Chapter 304: Baleful Spirit Threads

The crimson giant could tell that Han Li was close to reaching his limits, and a ghastly smile appeared on its hideous face as it roared, "It's time for you to die!"

With this declaration, Han Li immediately felt the agony in his body increase by severalfold, and it was as if there were countless sharp needles piercing back and forth through his meridians and even his bones.

A layer of faint golden light appeared in his eyes, and he threw his head back and let loose a thunderous roar as he gave up on trying to suppress his blood essence with his immortal spiritual power, dedicating it fully to activating his Provenance True Devil Arts instead.

A layer of purplish-golden scales appeared over his body, and two fearsome-looking heads and four purplish-golden arms emerged on his shoulders and below his ribs, respectively.

The six eyes on the three giant ape heads sprang open in unison, and a short silver horn appeared on the forehead of the two heads on either side of the central one.

After unleashing his Holy Nirvana Physique, the true spirit projections that were threatening to break free flew back into his body one after another, and as a result, Han Li grew significantly taller once again, allowing him to tower over the crimson giant.

The purplish-golden scales all over his body connected together to form a suit of purplish-golden armor with countless antiquated runes inscribed onto its surface, and it encased Han Li's entire body while giving off an extremely formidable aura.

In the distance, Zhong Luan was looking on with an astonished expression.

He couldn't understand for the life of him how Han Li had managed to escape from the control of his baleful blood mark, and a sense of unease had welled up in his heart at the sight of this new transformation that Han Li had adopted.

In reality, Han Li wasn't confident that his Provenance True Devil Arts would be able to suppress the true spirit blood essence in his body, and he had only unleashed so that all of his true spirit bloodlines would be unified and guided to a collective cause, rather than continuing to rampage under the effects of the baleful blood mark.

Back in the Spirit Realm, he would often use all of his true spirit bloodlines to unleash his Holy Nirvana Physique, so this was not an alien process to him.

His three heads grinned in unison, following his six giant arms flashed through the air in a blur, unleashing countless projections that hurtled directly toward Zhong Luan.

All of a sudden, countless golden fist projections emerged to obscure the entire sky before abruptly vanishing into the thin air.

Almost at the exact same moment, the space around the crimson giant surged and churned violently, and countless golden fist projections emerged out of thin air before crashing toward it with devastating force.

The crimson giant immediately raised its four arms and swung them rapidly through the air to unleash a flurry of fist projections of its own, and a string of resounding booms rang out incessantly.

Before the clashes between the golden and crimson fist projections had a chance to subside, an enormous figure sprang up into the air, then came crashing down upon the crimson giant like a mountain. Raised above the enormous figures head was a huge crimson longsword, which was also being swung down with tremendous force.

In response, the crimson giant raised two of its hands and made a grabbing motion to conjure up a huge crimson saber, which it used to parry the massive azure longsword.

A thunderous boom rang out as the azure sword struck the crimson saber, sending a burst of astonishing force crashing down. The crimson giant was forced to one knee, and the back of its huge saber had also sunk deep into the flesh on its shoulder.

At the same time, massive waves swept over the surface of the sea, and even countless fish and marine demon beasts that were situated thousands of kilometers away were killed from the force of the almighty blow.

After forcing the crimson giant to one knee, Han Li strode forward before stomping a foot down onto the giant's chest.

Crimson light flashed within the giant's eyes, and a massive opening abruptly appeared on its chest, within which were countless jagged white fangs that closed in viciously around the giant ape's leg like an enormous bear trap.

However, all it saw was a blur flash before its eyes, following which it was struck by a burst of sharp pain in the chest.

As it turned out, the white fangs in its chest didn't even get a chance to open up before it was trodden on by the giant ape's foot, instantly snapping several dozen of them.

Furthermore, such was the force behind the enormous ape's stomp that a massive hole had sunken into the crimson giant's chest.

The crimson giant threw up a mouthful of blood as it thrust its long saber upward with all its might while punching at the giant ape with its other two hands.

The giant ape didn't back down, continuing to force its sword downward while retaliating with its four remaining fists.

The crimson giant's two arms were no match for the ferocious barrage from the giant ape's four arms, and it was being comprehensively dominated.

A string of loud thumps rang out, and all of the seawater down below was quivering incessantly with every single thump.

Before long, the crimson giant's chest and arms had been pummeled into a mangled mass of flesh and blood, presenting a sorry sight to behold.

