Although Alex calls this a trap, in the end, the one they are trapping will gain a lot of benefits. It is just that she and Ezekiel don't want to carry the burden of everyone in the village. 

Besides, Ezekiel only has a mediocre talent in strategizing wars. In comparison, she is even worse than Ezekiel. 

She did try to study the arts of war and how to strategize. It's just that she doesn't understand a single thing once she studied past the basics of the arts of war. 

That is why she prefers to fight on the frontline. She doesn't need to overthink. All she needs to do on the frontline is to slay the enemy in front of her. 

"Here, your potion." Ezekiel gave Alex her two healing potions and one antidote potion. 

"Thanks, also thanks for what you did to comfort Lili earlier." Alex did not forget to give thanks to Ezekiel, even though he is also one of the reasons why Lili cried. 

"No worries, I know that your heart can't handle to see kids crying in front of you. But I noticed that you have also changed in that aspect. You are now stronger... In the past, if you see a kid cry, you will also suddenly join them in crying." Ezekiel chuckled as he remembered Alex's innocent past. 

"I almost cried... but I managed to hold it in somehow." Ezekiel is right, though. She also changed on that aspect, but this kind of change is okay with her. It is a change that she knows and intentionally trying to change. 

Alex wanted to change how she thinks. That is why she is trying to learn how to think more maturely. She is no longer an innocent child that has no clue of how the world works. 

"Anyway, there is still quite some time. Let's plan out how we are going to fight later." Ezekiel wanted to at least survive in this battle.  If he doesn't warn her now, Alex will not be able to hear anything he says to her later. Once she is on the loose, no one will be able to stop her. He is afraid that Alex might leave him all alone and rush through the enemy like there's no tomorrow.

"Aren't we just going to rush through the enemies??" Alex tilted her head as she questioned Ezekiel. She is confident that she can survive the battle for an hour even if she is all alone deep in the enemy's backline. 

"Sigh... Why did I even ask..." Ezekiel sighed in exhaustion. "You can't do that. I will be left behind if you charge through the sea of goblins..."

"But there is no fun staying close with everyone. I see a lot of capable people who can easily steal a kill from me..." Alex exclaimed as she noticed that a lot of players she sees carry a long-range weapon. She saw a variety of long-range weapons from guns, to bows, to magic wands and staffs. 

Alex thought that if she stayed too close to the village gates, she would get hardly any kills. Players with a long-range weapon will kill her target before she can even get close to them.

"Don't forget the requirement for me to heal you. I need to stay very close to you so that I can touch you with my palm. And remember that I need to heal you so that I can also gain experience from your kills... How can I level up if you leave me alone..." Ezekiel imagined himself chasing Alex through the battlefield as she forces her way through the sea of goblins as if they are nothing. 

"But It is not fun staying with everyone... And I don't like it..." 

Alex kept arguing with Ezekiel about this for about a minute, as she keeps on insisting that they storm their way through the enemy. 

In the end, they reached a compromise for her to slow down her pace a little. It is so that Ezekiel has a little time to somehow stay at her back and catch up if he'll get left behind. 

A minute after they reached a compromise, Elder Jin, Akkar, and a couple of village guards emerged from the house they had a meeting. 

Akkar, accompanied by Elder Jin, climbed to a high pedestal that everyone can easily see. 

"Aren't they a little too fast at planning things out??" Alex asked, doubting that they were even able to come up with a plan on how to defend the goblin army effectively. Akkar doesn't even look worried at all. 

"I don't know what plan they come up with, but it's definitely very fast. Maybe Akkar is a great commander that already knows how to beat the goblin army. Or they weren't able to come up with one, so we will all just be fighting aimlessly..." Ezekiel mumbled as he stared at Akkar with curiosity. 

"Everyone!!" Akkar roared at the top of his lungs. His voice traveled throughout the village, gathering everyone's attention at him. 

"I know some of you knows me already, while a lot of you probably thinks who the hell is this man that is shouting out of nowhere... Let me introduce myself first. I am Akkar The Berserker Guardian." 

"All of us may not have faced any trials together!!" 

"However, outside this gates awaits a threat to this village that we barely even know!! But will you be so heartless!? To let its beauty be covered in flames as we taste helplessness and defeat!!" 

"The enemy is far too strong for the villagers to defend this place alone... But with the help of everyone here, nothing is impossible!!"   

"We shall use our swords to pierce through the enemy!!" 

"With our shield that fears not the might of goblin army!!" 

"I know that we will never falter..." 

"We won't just hide ourselves away from danger!!" 

"We will defend this place with our own hands!!" 

"As the commander of Honey Combed Village!!"

"I... Akkar, The Berserker Guardian, give this order..." Akkar slowly lifted his hands as he pointed at the direction of the Goblin Army.

"Guardians of Honey Combed Village advance!!" 

"Defend our land!"

"Slay our enemies!!" 

"Bring us VICTORY!!"

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