The silence in the plaza lasted for a couple of seconds. 

Everyone couldn't process what happened as they opened a path out of fear. And stare at the girl's running figure. 


Akkar broke the silence as he knocked the handle of his weapon on the ground to gain everyone's attention. "Who wants to fight me next??" Even though his body is still quivering in fear, Akkar needs to move on and clear the tense atmosphere. After all, he has a job to entertain his viewers.

"Can I?"

"I want to fight too."

"I want to try!"

After seeing Akkar lost 2 battles in a row. A few confident players with their skills now see fighting him as winnable. 

Akkar felt relieved seeing a couple of players stepping up to fight him. Even though he lost, he thinks that it wasn't that bad at all. Alexandria and Ezekiel helped him more than he could have ever hoped for. Gaining more than 30 thousand viewers and boosting other players' morale for him to continue his duel. 

"Wait, everyone, I will let my viewers choose the last 3 players I will be fighting with." Akkar opened his streaming channel.


At the same time, in the far-off distance, Alex is dragging Ezekiel back to the little girl selling potions.

Ezekiel stopped in his tracks, noticing that the place now has fewer players than the plaza. "Hey!! Can you explain to me what just happened earlier? How did you become that strong in just a few minutes of separating away from me??" The first time they entered the game. Ezekiel already felt and knew how weak is Alex's current strength, from the way she punched him. And it was nowhere near the strength she displayed earlier.

"Did I impress you?" Alex felt proud even though it did not go the way she planned it.

"Stop lying; you even looked confused the moment you held Akkar's weapon." If he wasn't paying attention. He wouldn't even notice the slight change in Alex's expression.

"Can't you even spare me some praises? I won the match without a hitch." Alex pouted, even though it surprised her using Akkar's weapon. 

"But, now that you've mentioned it, I did gain something in that fight." 


A floating panel appeared in front of her that shows her current character status. 

* Name : Alexandria    * Race : Human

* Weapon: None        * Title : Hero

* Character Level : 0    * Weapon Level : 0

* Health : 200              * Mana : 200

* Strength : 10            * Agility : 10

* Stamina: 10              * Intellect : 10 

* Wisdom: 10              * Luck : - 100 

* Experience required to Level: 100

* Skills: Great Ax's Weapon Proficiency.

"Wahhh!! I now have a skill." Alex hopped and cheered in excitement. "Look, look." Alex then shared her status panel with Ezekiel.

"10 in all stats?? And great ax's weapon proficiency?" Ezekiel can't believe what he's seeing. 

Am I really the lucky one here and not Alex?? "Where the hell did you even get those stats?" Is there some kind of hidden quest in the village he doesn't know about? 

"Looks good, right?? Lumiere gave it to me when she returned, saying that it's compensation for not having a starting skill." Alex prefers this rather than getting a starter skill. After all, she feels restrained from having lower stats. With this, it allows her to move her body more freely. 

"Gaining 25 stats out of nowhere... Doesn't this look like overkill? Is your lucks stats really negative 100?" All players except weaponless ones gain 5 stats every time they level up, so that means Alex just gained 5 levels worth of stats. "You even received a skill..." The purpose of her gaining that amount of stats in the early stage for compensation lost its meaning.

"That's the reason why I look surprised." Alex then clicked on the skill.

  [Great Ax's Weapon Proficiency]

Level: 1

*Increases user's damage when using a great ax by 0.1% 

*Each level increases the damage by 0.1%

*Experience required to Level: 100

*Skill gains experience when a great ax is used

"How did you get this??" Alex's choice of choosing weaponless will be terrifying if she can steal unlimited skills.

"When I held Akkar's weapon, I automatically received the skill." 

Alex turned to Lumiere. "How did I receive a skill?"

"I never expected that a weaponless player can steal a weapon in the early stage... But as you can see, the way to acquire a weapon and a skill for a weaponless is to steal a weapon. Naturally, the soul bounded weapons you have stolen will return to their rightful owner. Therefore there is a duration depending on your stats, and the duration increases with your stats."

"Does that mean I can have unlimited skills if I steal all kinds of weapons?" Now Alex isn't regretting her choice. 

"Yes... Stealing a skill is also random, but there's a cooldown of 24 hours before you can steal another skill. "

"What are you looking at?" Ezekiel took a step back when Alex suddenly turned to look at him. Even though he can't hear the explanation of Alex's A.I. to her, he can tell from Alex's eyes that she is planning something.

Ezekiel then saw Alex's eyes then moving towards the staff on his back. "Inventory!! Store!!" Ezekiel grabbed his weapon and hid it from Alex's grasp,

"Hey, why did you hide your weapon!?" She hasn't even done something yet.

"No! I know what you're thinking." There's no way he will let Alex steal his skills. His purpose of being Alex as a healer will be meaningless. 

"I just want to check if your weapon is good..." Alex pouted as she looked at Ezekiel's eyes.

"You are not touching my weapon even once!!" Ezekiel warned. This time he won't yield to her. 

"Tsk, it's not like I'm stealing your skills. I'm just adding more to our assets... Besides, I have a 24 hours cooldown before I can even steal a skill again." The 24-hour cooldown is depressing, but she can't really complain about it. After all, weaponless players will be so overpowered if there is no cooldown.

"Call me selfish, but I won't let you touch my sta..." Before Ezekiel can finish what he's saying, he heard a little girl's voice calling in his direction.

"Big sister, you're back!!" 

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