6 Times a Day

Chapter 1050 Another Date With Christine?

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Katherine had been talking to Alan in a busy hallway between classes  when Christine walked up. After some brief greetings, Katherine heard  Christine say to Alan, "So, we still on for dinner tonight?"

Alan turned away from Katherine to fully face Christine, and  replied, "Sure." Keeping in mind that he needed to reinforce the  strictly platonic nature of their dating, especially with his jealous  sister there, he suggested, "But you know, the last couple of dates we  went to such fancy places that it took a big hit out of my pocket book.  Why don't we just go to some kind of normal restaurant and dress  normally this time?"

Secretly, Christine was very disappointed by that. She'd  recently visited her young aunt Kirsten again to borrow yet another  stunning outfit, just for this upcoming date. She thought, I'm so  pathetic. First, I had to run the gauntlet of yet more of Kirsten's  embarrassing questions about my practice dates before she'd loan me  anything. It's not easy keeping the full, painfully embarrassing truth  from her.

Then, to make matters worse, with my mom asking about  these dates and the way I'm dressing for them, I had to give her the  impression that I'm really dating Alan, and not just practice dating.  She basically thinks he's my boyfriend! Worse, she told Dad everything,  so now he thinks that too. I've never lied to my parents before that I  can recall, but they've been pressuring me so strongly to date somebody.  Here I am, supposedly one of the best looking girls in the school, and  I'm making up lies so I can borrow a dress that I can't even wear.  Pathetic!

She thought some more about the dress that she'd modeled in  her bedroom just the night before. She'd gotten into an argument with  her mother about being allowed to wear it. She said it was too sheer.  Well okay, maybe it was a little sheer, but so what? Isn't that the  whole point, to look a little sexy? Mom would probably be happy if I  went on all my dates wearing a potato sack. Besides, she did let me wear  it in the end. What's frustrating is that Kirsten said I need to return  it to her in a few days, so now I'm going to have to return the damn  thing before Alan can even see it!

But she kept all these thoughts to herself and played along.  "Yeah, I know what you mean. I'm hardly Ms. Moneybags myself. Although  going all out can be a lot of fun, don't you think? What if we do that,  like, every other time?"

"Okay, sure. We'll do that next time. Any type of restaurant you like for tonight? I'm totally flexible."

"How about Thai food?"

"Great!" Alan replied.

Katherine noticed though that Alan spoke more to Christine's  chest than her face. Unusually for the Nordic "Ice Queen," her top was  actually a little revealing. In fact, Katherine realized that Christine  had been wearing more daring outfits for at least the last week.

But then Alan turned to Katherine and asked, "What was the  name of that place we ate at a while back? 'Taste of Thai,' right?  Wasn't that pretty good?"

Katherine replied, "Oh yeah. Very good."

She turned briefly to Christine and gave her a bit of a  glare. Even before she'd consciously admitted her incestuous feelings  for her brother, she had a bad impression about Christine due to  unrecognized jealousy. Lately, those feelings had flared up again and  even grown stronger, especially since she'd heard about how Alan and  Christine had French kissed.

Christine was so focused on Alan that she didn't notice  Katherine's mean look. She leaned forward, revealing a bit more  cleavage, and said in a low tone, "Um, Alan, it is just you and me  tonight, right?"

"Yes. Just us," Alan said casually, oblivious to the tension between the two girls. "Why?"

Christine drew even closer, as if she was saying something  just for Alan, but Katherine leaned forward too, careful to listen.  "Nothing," Christine said. "It's just that, I have some things I want to  say to you in private. Important things about, well, about stuff like  what happened to you this morning in first period and everything. Can I  have your complete confidence?"

"Sure. My lips are sealed." He pretended to zip his lips  closed, and then shot her an infectious grin. "How 'bout seven o'clock?  I'll meet you there."

"Sounds perfect." Christine smiled genuinely at Alan, and  then gave Katherine a serious look that didn't come across as friendly  at all. Even though she didn't see Katherine's mean glare, she was  picking up on Katherine's anger toward her, and didn't like that  Katherine wasn't giving them any privacy. Turning back to Alan, she  waved and walked off.

