A Demon's Journey

Chapter 603 The Special Spatial Altar

The sound of clashing weapons echoed through the forest as Rhea's faction pressed forward, determined to dominate the battlefield.

The few remaining members of Xander and Dante's teams stood no chance against Rhea's superior numbers and strategic planning.

They fought fiercely, but it was clear that their defeat was inevitable.

Rhea herself led the charge, her crimson eyes gleaming with a deadly intent as she swung her blade with precision and skill.

Her subordinates followed her lead, their weapons flashing in the sunlight as they pushed forward.

The few remaining survivors of Xander and Dante's teams tried to hold their ground, but they were quickly overwhelmed.

"Is that all you've got?" Rhea taunted, her voice ringing out over the chaos.

"You thought you could challenge us? You should have known better than to stand in our way."

One by one, the members of Xander and Dante's teams fell to Rhea's faction.

As the battle raged on, the two Demon Kings from Rhea's faction faced off against the Demon Kings from Xander's and Dante's factions.

The air around them crackled with energy, and the ground shook beneath their feet as they clashed in a fierce, brutal fight.

The Demon Kings from Xander's and Dante's factions were fierce fighters, but they had already been weakened from their previous battle.

Despite their injuries, they fought valiantly, their demonic powers surging forth as they battled their opponents.

The Demon Kings from Rhea's faction were a force to be reckoned with.

They moved with a grace and fluidity that was almost hypnotic, their movements precise and deadly. Their eyes glowed with an otherworldly light, and their powers were formidable.

As the battle raged on, it became clear that the Demon Kings from Xander's and Dante's factions were outmatched.

The two demons were tiring quickly, and their opponents seemed to be only growing stronger.

With a final burst of energy, the Demon Kings from Xander's and Dante's factions joined hands and charged at their opponents, their powers merging in a blinding burst of light.

But it was not enough. The Demon Kings from Rhea's faction were simply too powerful, and with a final, devastating attack, they sent their opponents crashing to the ground.

The air was still, the only sound was the ragged breathing of the wounded and the dying. The Demon Kings from Rhea's faction stood victorious, their powers still blazing brightly.

As the last of Xander's and Dante's faction's subordinates were defeated, Rhea's faction approached the Black Stone Grotto, now under their control.

They searched through the warehouses, taking all the Black Stone they could find, and quickly retreated to their quarters, leaving behind the battered bodies of their fallen enemies.

Some were killed outright, while others were taken captive to be used as bargaining chips in future battles.

But through it all, Rhea remained focused on her ultimate goal: to gain control of the Black Stone Grotto.

With the last of their enemies defeated, Rhea and her subordinates moved quickly to secure the grotto.

They searched for every nook and cranny, taking care to remove any remaining resistance.

And when they finally had the grotto under their control, Rhea ordered her team to gather up all the Black Stone and return to their faction quarters.

"Let this be a lesson for anyone who dares to challenge us," Rhea said as she watched her team collect the Black Stone. "We are not to be trifled with. And we will stop at nothing to achieve our goals."

All her subordinates roared aloud and cheered at her declaration. As demons, they loved to battle and destroy their opponents!

After returning to her castle, Rhea's subordinates were given a brief respite to recover from the fierce battle. Even Sargan, who had played a key role in their victory, was asked to return to his quarters and rest. Rhea, however, had no time to waste.

She walked towards the altar where the Demon Kings of Dante and Xander's factions were placed. All the Demon Kings of her faction stood in a circle around them, watching with bated breath.

Rhea stood tall and proud in front of the altar, facing the injured and battered Demon Kings of the opposing factions.

"This will be your final opportunity!" Rhea shouted with fierce determination. "Will you accept me as your Lord or not?!"

The Demon Kings growled in response, their eyes filled with rage and defiance. "We will tear you apart!" they shouted back.

As the Demon Kings of Dante and Xander's factions growled and shouted their defiance, Rhea's expression hardened, and her eyes narrowed in response.

She spoke coldly, "Very well. If that is your decision, then prepare to meet your doom."

The ground beneath the altar began to tremble and shake, causing the Demon Kings to struggle against their restraints.

But their efforts were in vain as black tendrils burst forth from the ground, tightly wrapping around them.

As the tendrils tightened their grip, the ground beneath the altar cracked open, revealing a fiery abyss. The Demon Kings screamed in agony as they were consumed by the abyss.

Rhea's subordinates watched in awe as the air in the throne room became dense and tense. The ground shook beneath their feet, creating a low rumble that grew into a violent quake.

Suddenly, a deafening roar filled the air, drowning out all other sounds. As the echoes died down, a mysterious purple hue emanated from the abyss, enveloping the room in a soft, purple glow.

All present could feel the power of the Purple Ardor surging through their veins, invigorating their bodies and strengthening their muscles.

The Demon Kings felt their physical forms becoming more resilient and their reflexes more agile.

As for Rhea, the Purple Ardor stimulated her bloodline, making her attacks more deadly and increasing her stamina greatly.

It was as if they were all imbued with a supernatural force that made them more powerful than ever before.

This was a special altar that Rhea had constructed after reading some ancient scriptures left behind in her clan.

According to legend, this altar was created by the founder of the Olmer Clan, who had created it after he found a special beast while he was exploring different small worlds within the Purgatory.

The beast formed a deal with the founder, promising to grant its vital qi and empower a demon's physique and bloodline if it was fed with a powerful demon.

This altar was a special spatial array that allowed the user to sacrifice a demon. Naturally, the altar was extremely small to ensure that the beast would never be able to reach the other side and escape that dimension.

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