6 Times a Day

Chapter 1044 Sean Being Shocked Thoroughly! 4K

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Alan and Sean walked downstairs and out of Kim's house. They had their bicycles locked to poles and began to unlock them.

Sean was shaking his head in wonder the whole time. He got  his bicycle ready to go, then swung a leg over it. But then he paused  and said, "Alan, dude, one question before we go."

"What?" By that time Alan was also on his bicycle and ready to leave.

"How do you do it, man? ... I mean, all the sex. All the  women. You were nearly as nerdy as I was a couple of months ago, and now  look at you! You have your own fan club! The friggin' "Service Alan  Club," no less. If I read something like that in some pornography story I  would just laugh at it being too over-the-top. I mean, what the HELL?!  I've seen it with my own eyes, and I still can't really believe it!"

Alan thought back to how things began: the wildly improbable  medical verdict by Dr. Fredrickson, the unusually friendly nursing by  Akami Fubuki, Suzanne's eagerness to help him reach his daily target,  and so on. Step by step he had fallen into a life of sex, but the whole  story was so bizarre that he knew recounting it would just freak Sean  out even more. So he merely said, "It's like this. Some people are  lucky. I've been wildly lucky. To win the lottery would be a come down  from all the luck I've had lately. But it's also what you do with your  opportunities that counts. I don't mean to brag, but I think I've  handled my wild ride pretty well so far. That's what I'm trying to teach  you: how to handle sex, love, and women."

He paused and put his feet back on the ground, as he realized  they'd be there a while. "Here's the thing. It's occurred to me that  most men are bad lovers. They're horrible at sex. Sure, they teach sex  ed in school, but they don't actually teach you how to fuck well. I  don't think it's so much that I'm really good, although I guess I'm  lucky with some physical traits like stamina, it's that I seem great in  comparison to all the other guys."

He went on, "The thing is, most guys are just looking out for  their own pleasure and don't care how much their girl enjoys it. And  the guys who ARE good in bed let that go to their head and are usually  arrogant assholes. Love 'em and leave 'em. I don't do that. I almost  always get emotionally involved with the girl I have sex with. For  instance, Joy and Janice are the two girls I probably know the least and  have been with the least, but I even feel emotionally for them."

He thought in particular about Janice's unrequited love for  Joy. "And with an emotional attachment and true caring, the sex is soooo  much better. Otherwise, you might as well be with a whore. Now I'm  giving you the keys to the kingdom. You're a lot like me. You can  benefit from all I've learned and have a harem of your own."

Sean's eyes went wide at that. "You may find this hard to  believe, dude, but I don't WANT a harem! Yes, I'll admit, the orgy just  now was fantastic. No matter what happens, that experience is going to  be burned into my brain for the rest of my life. But I'm in LOVE! I know  you'll think I'm crazy, maybe you tried to shock me with Heather today  to shock me out of love, but it didn't work. I see that some of the  things you've been saying about Heather are true, but I still love her  anyways."

"Some?! Sean, ALL! From what you've seen today and what I've  told you before, you still don't know the half of it. Would you like me  to tell you some stories about what she's done?"

"NO! Sorry, uh, I mean, no. Really, I can only take so much  today and my brain is about to burst. I mean it's literally gonna  explode like what happened to that guy's stomach in 'Alien'. There's too  much to take! I'll concede that everything you say has been true so far  and you're probably completely right about Heather, but give me time to  adjust, for fuck's sake! Not only that, but why are you so keen on  turning me off to her? Is it because you want her to yourself?"

Suddenly Sean began to get angry, as he thought about his  last statement. "Is this what this is all about, you're trying to remove  me as competition, so you confuse me with orgies and say all these bad  things about Heather? Well, it isn't going to work!"

"Hold on! Dude! First off, I'm not going to sugar-coat this:  you're no competitive threat when it comes to Heather. Until I started  teaching you the ways of sex, you were just one more guy with a serious  crush on her, one more guy looking all dreamy-eyed at her when she was  walking down the halls. She didn't even know or care that you existed,  and she still doesn't. You would never have had a snowball's chance in  hell with her, and you know it. Only since I've started training you do  you begin to have a ghost of a chance. I'm not trying to steal Heather  from you, in fact, it's the complete opposite! I'm trying to throw her  into your arms and get you up to snuff so you can have something lasting  with her. But this is the kind of thanks I get?"

Sean was feeling a little bit abashed, but not fully so. "But  the orgy... You let me get carried away with lust. I cheated on her."

