Chapter 345: Laying Low

At the moment, Han Li was simultaneously refining the Integrated Five Extremes Mountain, the Seven Bright Star Rings, and that silver bell in his body all at once.

The bell was an immortal treasure that contained some type of soundwave law powers, and the fact that it was able to scatter the Azure Bamboo Cloudswarm Swords with just a single attack was clear testament to its power, and that was why Han Li had decided to work on refining it.

As for the black fang-shaped sword, it was similar to the Asura Heavenly Ghost Flag in that it was also a yin-attribtue treasure, so he had set it aside.

At the moment, his spiritual sense was comparable to that of even early-Golden Immortal cultivators, but refining three immortal treasures at once was still his limit.

As for the black inkstone that was capable of unleashing the Soul Destroying True Light, it contained far more law power than the Integrated Five Extremes Mountain, the silver bell, and the other immortal treasures.

Han Li naturally wanted to be able to make the treasure his own, but it seemed to be containing some type of restriction that made it impossible for Han Li to refine it no matter what he tried.

This left Han Li feeling a little frustrated, but he wasn't short on immortal treasures at the moment, and he didn't have that much time on his hands, so he could only set the inkstone aside for now.

Aside from immortal treasures, the trio's storage tools also contained many other treasures, as well as countless pills and precious materials. In particular, the silver-robed young man alone possessed as many as over 10 materials that were imbued with law powers.

Additionally, the three of them had a total of over 10,000 Immortal Origin Stones, and with such a massive haul, Han Li wouldn't have to worry about Immortal Origin Stones for a very long time.

However, the biggest pleasant surprise to Han Li was that he had found a large amount of dao pill ingredients in the silver-robed young man's storage tool.

There were as many as seven of the nine ingredients listed on the dao pill recipe, and all of them were in quite large quantities as well.

Han Li was initially quite shocked by this, but everything immediately made sense to him after he found an identical dao pill recipe to his own.

It seemed that the silver-robed young man also had intentions of refining a dao pill, and given his status and the enormous power of the Northern Glacial Immortal Palace, that wasn't going to be a difficult objective to accomplish, but now, those ingredients had fallen into Han Li's hands.

At this point, he was only missing two dao pill ingredients, the Heavenmade Ginseng Root and the Dewform Herb, and he was sure that he would be able to acquire them as long as he kept an active eye on the information circulating within the Transient Guild.

All of a sudden, a thought occurred to him, and he flipped a hand over to produce a palm-sized golden badge, which was crafted from some type of special metal, and it was extremely heavy despite its small size.

On one side of the badge was a design of a golden dragon that was roaring to the heavens, giving off a sense of unmatched power and regal authority, while on the other side was a name: Tao Yu.

Above the name was a feather crown design, and Han Li's expression darkened slightly at the sight of the golden badge.

Right at this moment, he suddenly raised an eyebrow as he opened the window of his cabin.

Outside was the turbulent Thunderstorm Sea, but the Seafaring Lightning Boat had restrictions all around it, so the sound of the thunder and the crashing waves was mostly kept out.

A faint glimmer of golden light appeared in the distant sky before vanishing in a flash, and in the next instant, a burst of spatial fluctuations erupted within Han Li's cabin as a lightning array appeared, following which Daoist Xie emerged inside it.

The golden lightning array quickly surged into Daoist Xie's body as arcs of golden lightning, and Han Li took a brief glance at Daoist Xie before remarking, "Looks like you've made a complete recovery."

Daoist Xie nodded in response. "I didn't think the lightning power here would be so abundant. That was really beneficial to my recovery."

Han Li offered no response to this as he stepped aside to allow Daoist Xie into the cabin, then sat back down with his legs crossed.

Daoist Xie had severely exhausted itself from the earlier battle, and after arriving in the Thunderstorm Sea, it had immediately begun absorbing the extremely abundant lightning power here to replenish itself. To Han Li's relief, it was able to make a full recovery in just a few months.

Having a Golden Immortal Stage ally was extremely helpful, so it was very important that Daoist Xie was in good condition.

"It looks like you're still worried about that Tao Yu," Daoist Xie remarked as it caught sight of the golden badge that Han Li was holding.

"I wouldn't exactly say that I'm worried. I already killed him, so there's no point in thinking about it. I'm just wondering if the Immortal Palace has already found out that I'm the one who killed him," Han Li replied.

Previously, he had spent a great deal of Immortal Origin Stones to search for information on this golden badge in the Transient Guild, and his efforts had paid off.

This badge was an elder badge of the Immortal Palace, and Tao Yu was the name of the silver-robed young man. He was also a newly promoted elder of the Northern Glacial Immortal Palace, and on top of that, he wasn't actually from the Northern Glacial Immortal Region. Instead, he had been sent here from some other immortal region over 1,000 years ago to accumulate experience, and he certainly wouldn't have anticipated meeting his demise in this foreign immortal region.

There was no way that the Northern Glacial Immortal Palace would let him get away with this, so at this moment, he was leaving the Ancient Cloud Continent with the intention of returning to the Black Wind Sea, both to check on his Earthly Deity Avatar and to lay low for a while.

