Power stones☺�☺�☺�☺�


As Sitri, the leader of the sixth district, stood up, Alex couldn't help but notice her alluring beauty. She was a black demon who curtsied gracefully before uttering her compliment to Alex.

Her flirtatious smile and demeanor made it clear to Alex that she was interested in him. Despite this, Alex maintained his composure and replied, "Thank you, Sitri. It's an honor to be the new Lord of Lust."

The next person to introduce themselves was a man named Lelial, who identified himself as the Ambassador of the Gardens of Greed.

Alex couldn't help but wonder what the Gardens of Greed might be like, but he didn't ask. Instead, he greeted Lelial with a polite nod and a smile, eager to hear what he had to say.

The Ambassador of the Gardens of Greed, Lelial, cleared his throat before continuing, "I must warn you, Lord of Lust, that the Governor of Greed is not easily impressed. He will scrutinize every detail of your proposal, and if he is not satisfied with your offer, he will not hesitate to decline any business dealings with you."

"I understand," Alex replied, nodding his head. "I will make sure to prepare myself thoroughly before meeting with him."

Lauryn interjected, "What kind of business dealings are we talking about here? Are they interested in a trade agreement or something more...shady?"

Lelial gave a slight chuckle before responding, "Let's just say that the Governor of Greed has a very keen eye for profitable opportunities. He is willing to conduct any kind of business, as long as it benefits him."

Alex raised an eyebrow, "I see. Well, I will make sure to keep that in mind during our negotiations."

As they continued to discuss the Governor of Greed and his tendencies, Alex couldn't help but wonder what kind of person he would be dealing with. He knew that he would have to be careful and cautious when dealing with someone as shrewd and calculating as the Governor of Greed.

As the next leader was introduced, Alex couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. Ornias, the leader of the eighth district, was only partially clothed and was holding two succubi, his servants, in his arms. Despite the scene, Ornias greeted Alex with a bow and a sly grin. "I aim to live up to your expectations, Lord of Lust, Alex," he said, his tone suggestive.

Alex felt a shiver run down his spine at the blatant display of lust and desire in front of him. He cleared his throat before responding, "I expect nothing less than respect and professionalism from the leaders of the circles."

Ornias chuckled and released his succubi, who immediately went to work on pleasing their master. "Oh, you'll get respect, Lord of Lust. But a little bit of pleasure never hurt anyone," he said with a wink.

Alex couldn't help but feel disgusted by Ornias' behavior, but he kept his composure and simply nodded before moving on to the next leader.

Estair, the leader of the ninth district, was introduced next. Despite his young age, he was treated with great respect by the other attendees. It was clear that he was a powerful figure in his own right, despite his youth.

Estair's appearance was just as peculiar as his reputation. He looked like a child of no more than twelve years old, and he was only slightly taller than the table at which he was seated. Alex couldn't help but wonder how someone so young could hold such a position of power in the circles.

Even more curious were the guards who stood behind him. They were both succubi and appeared to be no more than fourteen or sixteen years old at the most. Despite their youth, they carried themselves with a quiet confidence that suggested they were more than capable of protecting their charge.

"I eagerly anticipate witnessing your approach to Arazra," Estair said to Alex. There was a hint of mischief in his voice that belied his youthful appearance. Alex couldn't help but feel a sense of unease as he wondered what kind of game the young leader of the ninth district was playing.

Alex directed his attention to the next guest, Katiyana, who was introduced as the High Priestess of the Yuki-Onna. She greeted Alex with a smile and expressed her delight at the opportunity to get to know him.

Katiyana's statement about maintaining impartiality in the conflict between Alex and Arazra earned disapproving looks from some of the attendees, including Iris and Ornias. Despite this, Katiyana remained calm and composed in her all-white robes, appearing as serene and pure as freshly fallen snow.

As Iris sneered, Alex couldn't help but notice the hostility in her expression, but he didn't let it bother him. Instead, he tried to remain diplomatic and respond to Katiyana's statement with a measured tone.

"I understand your position, Katiyana, and I appreciate your desire to remain neutral. However, I cannot deny that I am disappointed by the situation. As leaders, it is our responsibility to work towards finding common ground and resolving conflicts, and I hope that we can do so in the future."

To Alex's relief, his words seemed to have a calming effect on both Iris and Ornias. Katiyana, on the other hand, smiled warmly in response to Alex's words, and her serene appearance was reminiscent of a snow goddess.

As the meeting continued, Alex couldn't help but reflect on the importance of diplomacy and tact in dealing with other leaders.

While he knew that conflict was sometimes unavoidable, he also recognized that it was essential to maintain cordial relationships with those who could become valuable allies in the future.

The tension in the room was palpable as everyone turned their attention to the final guest and his entourage. Batibat, with a gulp, composed himself and spoke in a measured tone.


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