Chapter 77: The New Wand

"Bam bam bam!"

Professor McGonagall pushed open the door and saw Harry and Ron bundled up tightly.

She welcomed them in, and Harry and Ron took seats next to the fireplace.

"Potter, Weasley, do you have something to tell me?" Professor McGonagall inquired.

Ron took out a wretched-looking wand from his robes. It was broken in the middle, held together only by a single unicorn tail hair at the center.

Ron said hesitantly, "Professor McGonagall, I'd like to request permission to buy a new wand."

"Oh?" Professor McGonagall lowered her head and looked at the broken hawthorn wand, her tight bun meticulously in place. "Weasley, you should've gotten a new wand a long time ago. No wonder you've been having mishaps in class."

Ron lowered his head, not saying a word.

Harry chimed in, "Professor, we might need to use your fireplace to go to Diagon Alley."

Professor McGonagall raised her head and glanced at them. "Of course, that's not a problem." She waved her wand, conjuring a silver cat that leaped out of the wand tip. The cat had patterns around its eyes similar to Professor McGonagall's glasses.

"Weasley, come to my office," she said.

The silver cat jumped out of the window and quickly disappeared from Harry and Ron's sight.

Harry was still gazing at the window, while Ron stuttered, "Professor McGonagall, we can go on our own..." He was met with a stern glare from Professor McGonagall.

"Don't talk nonsense. I won't let two second-year wizards go to Diagon Alley alone," the Transfiguration professor said.

Ron's face turned grim. Even though Professor McGonagall hadn't mentioned a name, his not-so-brilliant brain could figure out that she wasn't referring to the twins.

Harry couldn't help but sympathetically glance at Ron; their brotherly relationship was clearly strained at the moment.

"Professor, what was that magic just now?" he changed the topic.

"Patronus Charm, Potter. You'll have the chance to learn about it when you're in higher years," she replied.

After a quiet wait, Percy Weasley's figure appeared in the office.

Seeing his younger brother, he looked visibly surprised. "Professor McGonagall, did Ron do something wrong?"

"No, Percy," Professor McGonagall said. "Ron needs to purchase a new wand from Diagon Alley, and I need an older student to accompany him. No one is more suitable than you."

Percy's expression grew even more surprised as he looked at Ron, unable to resist asking him, "Where did you get the money?"

"None of your business!" Ron snapped.

"I'm your older brother! Let me warn you, if you dare to pull any—"

"Percy!" Harry interjected, turning to McGonagall and vaguely saying, "It was a gift from Professor Harp." He turned his head to look at Professor McGonagall and continued, "To honor the heroics of that night."

Recognition dawned on Professor McGonagall's face, but Percy Weasley was even more perplexed.

"Ron Weasley, I'm proud of you. And you too, Potter," she said with an unusual touch of emotion.

Percy was about to ask something, but Professor McGonagall added, "Off you go, come back soon."

So the three of them stood by the fireplace, and within a burst of emerald flames, their figures disappeared.

Half an hour later, they returned. Ron was carefully cradling a fourteen-inch wand in his hands, a look of happiness on his face.

Percy had his arm draped over Ron's shoulder, indicating that their relationship had improved.

As they left the office, Ron continued to chatter excitedly about his new wand. "Willow wood, unicorn tail hair core, it's a perfect combination! Harry, look at its lines..."

Back in the common room, Harry was pulled aside by Percy, who whispered, "Harry, can you tell me what you guys actually did?"

On the way, Ron accidentally revealed that he, Harry, and Hermione had received a special award for their contributions to the school. But when Percy pressed for more details, the two of them remained tight-lipped.

Harry vaguely said, "You'll find out when the new term starts; he's sure to surprise you."

Meanwhile, Ron was busy showing off his new wand to the twins, and they ended up dragging him into a duel.

Fred grinned mischievously. "Ron, you need to get acquainted with your new wand quickly."

"Absolutely, yes. We're at your service," George chimed in, patting his shoulder.

Hearing the twins' suggestion, Harry felt an instant spark of interest. He had seen a few simple spells in the Christmas gift "The Duellist's Compendium" from Professor Harp.

He was eager to give them a try.

"Let's go, Ron," he said.

However, Percy wasn't interested. So Harry, Ron, and the twins left the castle and arrived at an open area by the Black Lake.

The four of them took turns being opponents, casting spells at each other.

With the new wand, Ron's spellcasting was definitely smoother, though he still ranked last in this game.

He was knocked down three times in a row.

As for Harry, he defeated Ron and narrowly triumphed over George. But when he was dueling Fred, he stumbled and was hit by a Petrification Curse, freezing him in place.

Ron grinned widely, "So, this is what it feels like when Hermione uses Petrificus Totalus on Neville in our first year?" He playfully poked Harry with his finger.

When the spell was lifted, Harry retaliated immediately—grabbing a handful of snow from the ground and throwing it at Ron.

Thus, due to irresistible forces, the duel game turned into a snowball fight midway. The four of them rolled around in the snow, having fun.

After a successful sneak attack using his agility, Harry found himself surrounded by the twins. He dashed away in a hurry until he saw the figure of Professor Harp.

It was quite a bizarre scene.

Outside the chilly castle, Professor Harp lay on a rocking chair, leisurely reading a book.

The chair creaked as it rocked back and forth.

His head was adorned with blue flames that swayed freely, like ribbons.

"Hello, Professor Harp," Harry greeted.

Felix closed the book, sat up on the rocking chair, and a pleased expression crossed his face. "Hello, Potter."

At that moment, Harry noticed that the book Professor Harp was reading was "A Collection of World Jokes," which was quite unlike a magical book.

However, it had a translucent pearl-like quality, much like the gift he once saw Professor Harp give to Hagrid. An idea formed in Harry's mind.

Could this book also be a modified version by Professor Harp?


"Don't run!"

Ron and the twins caught up as well, and they too saw Professor Harp.

"Are you having a snowball fight?" Felix asked.

"We're practicing dueling, taking a break now," Fred said. "Professor, could you give us some pointers? Your performance at the Dueling Club was outstanding!"

"Ah, not today. I've decided not to think about anything related to magic today," Felix blinked, "But don't worry, once the term starts, I'll restart the dueling lessons."

"Oh, by the way," Felix glanced around, "where's Granger? Isn't she with you guys?"

"Uh, Professor," Harry stammered, "Hermione, she's, she's sick."

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