The Black Wind Sea was a very secluded place that was virtually completely cut off from the outside world, thereby making it a suitable place for him to hide from the Immortal Palace.

"Given the power of the Immortal Palace, it shouldn't be difficult for them to identify you as the culprit, but you left in a very timely fashion, and thanks to that long-distance lightning teleportation array, even the Immortal Palace shouldn't be able to track you down anytime soon," Daoist Xie said.

"I certainly hope that's the case," Han Li said with a wry smile. "By the way, I didn't think you would be able to master the lightning teleportation array so quickly. That came as quite a surprise to me."

"The array is quite profound and combines both lightning power and spatial power. It's a good thing that I already have innate mastery over lightning power. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to grasp it so easily," Daoist Xie replied.

All of a sudden, a thought occurred to Han Li, and he asked, "Have you noticed anything strange or interesting while cultivating in the Thunderstorm Sea, Brother Xie?"

"Not that I can recall. Are you referring to anything in particular?" Daoist Xie asked.

Han Li hesitated momentarily, then told Daoist Xie about the giant eye in the lightning cloud vortex that he had seen during his last trip across the Thunderstorm Sea.

A solemn look appeared on Daoist Xie's face as it exclaimed, "That's very shocking to hear!"

"Does anything in your memories match the description of the eye?" Han Li asked.

"No. This is my first time here in this Thunderstorm Sea. Having said that, I don't think even a High Zenith Stage Jade Immortal would be able to severely wound you with just a single glance like that giant eye did," Daoist Xie said.

"Both Xiao Jinhan and Dao Lord Baili were only one step away from reaching the High Zenith Stage, but I feel like even if they were to reach the High Zenith Stage, they still wouldn't have been able to display even a fraction of that eye's power," Han Li agreed with a nod.

"This place is already quite close to the central region of the Thunderstorm Sea, and that's where I encountered that giant eye. Now that you've already fully recovered, I suggest you remain inside the Seafaring Lightning Boat so you don't run the risk of encountering that formidable being," Han Li said.

Furthermore, he had followed his own advice, remaining strictly within the Seafaring Lightning Boat during this entire trip thus far.

"Alright," Daoist Xie replied with a nod.



Ouyang Kuishan and the other dao lords that had turned on the Blaze Dragon Dao were standing in the main hall of the sect, and all of their auras were rather unstable, indicating that they still hadn't recovered from their injuries.

Standing across from them were seven or eight other Golden Immortals from the Northern Glacial Immortal Palace, while Xiao Jinhan was seated on the main chair in the hall.

All of the dao lords were rather disgruntled to see Xiao Jinhan occupying such an important seat in the sect, and a few of them were glowering at him with outright fury, but Xiao Jinhan paid no heed to them as he asked, "How are things coming along?"

"We've already managed to track down Daoist Hu Yan and Yun Ni. Both of them fled to the Upper Arr Continent with severe injuries, and Elder Lu Yue has already gone after them with some other elders. I'm sure an outcome will arise there soon. However, Baili Yan remains elusive to this day, and it's unclear how he's managed to do so," an elder of the Immortal Palace reported.

"Very good. Even though Baili Yan is still on the run, he's already been severely wounded, and after his karmic fire remission, his past several million years of cultivation has all gone to waste, so he won't pose a threat to anyone. In fact, he most likely won't even be able to withstand the fifth decay," Xiao Jinhan said with a nod.

It seemed as if he was saying this to all of the Immortal Palace cultivators present, but all of the dao lords were also listening with mixed feelings.

"Dao Lord Ouyang, Daoist Hu Yan and Yun Ni have committed the cardinal crime of treason by assisting the Reincarnation Palace. According to the rules of the Heavenly Court, all of their relatives and disciples must be apprehended and sent to the Heavenly Court. Have you done this yet?" Xiao Jinhan asked as he turned to Ouyang Kuishan.

"Yes," Ouyang Kuishan replied with his eyelid twitching slightly.

"Very good. You can all go now," Xiao Jinhan said with a dismissive wave of his hand.

All of the Immortal Palace cultivators promptly departed, while the dao lords exchanged a few glances with one another, and only after a subtle gesture was made by Ouyang Kuishan did all of them exit the hall as well.

Moments later, all of the dao lords were gathered outside the hall, and the golden-furred man among them wore a furious expression as he grumbled, "What are the intentions of the Northern Glacial Immortal Palace, Dao Lord Ouyang? The incident concerning Baili Yan has already come to a conclusion, so why are they still here? Are they trying to take advantage of this opportunity to take over our Blaze Dragon Dao?"

"If I had known this would happen, I wouldn't have helped them target Dao Lord Baili. If Dao Lord Baili were here, Xiao Jinhan definitely wouldn't have dared to be so arrogant," the silver-skinned woman said in a cold voice.

Complex looks appeared on everyone's faces upon hearing this, while Ouyang Kuishan remained silent with a wry smile on his face.

The Immortal Palace's intentions were very clear. Following the recently concluded battle, the Blaze Dragon Dao had suffered severe losses, and it was no longer a match for the Northern Glacial Immortal Palace.

At this point, Xiao Jinhan alone would've been sufficient to wipe out the entire Blaze Dragon Dao.

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