Chapter 312: Lightning Bean

"Of course. I just so happened to have obtained a certain item recently, let me know if it catches your interest, Senior."

Han Li flipped a hand over as he spoke to produce a thin golden page.

"A pill recipe, eh? Don't try to placate me with just any pill recipe. At the very least, it has to be an earthly pill recipe," Daoist Hu Yan chuckled.

He made a beckoning motion with one hand as he spoke, and the golden page rose up from Han Li's hand before landing in his grasp.

"Growth Bearing Pill? This is indeed an earthly pill, and one that's fit for consumption for mid-True Immortal cultivators, at that. I suppose this will suffice," Daoist Hu Yan mused, then stowed the golden page away before flipping his hand over to produce a white stone shard that he handed to Han Li.

Han Li accepted the stone shard before pressing it against his own forehead to inspect its contents.

"The array diagram and the materials required to set it up have already been clearly annotated, and it shouldn't be too difficult to set up, but you must make sure to prepare a sufficient number of spirit stones to support its operation. Otherwise, if it runs out of spirit power for even a single moment, then the entire process will fail. The puppet won't be harmed as a result, but the primary bean will be destroyed," Daoist Hu Yan cautioned.

"Thank you, Senior," Han Li replied with a nod as he removed the stone shard from his forehead.

"Alright, if that's all, then you can go. I still have other guests to attend to later," Daoist Hu Yan said in a direct and straightforward manner.

"In that case, I won't take up any more of your time, Senior."

Han Li rose to his feet and extended a parting salute, then flew out of the Hundred Wine Cottage as a streak of light.

He had only just flown to the edge of the mountain when he spotted another streak of light descending toward the Hundred Wine Cottage, and it was none other than Bai Suyuan's mistress, Yun Ni.

Back on the plaza in the Holy Puppet Sect, Bai Suyuan had referred to Qilin 3 as mistress, and Han Li was already aware of Bai Suyuan's identity, so he was naturally tipped off to the fact that Qilin 3 and Yun Ni were one and the same.

Even though he hadn't been present during the final stage of the battle at the Holy Puppet Sect, he had learned through some other avenues that the person who had saved the Holy Puppet Sect in the end was none other than Daoist Hu Yan, and that he was also one of the Blaze Dragon Dao's 13 dao lords.

Given what he already knew about Bai Fengyi, he had guessed that there were some ties between Daoist Hu Yan and Yun Ni, but seeing as Daoist Hu Yan hadn't mentioned this topic, he naturally pretended to have been oblivious.

Of course, he had gone out of his way to unearth all of this information not just to satisfy his own curiosity. Instead, he was trying to find out whether the Holy Puppet Sect had launched a search for its lost immortal puppet. However, it seemed that not long after the attack, the Holy Puppet Sect moved away from those islands and seemingly disappeared.

With these thoughts flashing through his mind, Han Li returned to the Crimson Dawn Peak.

After entering the secret chamber of his cave abode, he flipped a hand over to produce the stone shard given to him by Daoist Hu Yan, and an excited look appeared on his face as he closed his eyes and injected his spiritual sense into the stone shard.

The stone shard contained an array that was very similar to the one that Daoist Xie had requested, indicating that there were many fundamental similarities between them, but there were some differences in the finer details and in the materials required to set up the array.

After inspecting the array diagram for a moment, Han Li directed his attention to the materials and method required to set up the array. In doing so, he discovered five different sets of materials depending on the attribute of the primary bean.

Among them, he placed his focus on the earth-attribute materials. After all, he immortal puppet was an earth-attribute one, and his primary bean came from the Golden Dao Warrior, so there was a very good chance that it was also an earth-attribute one.

Some time later, Han Li opened his eyes as he murmured to himself, "Infinity Sand..."

He then flipped a hand over to produce a pair of azure masks, one cow and one tiger.

Han Li's gaze roamed back and forth over the two masks for a moment before he ultimately decided to put on the tiger mask.

At this point, Wyrm 15 had already become a little too renowned for comfort, so it was best for him to switch identities.

This was the first time that he was using the mask since obtaining it, and it gave him the identity of Raccoon 11.

After that, he released an Infinity Sand procurement mission, and after some contemplation, he decided to release the same procurement missions for the dao pill ingredients that he had already released using the cow mask.

Only after doing all of that did he stow the mask away before sitting down with his legs crossed to cultivate.


Over 10 years passed by in a flash.

On this day, Han Li was cultivating in his secret chamber when he suddenly heard a string of loud booms ringing out from within his cave abode.

His eyes immediately sprang open as he flew out of his secret chamber and traveled straight to his spirit medicine garden.

As soon as he entered the garden, the loud booms became even clearer.

