Chapter 347: Spot

Han Li's expression eased slightly upon hearing this, and he nodded in response. "I see. Greetings, Fellow Daoist Qin, my surname is Liu."

"It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Fellow Daoist Liu," Qin Zhong said with a smile.

He was a very talkative person, and after a brief chat, the tense atmosphere quickly mellowed out.

"Do you know when this city was constructed, Fellow Daoist Qin? I came here once several hundred years ago, and this city didn't exist back then," Han Li asked.

"This city was only constructed just over 100 years ago, and there's a teleportation array in the city leading to the Black Wind Sea, so there are often specialty local products from that region appearing in the city. As a result, it's become more and more renowned and attracted many people, so it's been quite prosperous of late," Qin Zhong explained.

"I see," Han Li replied with a nod, and his heart sank slightly upon hearing this.

This was a sign that the Black Wind Sea's connection with the outside world had improved significantly, which was perhaps a good thing for the Black Wind Sea. After all, the Black Wind Sea had far less abundance in cultivation resources than the rest of the Northern Glacial Immortal Region, so this was certainly good news for the cultivators in the area.

However, this was certainly not encouraging news for Han Li, who was trying to lay low.

While the two of them were chatting with one another, the line continued to progress onward, and it didn't take long before it was their turn.

After submitting an entrance fee, Han Li was quickly allowed into the city.

Everything in Wave View City gave off a sense of newness. The ground and the streets were virtually completely pristine, as expected of a newly constructed city.

Han Li took a glance at his surroundings, then cast his gaze up toward the pagoda in the distance.

The white pagoda had five floors, and there were five blue jade pillars hovering above it, each of which several dozen feet tall and as thick as a bucket with countless runes inscribed upon them.

The five jade pillars were radiating blue light and bursts of formidable spatial power fluctuations that were resonating with one another.

Qin Zhong could see Han Li looking up at the pagoda, and he asked, "You must be on your way to the Black Wind Sea, right, Fellow Daoist Liu?"

Han Li nodded in response, then asked, "Does the teleportation still happen once per century?"

He didn't bother to try and hide his intentions of going to the Black Wind Sea as many of the people who came to this city were en route to the same destination.

"That's right. You came at a very good time as the next teleportation takes place in less than two years. However, there are many people seeking to go to the Black Wind Sea at the moment, so competition for spots is very fierce, and it most likely won't be easy for you to claim one," Qin Zhong said in a meaningful voice.

"It sounds like you have a way to secure a spot. If that's the case, please enlighten me," Han Li said.

Indeed, judging from how many people were in the city, the teleportation spots most likely were going to be hotly contested.

Of course, if he were to display his true power, then he would be able to secure a spot with ease, but that could expose his identity, so if he could acquire a spot from Qin Zhong instead, he was willing to do so, even at an inflated cost.

"I do indeed have a spot right now, and if you're interested, we can have a more in-depth conversation," Qin Zhong said as he glanced at a nearby restaurant with a mysterious smile on his face.

"Of course," Han Li replied with a nod.

The two of them entered the restaurant, requested a booth, then ordered some food and wine.

"The clear spirit wine of this restaurant is quite exquisite. Have a taste, Fellow Daoist Liu," Qin Zhong said with a smile as he filled Han Li's cup.

The wine was a clear green color with a thin layer of spirit mist drifting on top, giving off an intoxicating aroma.

Han Li took a glance at it, but remained unmoved.

In contrast, Qin Zhong seemed to have been quite an avid drinker, and he downed two cups of wine in a row.

Right as Qin Zhong was about to fill his cup a third time, Han Li finally interjected, "Let's leave the drinking for later, Fellow Daoist Qin. How about we discuss the teleportation spot first?"

"Please pardon me, Fellow Daoist Liu. I no longer have a need for sustenance, but I've never been able to give up good food and wine. Let's cut straight to the chase. I can tell that you're quite a direct and straightforward person, so I won't waste your time."

Qin Zhong set down his cup as he spoke, and a serious look appeared on his face.

"Go ahead," Han Li prompted.

"This is your first time here in Wave View City, so you're probably unfamiliar with the state of affairs here. Right now, there are many people who want to go to the Black Wind Sea, but for some reason, the Black Wind Sea has severely tightened its regulation of teleportation spots, so not just anyone can claim one with Immortal Origin Stones alone.

“On top of that, you need to have some local forces vouch for you, so it's become a lot more difficult for outsiders to enter the Black Wind Sea," Qin Zhong prefaced.

"I've always heard that the Black Wind Sea is different from other places in the immortal realm in that it's a relatively isolated area, and that the majority of its cultivators are descendants of the Earthly Immortals there, so they can't be faulted for trying to mitigate risk. Tell me about the spot that you have, Fellow Daoist Qin," Han Li said.

