Chapter 202: Heavy Water True Axis

All of these materials had been recently secured by Han Li through various means, and none of them were extremely precious or powerful spirit materials, but it had still taken him a great deal of time and effort to gather them.

The refinement method for a faux axis wasn't difficult to find. It was laid out in the annotation scripture, and there was more than one method outlined.

The true axis was quite difficult to refine, but the faux axis was quite practical, so there were many people who had attempted to refine it in the past, and as a result, there were many pieces of insight collected from many past cultivators in the annotation scripture.

Due to the different materials used, the refinement process would always differ slightly from person to person, but the overall process was quite uniform.

At this moment, Han Li had already engraved the array necessary to refine a faux axis onto the ground. It resembled an ancient copper coin of the mortal world that was round on the outside and square on the inside. Its appearance was quite ordinary, but there was far more to the array than met the eye. [1]

Han Li placed the four types of spirit materials onto the four corners of the array's inner square, then opened his mouth to release a ball of nascent flames the size of a human head right onto the center of the array.

As he began to chant a low incantation, the Formless True Axis Scripture was activated in his body, and bright radiance erupted from the array on the ground as it fused as one with the ball of nascent flames.

The sound of rushing wind rang out within the secret chamber, and the ball of nascent flames began to rapidly revolve, forming a miniature fiery tornado that was giving off bursts of scorching heat.

Immediately thereafter, he swept a sleeve through the air, and the piece of Water Shade Ore rose up into the air before falling into the fiery tornado, where it quickly became extremely red and virtually completely transparent.

The drop of blue liquid then also fell into the fiery tornado at Han Li's behest, dripping onto the piece of Water Shade Ore.

A loud sizzling sound rang out as plumes of white smoke rose up into the air, and the piece of Water Shade Ore instantly melted into a liquid form.

Immediately thereafter, Han Li directed the other two materials into the flames as well, then switched to a different hand seal, and the fiery tornado instantly transformed into a massive fireball that enveloped all of the materials.

At the same time, the air temperature in the secret chamber cooled significantly, as if the majority of the fire's heat had been encapsulated within the ball of flames.

What came next was a long fusion process.

All he had to do from here onward was to control the nascent flame, so he pulled out the Mantra Axis Scripture and continued to study it.

Several dozen days passed by in a flash, and Han Li remained in his secret chamber the entire time, tending to the fireball in front of him.

Right at this moment, he slowly brought his hands apart in front of him, and the fireball slowly elongated, reverting back into a fiery tornado.

At the center of the fiery tornado was a crimson round plate-like object that was around a foot in size, and it was riddled with countless fine and complex spirit patterns.

However, judging from its aura, it appeared to have only been a treasure of a decent caliber, and there didn't seem to have been anything special about it.

With a flick of Han Li's wrist, the ball of heavy water that contained the power of water laws was sent flying through the air before slowly descending onto the crimson plate within the fiery tornado from above.

A dull thump rang out, both in the secret chamber and directly in Han Li's heart.

The crimson plate shuddered as it was instantly enveloped by the ball of heavy water, and it rapidly turned from crimson to black in color.

At the same time, many of the runes on the plate dissolved one after another into a hollow state, while a ball of watery blue light lit up on the edge of the plate, forming a Water Dao Rune on its own.

A long while later, the entire plate was already riddled with hollow runes, out of which were emanating an aura of water laws.

Han Li opened his mouth upon seeing this, and the ball of nascent flames flew back into his mouth.

The faux axis was already complete at this point, and without the fiery tornado to support it, it plummeted straight onto the ground with a resounding boom.

The ground in the entire secret chamber caved in drastically while countless deep cracks appeared, extending all the way to the surrounding walls.

The entire cave abode and courtyard were also affected, resulting in violent, earthquake-like tremors. Meng Yungui and the others were all startled by these tremors, and they hurriedly ceased their cultivation as they rushed out to see what was happening.

A resounding commotion rang out on the Crimson Dawn Peak, and countless birds flew up into the air in a panic, obscuring a large section of the sky.

Thankfully, the Crimson Dawn Peak was quite secluded in location, so no one else in the sect was alerted by the tremors.

Meanwhile, Han Li had already gotten up in his secret chamber, and he subsequently pulled the faux axis out of the ground as well.

After a close examination, he discovered that the faux axis wasn't imbued with any power of time laws, but it contained extremely pure water law powers. Furthermore, due to the injection of heavy water into the faux axis, it was far heavier than it appeared.

"Given its properties, I'll call it the Heavy Water True Axis," Han Li murmured to himself as he examined the faux axis in his hands with a pleased expression.

A short while later, the gates of the cave abode were abruptly opened, and Han Li emerged from within.

The first thing that he did was pay a visit to the fire vein cave at the foot of the mountain, where the Essence Fire Raven was still thoroughly enjoying itself.

It had devoured an enormous amount of the fire vein's spiritual qi, resulting in a massively elevated aura. However, due to the fact that it had only been residing in the cave for a short time, its aura still hadn't stabilized yet, so Han Li was unsure of exactly how much it had recovered.

