Chapter 465 - Athanato And Daimonas

'I am not too sure, I just feel like it will take some time.' Ceph replied after considering the topic for a while.

Eldrian pondered this and didn't push Ceph to attempt it, instead, he nodded and returned his attention to the fight before them. By now the soldiers outnumbered the undead 2 to 1, and as a result, the undead knew the fight was lost.

Many of them started deserting, with Vagus far away and kept busy they realized that there was nothing stopping them from doing so. The first to do so was of course the liches, and the last were the Unwilling. Who were ordered by the higher undead and were unable to refuse their orders.

The soldiers also did not try to stop them from fleeing, instead, they focused on those who didn't flee. Killing as many as they could with the least amount of danger.


Gasping for air, Hrothgar looked at Vagus in disbelief. He couldn't believe that the undead was still standing, not to speak of the fact that they were actually slowly losing.

For now, they were able to keep pace with him thanks to the armor Amnur crafted for all his abyssal guards. The abyssal armor was beyond amazing, and as long as they had mana it could adapt to almost anything.

The problem was, they were running out of mana.

After another of their charges were easily repelled, the undead spoke for the first time.

"Let's end this, you can't win."

"Hah! Do you think we will stop so easily?" Hrothgar shouted as he charged again, however, unlike the first strike where he had sent the undead flying, this one was blocked by the flaming spiked shield.

Shockwaves damaged the surrounding, but Vagus stayed where he was. Just sinking a few inches into the ground.

"Why would you continue? My plans have already been foiled." The undead replied, swinging his shield and sending Hrothgar flying while parrying Girlan's attack.

Both dwarves ended up in the dirt, but neither was hurt. Nor were they discouraged, they jumped back to their feet and readied themselves for another attack. They knew that if the undead was asking for a peaceful resolution, then he was also nearing his limit.

"And what is to stop you from attempting this again?" Hrothgar replied as he returned with another attack.

Only for the shadow flames to burst forth and surround him. Massively draining his mana to counter the heat and corrosive effect of the flames. Hrothgar dared not let the flames through, fearing what kind of damage it might cause.

"Fine, then let's end this your way." Saying this, Vagus lifted his greatsword and fed the shadow flames.

They grew in size until the dwarves couldn't even enter within a meter of the undead. However, before Vagus could attack or retreat, his flames were suddenly attacked by a mist of ice.

"I'm afraid we can't let you go," Tovack said, appearing before them in his normal rags.

His hands moved constantly as a guide for his spell. The ice mist pushing the shadow flames all the way back to the undead's armor.

Vagus realized that Tovack seemed to have grasped the weakness of the fire of undeath. A truly shocking revelation and one which made the undead wish to end the fight peacefully even more.

Stopping the flow of the flames, he pulled them back until they just barely were visible in the openings of his armor. Turning to the new arrival, his eyes narrowed behind his helm.

"Are you their commander?" Vagus asked, Tovack's commoner appearance not fooling him for a moment.

"I am indeed, and you are too dangerous to be let free."

Vagus cursed hearing this while wondering where his reinforcements were. He had made a deal with the devil kings and now they were seemingly abandoning him.

"Why would you say I am too dangerous? I am just another lowly Oni."

"A lowly Oni? You managed to fight against two abyssal guards of the same Tier as you as well as one a Tier above. I am afraid that you are even more dangerous than a devil prince."

"No way! I am really just a lowly Oni. I promise to never stir any trouble near Taurus again. How about it?"

"Oh, and why should I trust your words when I can simply ensure you will never be able to hurt anyone again?" Tovack said, raising his hands and starting to form a new spell.

"Wait, wait! What about an oath?" Vagus desperately pleaded, his entire soul shivering from the feeling he was receiving from this dwarf in rags.

"An oath?" Vagus questioned, pausing his spell and becoming serious.

He knew just how strong this demon before him could become. Calling him an Oni was a massive disservice.

Oni were half-demons. Vagus however wasn't that. He was a demon who had absorbed the souls of a draugr and revenant.

Normally, this was impossible. Normally, only a small portion of the soul would be absorbed while the rest was consumed. Clearly, Vagus was similar to the one in the rumors. And the damage he could potentially do if allowed to grow is chilling.

"Yes, yes. Let me swear in Daimonas's name." Vagus pleaded, and Tovack laughed hearing it.

"The demon goddess? Why would I ever accept such an oath to a goddess who doesn't bother ensuring the oaths are ensured. It is common knowledge that she prefers the outcome that creates the greatest emotional disturbance, not the one sworn."

"No, if you wish to escape with your life, then swear in the name of Athanato."

Vagus cringed hearing this. Naturally, he was not a true undead. He had stolen the abilities of the undead whose souls he had absorbed. He was much like a lich, and it was common knowledge that Athanato would never be kind to a lich.

He didn't hate them, he just didn't accept them. They didn't gain undeath through him, but rather through their own means. Manipulating what he had created.

He valued their intelligence and ingenuity, but he could not accept it. As such, he would never be lenient in an oath. This is why no lich would ever agree to form one, as it would literally place their lives on the oath.

No amount of phylacteries could save them should they break the oath.

Vagus actually felt like Athanato would hate him much more than he disliked liches. He might even go out of his way to ensure that a demon-undead hybrid couldn't turn back on his word.

"That..." As he wanted to try and worm his way out of it, Tovack started casting his spell again.

"Fine, fine! I will do it! But..."

"The oath will be simple," Tovack replied, "You will leave Taurus and never return, and should you ever wish to continue with your experiments, then you will do so in the demon realms of your homeland."

Vagus cringed hearing this, he wanted to argue. However, he had no footing to do so.? 'Whatever, if I break the oath I will just be weakened and lose the souls I absorbed. Athanato should have no more hold on me than the undead souls I have absorbed.'

"Fine, I will do as you say."

"One more thing," Tovack said and caused Vagus to curse as he heard it. "You will leave immediately, I forbid you returning to the forest and trying to take what you have left there."

"But-" Vagus stopped as he realized this wasn't a suggestion.

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