Chapter 333: Giant Head

"We can't keep waiting! Set up the Purple Sun Array right away!" Lu Yue immediately instructed upon seeing this.

As soon as this instruction was issued, the four Golden Immortal cultivators around him immediately sprang into action, positioning themselves around Daoist Hu Yan and Yun Ni before each pulling out a purple talisman before tossing them forward onto the ground.

The four talismans erupted into flames before falling onto the ground in unison, then transformed into four lines of fire that connected together to form a square.

Immediately thereafter, the four of them began to chant an incantation in unison, and the fire on the ground instantly swelled drastically, forming four purple light barriers that erupted into the heavens to surround Daoist Hu Yan and Yun Ni.

There were no visible flames on the purple light barriers, but they were giving off extraordinary heat that was even hotter than the flames on Daoist Hu Yan's Crimson Luan sword.

At the same time, the four light barriers began to converge toward the center in unison.

Daoist Hu Yan immediately grabbed onto Yun Ni's hand upon seeing this, and a burst of fire rose up around his body as he prepared to spring up into the heavens.

However, Lu Yue and the others were already prepared for this, and a thick pillar of silver lightning came crashing down from above alongside a massive streak of golden sword light, forcing the two of them back into the Purple Sun Array.

At this point, the array had already constricted drastically, to the point that Daoist Hu Yan and Yun Ni were forced to press themselves tightly against one another in order to avoid being scorched by the surrounding purple light barriers.

Right at this moment, Daoist Hu Yan suddenly flipped a hand over to produce a translucent snow robe, which he draped over Yun Ni's body, then summoned a small jade bell, which he tossed directly upward.

A massive green bell projection instantly appeared to encompass both of them, keeping the purple light barriers at bay.

Meanwhile, the tremors and rumbling that were running through the earth were only growing more and more powerful, while balls of purple flames had ignited upon the green bell projection, which appeared as if it could shatter at any moment.

"Hurry!" Lu Yue urged, and the four Golden Immortals who had set up the array immediately bit through the tips of their tongues before spitting out mouthfuls of blood essence onto the purple light barriers.

The Purple Sun Array immediately began to glow far brighter than before while also accelerating in its compression, forcing the green bell projection to become smaller and smaller.

Meanwhile, all of the other Immortal Palace cultivators were also attacking incessantly.

Daoist Hu Yan was making a rapid series of hand seals as he injected his immortal spiritual power into the green bell without any reservation, but he was still unable to stop the purple light barriers from continuing to close in around them, and sweat was beginning to bead up on his forehead.

Right as the green bell projection was about to collapse, a resounding boom suddenly rang out from beneath the ground.

All of a sudden, a thunderous sound rang out from beneath the earth.

This time, it no longer sounded like the toll of a bell. Instead, it was more like the violent and animalistic roar of some type of primordial beast.

The entire earth shuddered violently as huge clouds of dust rose up all around the White Jade Peak, following which the entire mountain abruptly collapsed.

Countless giant rocks came tumbling down amid a thunderous commotion, and it was like doomsday had arrived.

Everyone who remained on the plaza were caught completely off guard, and they plunged down several hundred feet with the collapse of the mountain before hurriedly steadying themselves and rising up into the air.

In contrast, instead of fleeing upward, Daoist Hu Yan and Yun Ni allowed themselves to plunge straight down to the foot of the White Jade Peak, using the tumbling rocks and cloud of dust as a smokescreen to cover their escape.

"Don't let them get away!" Lu Yue yelled in an urgent voice, then swooped straight down with his sword held in one hand.

Bright golden light emerged over his body, forming a giant golden sword projection that was over 1,000 feet in length, plunging straight down toward what little remained of the White Jade Peak.

The other Immortal Palace cultivators immediately followed along, while Ouyang Kuishan hesitated momentarily before deciding to remain hovering in mid-air.

Right at this moment, around a dozen of the mountains that neighbored the White Jade Peak collapsed one after another, plunging the entire area in a radius of several thousand kilometers into complete disarray.

As soon as Lu Yue and the others rushed into the cloud of dust, they were immediately met with a wave of scorching heat coupled with a terrifying aura that struck them with a sense of asphyxiation.

"Something's not right here! Let's retreat for now!" Lu Yue hurriedly yelled as he stopped cold in his tracks.

Dong Jie and the others immediately stopped as well upon hearing this, then flew back to distance themselves from the already collapsed White Jade Peak.

All of a sudden, a burst of red light appeared within the dust amid the sound of thunderous rumbling, and immediately thereafter, a pillar of molten lava that was over 1,000 feet in width erupted out of the ground like a crimson wyrm, rising up over 10,000 feet into the sky before raining down from the heavens.

Luo Qinghai immediately swept a hand through the air upon seeing this, and the giant blue flower carried himself and all of the Vast Flow Palace cultivators accompanying him away to the north.