Katherine played this encounter over and over in her mind as she stood in the sex shop's changing room. Let's  be brutally frank. Christine is an exceptional girl. She's one of the  best students in the whole high school - popular, a leader, beautiful,  intellectual, trustworthy, altruistic, and so on. Blah, blah, blah! She  could challenge Heather for Homecoming Queen this year if she really  wanted to, especially if she were to get into all the intrigues and  popularity battles. But she has higher priorities than that, which is  only even MORE frustrating for me! In fairness, I can't even really call  her a bitch.

All that wonderful stuff is great for her, but sucky for  me. She's everything that I am, only way better! And don't even get me  started about her bust. I swear, it walks into the room two minutes  before the rest of her! She stared at her own chest and thought, Curse the tit fairy that gave Christine so much. Enough of the goddamned tooth fairy; when is the tit fairy gonna visit me?

So now they're going on ANOTHER damn "practice date," huh?  Probably to practice a lot more kissing! I'm sure it's not a  coincidence that today, of all days, she happened to show more cleavage  with her school clothes than she probably ever did before. That worries  me, big time. I can't forget what happened when I intervened in their  earlier "non-romantic" date. I seriously doubt it would have remained  non-romantic if it weren't for my help. And Christine's mention of  wanting to talk to Brother about "stuff like what happened to you this  morning" in complete secrecy... What the heck is that all about?! I'm so  curious that I'm ready to burst!

Just then, Amy came back into the stall, completely naked except for some clothing she carried in her hands.

Katherine snapped out of her contemplation and complained,  "Amy! What the hell?! You do know people can see you from the street,  don't you?"

"Oh, that? So what? There's tons of stuff between me and the windows. Plus, today is ladies-only day."

Katherine nearly threw her hands up in the air in  frustration. "That's only on the inside of the store! That doesn't stop  guys from walking down the street. Geez! What am I going to do with  you?" Inwardly, she grumbled to herself that it was hard to keep in mind  that Amy wasn't a complete ditz; she just seemed that way sometimes.

Amy sidled up to Katherine and rubbed one hand over her  sister's stomach and another over her butt. "What are you gonna do with  me? I can think of lots of things. For one, we've only shaved each other  once today, and I'm gonna need a super excellent shaving for what's  gonna happen between me and Mother tonight." One of her hands slid  underneath what little bikini there was covering Katherine's pussy.

But now that Katherine had Christine back on her mind, she  wasn't in the mood. She turned around to prevent Amy from getting her  pussy all worked up. She asked hesitantly, "Do you think sometimes it  can be right to scheme against Alan?" She quickly added, "You know, to  give him a surprise, or to help him out in some kind of way?"

Amy replied brightly, "Oh, sure! That sounds like fun! What kind of scheme-y thing are you planning? Can I help too?"

Katherine had been keeping her back to Amy out of  embarrassment, but Amy seemed so earnest and infectiously happy that  Katherine couldn't help but turn back and smile. "No. This is just my  little surprise for now. But I'll tell you all about it later, okay? If  you can promise to keep a secret, too."

"M'kay! Now, are you just gonna stand there in that bikini all day, or are you gonna try some more stuff on already?"

"Oh, shit! Time's a wasting! I'll be back in a jiff."  Katherine started to open the curtains and walk out, but she noticed  that Amy was busy putting on another costume, and she lingered long  enough to see what her sister would come up with.

It was obvious that Amy was dressing up as a policewoman, but Katherine waited to see the full effect.

When Amy was done, she stood up proudly and struck a pose.  She tried to give her sister a serious and intense stare, but she  couldn't quite wipe the smile off her face. "Officer Amy Pestridge,  reporting for duty, ma'am."

"Nice, Aims, very nice," Katherine nodded with approval. "Why, I dare say, you look ... arresting."

"Arresting! Ha! Good one, Kat. I'm afraid you're going to have to be PUN-ished for that one."

"Oh puh-lease! You know a bad pun like that is a criminal  offense. But seriously, you look really hot. You know, you should be a  traffic officer."


"Because you'd have no problem stopping traffic. If the rest  of your body isn't hot enough, the fact that you're not wearing anything  below your top and that your pussy is completely exposed would  certainly bring all traffic to a complete halt. And those handcuffs!  They give me all kinds of ideas."