A hint of elation appeared on Han Li's face as he quickly approached the Dao Warrior Tree to find that it had already completely wilted, and the bean pods hanging from it had also turned yellow and were exploding one after another, sending dark yellow beans raining down onto the ground.

Han Li caught one of the beans that had just erupted out of its pod, and he inspected it closely to find that its surface was riddled with golden lightning veins that would've been impossible to see had he not been looking at it so closely.

He then injected a burst of immortal spiritual power into the bean through his fingers, and the golden lightning veins on the bean instantly lit up before releasing a vast expanse of golden lightning.

Han Li's eyes immediately lit up upon seeing this. As it turned out, the mutation that these Dao Warriors had undergone had granted them the lightning attribute.

Right at this moment, an explosion that was clearly louder than all of the previous ones rang out, and Han Li looked up to discover that the two large bean pods at the top of the Dao Warrior Tree had erupted open at once, sending a pair of pea-sized primary beans flying through the air.

He hurriedly reached out to catch the pair of primary beans before inspecting them closely as well.

Aside from their size, these primary beans were almost identical to the other beans, except the lightning veins on their surface were darker, and the lightning power that was imbued within them was slightly more pure.

At this point, all of the beans had already been ejected out of their pods, and the Dao Warrior Tree completely wilted away, rapidly turning from yellow to gray before disintegrating into dust, all in the span of just a few seconds.

Han Li flipped a hand over to produce a yellow gourd, then patted the underside of the gourd, and a burst of yellow light immediately appeared at its opening, releasing a burst of tremendous suction force that sucked in all of the beans that had spilled onto the ground.

Of course, not just any object could be used to store Dao Warriors, and this gourd was something that Han Li had refined according to the instructions enclosed in Daoist Hu Yan's book.

This gourd functioned very similarly to a storage pouch, but it was actually closer in nature to a spirit beast pouch, and while stored inside it, the Dao Warriors could continue to absorb the world's origin qi.

In fact, if he wanted to keep nurturing the Dao Warriors to elevate them to a higher caliber, he could even pour some premade spirit liquid into the gourd, and that was exactly what Daoist Hu Yan was doing with his Dao Warriors.

After collecting all of the beans, Han Li returned to his secret chamber in an excited manner.

Two days later.

A ring-shaped array that was around 10 feet in radius had been engraved onto the ground in Han Li's secret chamber.

There were numerous indentations distributed throughout the array, within which were placed various types of spirit materials and several Immortal Origin Stones.

At the center of the array was a golden platform of a moderate size that resembled a city, with four walls on top to create a cavity, where the hundreds of Dao Warrior beans were being stored.

This array was known as the Lightning Origin Locking Array, and it was a lightning-attribute array recorded in Daoist Hu Yan's book that could be used to refine Dao Warrior beans.

The golden platform at the center of the array was a small altar that Han Li had constructed using Lightning Restraining Wood, and it was the core of the entire array.

The refinement array for Dao Warrior beans had to be chosen based on the attribute displayed by the beans after they reached maturity, and Han Li had thought that these beans would most likely have taken after the golden giant and developed the earth attribute, but due to the mutation, these beans did still contain earth-attribute spiritual power, but it was far outmatched by the lightning-attribute spiritual power within them.

Hence, when choosing a refinement array, Han Li had decided on the Lightning Origin Locking Array.

After everything was set up in the secret chamber, he sat down with his legs crossed in front of the array, then flipped a hand over to produce a pill, which he promptly consumed.

Daoist Hu Yan had warned him that setting up this array was going to be very taxing on his immortal spiritual power, so he had to prime himself into the best possible condition before commencing the refinement process.

With that in mind, he sat down to meditate for a long time before opening his eyes and activating the array.

He made a hand seal with both hands, then pointed a finger at the golden platform at the center of the array, and an arc of golden lightning immediately shot out of his fingertip before springing into the platform like a spirit snake.

The sound of flowing electricity rang out as the entire golden platform instantly began to glow brightly, and countless arcs of lightning sprang forth in all directions, forming a spherical golden light barrier that encompassed the entire array.

At the same time, all of the top-grade spirit stones that had been embedded into the indentations on the ground also began to glow brightly before releasing bursts of pure spiritual power into the array patterns on the ground.

At the same time, the golden platform began to tremble violently, and the beans inside also began to bounce up and down as a result.

Han Li activated his Brightsight Spirit Eyes upon seeing this, then thrust both palms upward at once, and all of the beans were immediately raised upward by an invisible hand, emerging from the platform to hover in the air within the spherical light barrier.

The two primary beans were hanging at the center like a pair of full moons, while the other beans were distributed around them like glowing stars.


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