High up in the sky thousands of kilometers to the west of the White Jade Peak, around a dozen deputy dao lords were gathered together with grim looks on their faces. Earlier, they had followed Ouyang Kuishan's instructions to evacuate some of the sect's low-grade disciples to safe areas while also evacuating some of the other cultivators attending the preaching ceremony as well.

This was far from a glamorous event for the sect, and they didn't want all of these outsiders to see what was happening before spreading the news to the outside world.

After completing the task assigned to them, they decided to remain here instead of returning to the White Jade Peak in order to avoid unnecessary trouble.

At this moment, all of them were scrutinizing what was once the White Jade Peak with tightly furrowed brows.


Meanwhile, on the summit of the Origin View Peak thousands of kilometers to the east of the White Jade Peak.

Han Li and several dozen other True Immortal Stage elders were gathered here, and all of them were also looking in the direction of the White Jade Peak.

"I wonder how Dao Lord Baili is faring..." an elder with a wide forehead and a head of white hair sighed with a concerned expression.

"Regardless of whether Dao Lord Baili can weather this storm, the Blaze Dragon Dao will no longer be the same," another elder sighed.

Another portly elder had a disgruntled look on his face as he grumbled, "The Northern Glacial Immortal Region has always declared itself to be a just and righteous sect, but how are they any different from a nest of bandits? We may as well..."

Before he had a chance to finish, another elder hurriedly interjected, "Be prudent with your words, Elder Zhu!"

The portly elder fell silent upon hearing this, then heaved a forlorn sigh.

Han Li was planning to sneak away from here, but upon arriving on this mountain summit, he didn't immediately depart. Instead, he was standing on the edge of the plaza on the mountain summit while casting his gaze in the White Jade Peak's direction with blue light flashing in his eyes.

The entire sky in that direction had taken on a bright red hue, and the storm of molten lava had set the nearby forests alight.

The wind fanned the flames, causing them to spread rapidly, and plumes of dense, black smoke immediately began to rise up within a radius of several hundred kilometers. The entire sky was obscured beneath the columns of black smoke, while the ground below was quickly transforming into a sea of fire.

Red and black seemed to have been the only colors left between heaven and earth, presenting a doomsday-like scene to behold.

Right as everyone was looking on in bewilderment, a massive black shadow suddenly rose up from within the cloud and flames around the White Jade Peak.

"What's that?" Qi Liang involuntarily exclaimed upon seeing this.

Everyone else was also astonished by what they were seeing.

Within the sea of fire, an incredibly enormous black bridge had emerged, spanning the length of several mountains, and there were scorching black flames burning all over its surface, presenting a very peculiar sight to behold.

The blue light in Han Li's eyes brightened a little, following which his pupils contracted slightly.

He could clearly see that the surface of the fiery black "bridge" was riddled with countless massive rhomboid scales that were no different from the ones seen on snakes and pythons.

Before he had a chance to process what he was seeing, a resounding boom rang out, and the entire Origin View Peak shuddered violently as if it were also about to collapse.

Many of the cultivators standing atop the mountain had already risen up into the air, anticipating the mountain's collapse, but thankfully, it was able to withstand the violent tremors.

However, the already collapsed White Jade Peak exploded once again, sending countless huge rocks flying in all directions.

Even more molten lava surged out of the ground from the epicenter of the explosion, forming dozens of winding rivers of lava that flowed over the landscape, charring all of the earth in their wake.

Given the current situation, the Immortal Palace cultivators immediately abandoned their attack against Daoist Hu Yan and Yun Ni, flying far away while conjuring up protective light barriers to keep the falling rocks and lava at bay.

It didn't take long before the entire area within a radius of several dozen kilometers of the White Jade Peak had been completely inundated by lava, forming a massive lake of lava with massive bubbles occasionally emerging and popping on its surface.

Lu Yue swept his spiritual sense over the lava for a second, then yelled, "This lava is a little strange. Daoist Hu Yan and Yun Ni are hiding beneath it. Don't get close, let's stay here and try to force them out."

"I'll do it!" Dong Jie volunteered as he flipped a hand over to produce a shimmering black rock, which he tossed at the lake of lava down below.

He then began to chant an incantation, and a burst of loud buzzing instantly rang out from the black rock, following which it rapidly swelled into a giant mountain that was over 10,000 feet tall, plummeting down toward the center of the lake.

A resounding boom rang out as the bottom half of the mountain instantly plunged into the lake, sending vast volumes of molten lava erupting in all directions to sweep up enormous waves.

However, the lake of lava then quickly settled back down, while the black mountain slowly sank into its depths bit by bit.

Right at this moment, a thunderous roar rang out from within the lake of lava, causing its surface to ripple violently.

In the next instant, the black mountain suddenly flew out of the lake of lava, having been launched into the sky before abruptly exploding.

Immediately thereafter, an enormous black head that was even larger than the mountain emerged from the lake of lava.


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