There didn't appear to have been any urgency in Han Li's demeanor at all, so Qin Zhong could only continue, "My spot doesn't actually belong to me. Instead, it belongs to a good friend of mine. She was originally planning to go to the Black Wind Sea for some business matters, but she just so happened to have reached a critical juncture in her cultivation and requires some pills, and that's why she's trying to sell her spot."

"I see, but if the teleportation spots really are so sought after, then surely she would've been able to sell it long ago instead of holding it to this point, so why does she still have it?" Han Li asked.

"To tell you the truth, this friend of mine is rather short on funds at the moment, so she's asking quite a steep price for this spot," Qin Zhong revealed.

Han Li was actually rather relieved to hear this, and he asked, "How much is she asking for the spot?"

"15 Immortal Origin Stones," Qin Zhong replied after a brief hesitation.

"15? If I recall correctly, each spot used to cost five Immortal Origin Stones," Han Li said as he raised an eyebrow.

"The spots are still selling for five Immortal Origin Stones each, but as you know, demand is quite high right now, and spots have occasionally popped up in the black market for around 10 Immortal Origin Stones each.

“Furthermore, the black market sellers aren't responsible for finding anyone to vouch for you. 15 Immortal Origin Stones is a little steep, but my friend's clan is a very influential one in this area, and they can vouch for you free of charge," Qin Zhong replied.

"I see..."

Han Li stroked his own chin as a contemplative look appeared on his face, seemingly weighing up his options.

"You're probably not aware of this, Fellow Daoist Liu, but at the moment, the Black Wind Sea is increasingly tightening regulations on its teleportation arrays. All those who enter and exit the Black Wind Sea are thoroughly examined, and if anyone causes any trouble in the Black Wind Sea, then the power that vouched for them would receive a very severe punishment.

“Hence, the reputable powers in the city normally aren't willing to vouch for outsiders, and even if you pay someone to do so, five Immortal Origin Stones may not get the job done," Qin Zhong hurriedly added.

"In that case, why are you so certain that your friend's clan would be willing to vouch for me?" Han Li asked.

"My friend has already considered this eventuality, so she requested me to get to know someone before I offer them the teleportation spot. We've only just met, but I can tell through our conversation on the way here that you're not some heinous individual," Qin Zhong explained with a smile.

Han Li nodded in response. "Alright, then I agree to your offer."

A hint of elation flashed through Qin Zhong's eyes upon hearing this, and he hurriedly said, "In that case, I'll notify my friend to come here right away."

"Alright, I'll wait here, please be back soon," Han Li replied with a nod.

Qin Zhong downed his cup of wine, then rose to his feet and cupped his fist toward Han Li in a parting salute before quickly leaving the booth.

Following his departure, Han Li also rose to his feet, then made his way over to the window and cast his gaze toward the white pagoda in the distance with furrowed brows.

It seemed that some significant changes had taken place in the Black Wind Sea since his departure, and he wasn't sure if he had made the right decision in coming back.

An hour passed by in the blink of an eye, and Qin Zhong finally returned with a smile on his face.

Trailing along behind him was a figure dressed in white, wearing a veiled conical hat that obscured her features.

The figure lifted the veil to reveal a set of stunning features, but her skin was abnormally pale, as if there were a layer of frost over her skin, and her entire body was giving off a glacial aura.

"Sorry to keep you waiting for so long, Fellow Daoist Li," Qin Zhong said in an apologetic manner.

"It's fine," Han Li replied with a nod, then cast an inquisitive gaze toward the woman in white.

"That's right, this is the friend of mine who has the teleportation spot."

Qin Zhong took a glance at the woman as he spoke, and his eyes were filled with affection, clearly indicating that he was head over heels for her.

The woman blushed slightly and glared at Qin Zhong in a shy manner, but there was a hint of affection in her eyes as well.

Both of them had clearly been cultivating for countless years, yet they were acting like a pair of young lovebirds, and Han Li couldn't help but roll his eyes internally upon seeing this.

"My name is Xue Luo, it's a pleasure to meet you, Fellow Daoist Liu," the woman said to Han Li in a slightly shy manner.

"The pleasure is all mine, Celestial Maiden Xue. Would I be able to see the teleportation token?" Han Li asked.

Both Qin Zhong and Xue Luo were at the pinnacle of the Body Integration Stage, and the latter's aura was fluctuating slightly, and that was a precursor for an imminent breakthrough.

"Of course."

Xue Luo pulled out a palm-sized black badge, and on one side was inscribed the words "Black Wind", while "Teleportation" was inscribed on the other.

The badge was identical to the one that Han Li had once received from the master of Black Wind Island, and he inspected it briefly before giving a nod, then swept a sleeve over the table to produce 10 Immortal Origin Stones.

Xue Luo's brows furrowed slightly upon seeing this, and Qin Zhong's face also fell slightly as he said, "Fellow Daoist Liu, we agreed on 15 Immortal Origin Stones!"

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