Chapter 331: Slaughter

A faint smile appeared on Yun Ni's face upon hearing this, and she said, "Is it because of the Reincarnation Palace? While it's true that I don't know about all of that, that's not important. As long as I can be with you, that's enough. Thankfully, Suyuan is with Fengyi, so I don't have to worry about her."

Daoist Hu Yan burst into laughter upon hearing this. "Alright, in that case, let's take on these Immortal Palace small fry together!"

As soon as his voice trailed off, an earth-shattering boom rang out from above, and a golden sword projection came plunging straight down from the heavens to strike the black pagoda projection, shattering the roof of the pagoda projection while also causing the entire projection to shudder violently.

At the same time, a crack also appeared on the miniature pagoda treasure in Daoist Hu Yan's hand.

He looked up into the sky to find Lu Yue hovering up above with golden light swirling around his body, and there were several massive sword projections around him that were constantly swinging down upon the black pagoda projection.

Meanwhile, Dong Jie and the other Immortal Palace cultivators were also constantly raining attacks down upon the black pagoda projection, and they were being joined by around a dozen of the Immortal Palace cultivators that had accompanied Xiao Jinhan here. They were led by a woman in a pink palace dress who was also a mid-Golden Immortal cultivator.

Daoist Hu Yan gave a cold harrumph upon seeing this, then patted his own waist, and the silver gourd strapped to his belt immediately flew out of the snow lotus flower projection before swelling rapidly to the size of a house as it hovered in mid-air.

Immediately thereafter, Daoist Hu Yan began to chant an incantation, and the spirit patterns on the surface of the giant silver gourd began to flash erratically, while a burst of indistinct white light appeared at its opening.

A stream of black beans came pouring out of the white light, and in the blink of an eye,. the entire sky was filled with black beans that were raining down from the heavens.

Even before landing on the ground, the beans warped and elongated, transforming into a series of Dao Warriors that were at around 10 feet tall, dressed in black clothes and wielding giant black axes.

In the blink of an eye, tens of thousands of these Dao Warriors had taken shape, and they were rushing toward the oncoming Immortal Palace cultivators in a frenzy.

Even though most of the Blaze Dragon Dao disciples had already been evacuated from the plaza, it had suddenly become very crowded once again.

Dong Jie immediately rushed into the fray, swinging his giant ax as he led the charge into the army of Dao Warriors, followed by several other Immortal Palace cultivators.

"I knew he would be a pain to deal with! I'll find a way to keep him occupied, all of you go and assist Elder Lu," the woman in the pink palace dress instructed, then sat down in mid-air with her legs folded over one another in a rather strange posture, following which she conjured up a translucent white guqin in front of herself.

She raised her hands before quickly strumming her fingers over the strings of the guqin, and a string of crisp notes rang out, immediately following which the chests of a group of Dao Warriors several thousand feet away abruptly exploded, rendering them unfit for further battle.

She then turned toward another direction before strumming the strings of her guqin again, and many more Dao Warriors immediately fell to the ground.

The sound of her guqin appeared to have been quite pleasant to the ears, but in reality, it was capable of casting one's blood, energy, and magic power into complete disarray, and even the Dao Warriors weren't impervious to it.

Meanwhile, the dozen or so Immortal Palace cultivators pounced on this opportunity to converge toward Daoist Hu Yan and Yun Ni.

Several hundred kilometers away, Han Li and Qi Liang were standing on a mountain summit with several dozen other True Immortal cultivators.

Han Li's eyes were flashing with blue light as he observed Daoist Hu Yan, then shook his head with a forlorn expression.

During the past few centuries that he had spent in the Blaze Dragon Dao, Daoist Hu Yan was the one who had offered him the most assistance, and their relationship had always been quite cordial, so it was not a good feeling to see him in such a dire situation.

However, there was naturally no way that he would try to rush in and save him.

In the face of so many Golden Immortals, his powers were simply insufficient to make any substantial difference, and he would only be giving up his own life for nothing. On top of that, the silver-robed young man that he had noticed earlier was striking him with a strong sense of foreboding, but he couldn't put his finger on exactly why this was the case.

Right at this moment, another resounding boom rang out in the sky above the plaza.

As it turned out, the silver gourd that Daoist Hu Yan was using to hold all of his Dao Warriors had exploded amid a flash of silver light.

All of the Dao Warriors inside, which totaled in excess of 100,000, had already been released, while the broken gourd transformed into a vast expanse of azure spirit liquid that rained down onto the Dao Warriors.

As soon as the Dao Warriors came into contact with the spirit liquid, bright black light erupted out of their bodies, and they swelled to twice their original size as they charged toward the Immortal Palace cultivators.

Unfortunately, in the face of around two dozen Golden Immortals and True Immortals, these Dao Warriors were simply no match, and they were being cut down in swathes like crops in a field, but fortunately, they were able to keep Dong Jie and the others occupied thanks to their vast numbers.

However, with the assistance of the attacks from the guqin of the woman in the pink palace dress, three of them were able to charge into the central area to attack Daoist Hu Yan and Yun Ni alongside Lu Yue.