Right at this moment, Han Li suddenly reached out with two of his hands to grab onto the pair of arms that Zhong Luan was using to hold his saber. As a result, he was able to liberate his sword-wielding arms, and he pulled the sword back before slashing it toward the crimson giant's head.

The crimson giant was greatly alarmed by this turn of events, and it immediately attempted to take evasive measures, but it was unable to go anywhere as it was being crushed under the giant ape's weight.

A thunderous howl rang out as half of its head was cut off by the crimson longsword, and having lost its head, the crimson giant's four arms instantly slumped down in a limp manner.

"Master!" the black crane called out in alarm from afar.

Never in all of its years by Zhong Luan's side had it ever seen him be reduced to such a sorry state, and its eyes were filled with wariness as it cast its gaze toward Han Li.

All of a sudden, the giant ape raised a hand, and a burst of golden light appeared on its palm as it prepared to lash out at what remained of the crimson giant's head.

However, all of a sudden, the crimson giant's body suddenly dissolved into a puddle of viscous bloody sludge that enveloped three of the giant apes hands and one of its feet.

The sludge then immediately began to exert enormous suction force that locked those hands and that foot firmly into place, making Han Li feel as if he had stepped into quicksand.

At the same time, a series of peculiar golden threads appeared within the sludge, resembling a school of fish that was swimming through it, and they were traveling toward the giant ape's arms and leg.

A sense of foreboding welled up in Han Li's heart as he detected the law fluctuations emanating from these golden threads, and he hurriedly drew upon his immortal spiritual power with all his might to try and extricate his arms and leg, but he was only able to pull them out around 10 feet before they refused to budge any further.

At this point, the golden threads had already arrived and were piercing toward him like golden needles.

Despite the layer of purplish-golden scales that covered his entire body, the golden threads were still able to pierce into his flesh without any impediment.

As soon as the golden threads entered his body, Han Li was immediately struck by a numb sensation, immediately following which all of his immortal spiritual power began to surge out of his body in a frenzy like floodwaters through a broken dam.

All of those thin threads were like a series of wide rivers that were channeling his immense immortal spiritual power out of his body and into that huge puddle of bloody sludge.

Han Li struggled vigorously to try and break free, but with the rapid loss of immortal spiritual power, the light radiating from his body gradually turned dim, and he also shrank down rapidly in size.

In just a few moments, he had reverted back to his normal human form, and half of his body was trapped in the sludge.

He was still completely unable to move, but thankfully, the golden threads that were funneling his immortal spiritual power out of his body had also disappeared.

Prior to unleashing his Holy Nirvana Physique, he had already stowed away his Transient Guilt mask, and at this moment, his exposed face was slightly pale, while his brows were tightly furrowed.

Over 1,000 feet away from him, a part of the puddle of sludge began to surge like a wave, quickly manifesting the top half of Zhong Luan's body, while the bottom half of his body was still fused with the sludge on the surface of the sea.

"I really did underestimate you. You've forced me to use the baleful spirit threads that took I've been accumulating over the course of tens of thousands of years. If I don't manage to unearth all of your secrets, this will have been an extremely severe loss," Zhong Luan said in a cold voice.

His complexion wasn't much better than Han Li's, indicating that the immortal spiritual power that had been funneled away hadn't been directed into his body.

"Whose orders are you acting under? Why do you insist on hunting me down at every turn?" Han Li asked with a cold look in his eyes.

At the same time, he had already summoned an Immortal Origin Stone, which he was holding in his hand that was concealed within the blood sludge, and he was quickly absorbing the immortal spiritual power inside.

"I don't know whose instructions Fang Pan was acting under, but you should worry about yourself right now. How about you tell me why Fang Pan and the others were so eager to hunt you down? That would save me the effort of having to search your soul. The soul search technique that I use is rather unique, and I'm sure you wouldn't like it," Zhong Luan said.

"It just so happens to be the case that I've always been quite interested in soul search techniques, so I actually wouldn't mind seeing just what's so unique about yours," Han Li replied as a faint smile appeared on his face.

"Fine. If you insist on being punished, then I'll grant your wish," Zhong Luan harrumphed coldly.

As soon as his voice trailed off, he made a grabbing motion with one hand, and the long crimson saber appeared in his grasp.

Immediately thereafter, he began to slide rapidly toward Han Li like a wave, then raised the crimson saber in his hand, and all of the patterns on the blade of the saber began to radiate dazzling crimson light before the saber was swung down upon Han Li.


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