"Me too! Wouldn't it be fun to surprise him and lock HIM up?"

"Yeah," Katherine agreed, though not enthusiastically. "But  what would be even better is if he locked YOU up. I can see it now: our  brother finds you patrolling the street like that, and makes a citizen's  arrest. He handcuffs your hands behind your back and rips the buttons  off the front of your top. He does you right there on the sidewalk, with  everybody watching!"

"Cool!" Amy's hands went to her moistening pussy.

"Then, after he's filled your pussy to overflowing, he can't  find the key to unlock your handcuffs, so he has to wait for another  police officer to show up - me! He arrests me too!"

"What charge?"

"Who cares? I'll surrender willingly in any case. He'd  handcuff my hands too, as he slowly takes control of the all sexy babe  police force, one by one. Then he'd be able to... ah, damn! I really  have to stop. This is too exciting, but he isn't here. Man, if he was,  he'd be soooo all over you. If fact, I'd be all over you this very  minute except this is such a rare shopping opportunity. Damn. Damn,  damn, damn!" Katherine was very mindful that she had to leave the store  early. "I'll be right back. Then maybe we can play around a bit."

"M'kay!" Amy spontaneously leaned forward and kissed  Katherine on the lips. It turned into a very long smooch before Amy  finally let Katherine go.

Out in the front room again, Katherine composed herself. Between  all these cat clothes and interesting costumes and Amy being Amy, it's  hard to stay bummed for long. I really should tell Amy more about what  I'm planning on doing tonight, but I just can't. What if she  disapproves? And I've already set things in motion. It's just no fair  that everyone is so fucking amazing. Amy's so busty and sexy. Christine,  if anything, is even more stacked. So unfair. It's like there's some  kind of vast big tits conspiracy against me. Every female Alan knows  seems to be better than me in every way. I have to do something to stand  out! I can't just stand here and get trampled by all these busty, porn  star perfect girls.

Maybe if I find out what Christine has to say, then maybe I  can get some kind of edge, get some kind of inside knowledge I can put  to good use. I have to really wow him somehow. The fact that I'm his  sister just isn't good enough! The pressure is too much, and he hardly  ever fucks me anymore. True, he fucked me this morning, but it's just  not fair the way he pays so much more attention to the other three.  Damn! Not only that, but I don't trust that Christine further than I can  throw her. They don't call her the "Ice Queen" for nothing. She puts on  a good show of being all kind and helpful, but she hardly has any truly  close friends because her heart is cold.

Amy told me when Christine talked to her that Christine  said that it wasn't so bad Amy turned down her idea to be Alan's second  girlfriend as it was probably unworkable anyways. Then she added, "For  one thing, I'd never live it down at school." I don't know if Amy  realized just how significant that is. It shows that she's prideful and  cares more about her place in school than about him. That kind of woman  is dangerous. I can't let her put her claws in him. I really have no  choice but to do what I have to do. Brother might not understand, but  I'm doing it for him!

Not only that, but assuming she shares what she knows  about the football player problem, I may be able to learn some things  and act on my own to help out. I'm sure there's stuff I could do that  Brother won't let me do 'cos it's dangerous and he doesn't want me to  take risks. But maybe I could become the big heroine and take care of  the football player problem. Then he would THANK me for listening in on  his date. I'll make it up to him and then some!

Amy walked out of the changing stall, again buck naked. She  looked at Katherine, who had been gazing into space, and pointed to the  policewoman uniform that she now carried in her hands. "Hey, Kat, where  should I put this? This is definitely a keeper! Let's start a keepers  pile."

"Okay," Katherine replied, and she turned back to the  cat-themed rack. That brightened her up a bit. "Good idea. But please,  wear at least something when you're standing in the store, okay? What  would he think if some strange guy saw you buck naked? He wouldn't like  it at all."

"M'kaaaaaay." Amy dragged that word out, as if begrudgingly  responding to a nagging parent's command. The two resumed perusing the  clothes racks and Katherine managed to push all thoughts of Christine  out of her mind for a little while.

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