All of a sudden, Han Li noticed that one of these three people was the silver-robed young man that he had felt quite apprehensive about.

He was behaving rather strangely in that even though he was also participating in the attack against Daoist Hu Yan and Yun Ni, he didn't seem to have been very invested, merely wandering around the outskirts of the battlefield and very rarely unleashing any attacks, seemingly only there as a formality.

As a result, Han Li was unable to gauge his power or any of his cultivation arts.

After instructing all of the other dao lords to evacuate the Blaze Dragon Dao's low-grade disciples, Ouyang Kuishan remained standing in mid-air not far away from the White Jade Peak, observing the battle from afar.

All of a sudden, a resounding boom rang out as Lu Yue made a hand seal, and a streak of golden swordlight that was over 1,000 feet in length appeared before crashing down upon the black pagoda projection with mountainous force.

The projection instantly collapsed before disintegrating into specks of black light, but the power of the streak of golden swordlight was also exhausted, dissipating before it even had a chance to reach the snow lotus flower projection down below.

Lu Yue's complexion paled as he stumbled in mid-air, then hurriedly summoned a pill that he promptly devoured, clearly having been severely taxed by the attack that he had just unleashed.

The two Immortal Palace cultivators who were participating in the attack immediately stopped what they were doing before positioning themselves in front of Lu Yue to protect him, while the silver-robed young man continued prowling around the area, unleashing attacks upon the snow lotus flower projection.

A series of large cracks had appeared on the black pagoda treasure that Daoist Hu Yan was holding, and even though it hadn't completely shattered, it was clearly no longer fit for use.

"How dare you!" Daoist Hu Yan roared in a furious voice as he stowed the black pagoda away, then pulled out his crimson gourd, grabbing onto the rope tied around the tapered section of the gourd with one hand while making a hand seal with the other before gently patting the gourd.

A sharp clang rang out as a crimson longsword was slowly drawn out of the opening of the gourd.

"I didn't think that my Crimson Luan would ever be unsheathed again! Now that it's seeing the light of day again, I suppose I have no choice but to slaughter these small fry," Daoist Hu Yan chuckled as he took a swig of wine, then turned to Yun Ni as if he were asking for her opinion. [1]

Yun Ni gave him a warm smile and a nod in response.

A solemn look immediately appeared on Daoist Hu Yan's face, and his aura had suddenly become as sharp as the edge of a blade.

Immediately thereafter, he shot out of the snow lotus flower projection, hurtling directly toward Lu Yue.

A layer of hazy light appeared all around him, and a series of fiery red runes lit up on the longsword in his hand. His robes were flapping audibly in the fierce wind, and his aura had swelled drastically.

With the sword in his hand, it was as if he had turned into a completely different person.

The two Immortal Palace late-True Immortal cultivators didn't even get a chance to react before a streak of crimson light flashed past them, and their bodies were sliced into two with stunned looks frozen on their faces. Their nascent souls had only just begun to flee the scene when they abruptly erupted into flames and were incinerated into nothingness in the blink of an eye.

The woman in the palace dress immediately strummed the strings of her guqin upon seeing this, sending a burst of formidable ripples sweeping directly toward him.

Yun Ni raised her hands up into the air in response, and a huge flower petal detached itself from her snow lotus flower projection, then rose straight up into the air, clashing with the wave of ripples to keep it at bay.

"Your opponent is me," Yun Ni said in a cold voice, and the woman in the palace dress gave her a faint smile before beginning to strum the strings of her guqin once again.

The sound of her guqin was like a turbulent river that swept toward Yun Ni in waves.

Meanwhile, after slaying those two late-True Immortal cultivators, Daoist Hu Yan slashed his longsword through the air, and a massive fiery Luan projection instantly appeared behind Lu Yue.

Immediately thereafter he let loose a loud cry that resembled the call of a phoenix, and the fiery Luan projection flew forward with unstoppable might.

At the same time, a burst of crimson flames surged out of Daoist Hu Yan's longsword, and in the instant that it caught up to the fiery Luan projection, the latter immediately transformed into a massive sea of fire that swept directly toward Lu Yue.

In response, Lu Yue raised his sword before slashing it forward, and a burst of dazzling golden light erupted out of the sword before rapidly expanding in mid-air to form a golden wall to keep the sea of fire at bay.

Even though the sea of fire had been stopped in its tracks, it didn't dissipate. Instead, it continued to crash against the golden wall in formidable waves.

The wall was trembling violently, and the golden light that it was radiating quickly faded before it was completely overwhelmed by the sea of fire.

Daoist Hu Yan held his sword in one hand as he strode over the sea of fire, putting on an extremely graceful and dashing display.

Lu Yue harrumphed coldly as he raised a hand to release a circular golden shield, while flew into the sea of fire while revolving incessantly.

Immediately thereafter, he sprang up and landed on his feet atop the shield, quickly gliding over the sea of fire as he hurtled directly toward Daoist Hu Yan.

Their swords clashed amid a resounding clang, and countless sword projections erupted in all directions.

1. The Luan is a mythical bird in East Asian mythology, this is the same Luan as the one in Han Li's Azure Luan true spirit transformation. ☜


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