so they should've been easy to gather.

"Fellow Daoist Dragon 5, I know that it's a little unfair to push a mission onto you right after you've joined the Reincarnation Palace, but at the moment, there's a very important mission that we need you to complete right away," Wyrm 3 suddenly said in a serious voice.

"That's fine. What's the mission?" Han Li asked.

"Don't worry, this mission doesn't pose any danger to you. It's a pill refinement mission," Wyrm 3 revealed with a smile.

Han Li's expression eased slightly upon hearing this.

"After you complete this mission, you'll be free to do whatever you want for the next 1,000 years, and you'll also receive 50 contribution points," Wyrm 3 continued as he summoned a jade slip before handing it to Han Li.

Instead of accepting the jade slip right away, Han Li asked, "Dao Pill Master's may be rare, but I'm sure there are others in the Reincarnation Palace, so why are you assigning this mission to me?"

"We do have another Dao Pill Master, but he's busy with some other things at the moment, so we have no choice but to turn to you," Wyrm 3 explained.

Han Li remained silent as a series of thoughts flashed through his mind.

"Truth be told, while this is a Reincarnation Palace mission, it's somewhat related to me as well, so please lend me your assistance, Fellow Daoist Dragon Five," Wyrm 3 continued with a hint of an imploring tone in his voice.

"You're the one who introduced me to the Reincarnation Palace, so seeing as this is a matter that concerns you, I'm obligated to help. I'll accept this mission," Han Li said with a smile.

A hint of elation immediately appeared on Wyrm 3's face upon hearing this, and he cupped his fist in a salute as he said, "Thank you, Fellow Daoist, I'll remember this favor."

"There's no need to be so formal, Fellow Daoist Wyrm 3. We're part of the same organization from now on, so it's only right that we help each other," Han Li said with a dismissive wave of his hand.

One of the reasons why Han Li had decided to accept this mission was so that Wyrm 3 would owe him a favor, and with that in mind, he accepted the jade slip before pressing it against his own forehead.

The jade slip contained a pill recipe, but it was a recipe for a dao pill.

However, it was also not quite the same as other dao pills as the refinement process was simpler. It seemed that some steps had been removed, while some ingredients had also been replaced, producing a rather strange recipe.

The primary ingredient for this recipe was a type of yin-attribute material, indicating that it was a recipe for a yin-attribute dao pill.

After Han Li removed the jade slip from his forehead, Wyrm 3 immediately asked, "Will you be able to refine the pill, Fellow Daoist Wyrm 3?"

"I've never come into contact with this pill recipe before, but the refinement process isn't all that complicated, so I should be up to the task," Han Li replied.

Wyrm 3 was ecstatic to hear this.

"Fantastic! You're doing me a huge favor, Fellow Daoist Dragon 5!"

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