However, through their spiritual connection, Han Li could tell that the fire raven was very happy with the area, so there was no need for him to be concerned.

After that, he returned to the courtyard of his cave abode and assembled Meng Yungui and the others before handing out some pills to them. He also answered some of their questions in cultivation before departing from the Crimson Dawn Peak to search for his Azure Bamboo Cloudswarm Swords.

Several days later, Han Li's search proved to have been completely fruitless, and he returned to the secret chamber in his cave abode to continue cultivating the Mantra Axis Scripture.

At the moment, this was his primary cultivation art, and the power of time laws was also the law power that he most wanted to master.

However, he would always make sure to go out every once in a while to scour the entire Bell Toll Mountain Range for his Azure Bamboo Cloudswarm Swords, but his search proved to be futile every single time.

Four years passed by in the blink of an eye.

On this day, countless black clouds suddenly appeared in the sky above the Crimson Dawn Peak once again.

The world's origin qi converged in a frenzy, and another massive energy vortex was formed.

A long while later, the dark clouds in the sky slowly faded, and the enormous spiritual qi vortex also disintegrated into countless specks of spiritual light of different colors before vanishing into nothingness altogether quickly thereafter.

Inside the secret chamber of his cave abode, Han Li was seated with his legs crossed, and there was an elated look on his face.

There were two specks of golden light on his lower abdomen, indicating that he had successfully opened up a second immortal acupoint.

If anyone in the Blaze Dragon Dao were to hear that he had opened up two immortal acupoints in just seven years, they would’ve been astonished beyond belief, particularly considering he was cultivating the Mantra Axis Scripture, which was renowned for its inaccessibility.

After reaching the True Immortal Stage, one's cultivation progression was completely different from back when they were at or below the Grand Ascension Stage. Normally, it would've taken several centuries to open up a single acupoint, and for those with mediocre aptitude, it wasn't all that uncommon to take over 1,000 years to achieve such a feat.

Even in the history of the entire Northern Glacial Immortal Region, there were very few instances of anyone opening up two immortal acupoints in seven years, let alone in the Blaze Dragon Dao.

Han Li was also astonished by his own rate of progression, and he couldn't help but think of the Big Dipper Origin Arts that he had cultivated back in the Spirit Domain Realm.

At the time, he had refined his own body using starlight to open up the seven profound acupoints in his body, thereby becoming a Profound Immortal.

That cultivation art had been passed down by Patriarch Cold Flame from the Northern Glacial Immortal Region, and perhaps there was some type of connection between the two.

However, he didn't dwell too much on this thought as he closed his eyes to examine the pair of immortal acupoints.

Only after close to two hours had passed did he reopen his eyes, and a peculiar look appeared on his face.

A burst of dazzling golden light surfaced over his body, and this Mantra Treasured Axis appeared behind him at his behest, giving off a gentle golden glow.

Two more Time Dao Runes had appeared on the treasured axis, much to Han Li's elation and bewilderment.

At the same time, he couldn't help but wonder whether two Time Dao Runes would appear every single time he opened up an immortal acupoint. If that were the case, then wouldn't be able to attain 24 Time Dao Runes once he opened up the 12 immortal acupoints required for him to reach the mid-True Immortal Stage?

Of course, this was nothing but baseless speculation, but if this really were to eventuate, then this treasured axis of his would be incredibly powerful.

Han Li felt the faint buzzing ringing out from the four Time Dao Runes, and it seemed that they were resonating with one another in some way.

In the next instant, the Mantra Treasured Axis flashed with golden light, and a burst of golden ripples that were far brighter than before spread through the surrounding area.

After a brief examination, a wry smile appeared on Han Li's face.

Even with four Time Dao Runes, the effects of his Mantra Treasured Axis were still virtually negligible. It seemed that he would have to test it again after attaining six Time Dao Runes, which would hopefully be achieved with the opening of his next immortal acupoint.

Han Li suppressed the hint of excitement that had welled up in his heart, and the golden light radiating from his body faded alongside his Mantra Treasured Axis.

He then rose to his feet and made his way into the guest hall outside. As he did so, a thought seemed to have occurred to him, and his brows furrowed ever so slightly.

His cultivation of the Mantra Axis Scripture had been extremely smooth, but that seemed to have used up all of his luck, and he wasn't able to find any trace of his Azure Bamboo Cloudswarm Swords during the past four years.

He had virtually scoured the entire Bell Toll Mountain Range with no luck whatsoever, and he was beginning to grow a little agitated.

Right at this moment, a streak of white light flew in from outside, and it was a voice transmission talisman.

Han Li raised an eyebrow as he caught the talisman, then injected his spiritual sense into it, and his expression changed slightly as he immediately rose to his feet and exited his cave abode.

1. If you're curious about what the coins mentioned here look like, search up ancient Chinese copper coin in Google Images. ☜

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