"Listen, Sean. I'm not mad at you for doubting me, because  the truth I'm trying to tell you is so wildly improbable. The fact is, I  have half a dozen women right now whom I'm sleeping with regularly,  whom I love deeply, and who are more attractive than Heather and a  million times easier to be with than Heather. Why the hell do I need  Heather?"

Sean folded his arms and looked very skeptical. He didn't  actually say "Who could be more attractive than Heather?" but it was  obvious he was thinking it.

Alan said, "I can see you're still doubting, so I'll tell you  who one of them is. You know Amy's my official girlfriend. You might  consider Heather better looking than Amy, but I don't. I'm also very  intimate with Amy's mother Suzanne."

"You're with Amy's mother?! HOLY fucking... Jesus H. fucking  Christ! Mrs. Pestridge?! I'll concede that if there's a woman in this  world technically sexier than Heather, it would have to be her. When she  comes to any school event, it's like an awed hush falls over the whole  place. But she's Amy's mother! You're doing both mother and daughter at  the same time?"

Alan smiled. "Not often enough."

"What?! You mean you have them in bed at the same time even?  My God! If my dick wasn't totally destroyed at the moment, I would be  knocking this bike over with my hard-on. Christ!" Sean paused, then  tentatively brought up a fond memory, uncertain how Alan would react.  "Hey man, do you remember last year, how Mrs. Pestridge dressed at one  of those parent-teacher conferences?"

Alan grinned as images of that night came back to him. "Do I  remember? How could I forget? I assume you're talking about that  business suit that showed off all her cleavage."

"That's the one. Damn! You'd have to have gotten a yardstick  to measure all the ivory skin in sight that night, 'cos a ruler just  wouldn't have cut it. And those dark ruby-red lips and green eyes! And  the way she walked, showing off so much leg! It's almost like she fucks,  rather than walks, her way across a room."

Alan laughed at that very apt description. "Pretty close!" He thought, Now  that I know Mother better, I'll bet she must have had someone she was  trying to seduce that evening because she rarely goes out in public  quite that scandalously dressed. No doubt the lucky schmuck succumbed to  her charms, whether he was married or not. I'm gonna make a mental note  to get her to wear that suit again sometime.

Smiling as he reveled in the fact that this incredible woman  was all his now, he commented, "Every guy who saw her had to immediately  sit down and cover their laps, if you know what I mean."

"I do." Sean grinned and laughed like a naughty schoolboy,  which wasn't very far off the truth. "The drag is, now I can't fantasize  about her anymore... Hey, don't you call her Aunt Suzy sometimes? She's  practically your second mother."

Suddenly Alan doubted the wisdom of telling Sean about  Suzanne, but it was too late to back out now. "Yeah, we've been really  close. I shouldn't be telling you about her and me, but I'm putting my  trust in you. Not only because you're my best friend these days, but  also because you're vital to my plan."

"I am? Plan? What plan?"

Alan was relieved that Sean was going along with the change  of topic. "My plan to get Heather out of my life. Turn her over to you.  You saw the sex she and I had today, and it was great, but I have even  better sex with the likes of Amy, Amy's mom, and others that I  unfortunately can't mention by name since I want to respect their  privacy. Incredible sex. Sex where you see stars, and that's not just a  saying - it really happens. Sex where you're literally one with the  universe. I tell you, the more I learn, the more I begin to think  there's just no end to the amount of pleasure people can have having  sex. I can't even begin to explain. Have you ever heard of a whole-body  orgasm, for instance?"

"A what?"

"Remember that phrase and look it up on the Internet tonight.  That'll give you a sense of what I'm talking about. I have a whole bevy  of women whom I love deeply and I can't spend enough time with. If I  never saw Heather again, I'd be a happy guy, because it would mean I  could spend more time with the likes of Amy and her mother. Well, that's  not entirely true - I do have a certain fondness for the blonde bitch,  if only because she's such a character - but on balance my life would be  a lot easier without her. But Heather's got her claws in me and I can't  just walk away or all hell will break loose. You have no idea how  powerful she is at school or how vengeful she can be. I just want peace  and happiness; I don't want to deal with her endless psycho-dramas."

Sean said, "I don't know about all that, but DAMN! I think  she's just about the hottest girl on the entire planet! I could put up  with some drama if I could grope her, her... well, you get the idea." He  turned bashful, as he wasn't used to talking frankly about sex with  Alan or anyone else for that matter.

"Good," Alan replied. "You need to step in, if you think you  can handle it. It's like that scene in 'Raiders of the Lost Ark' where  Harrison Ford is in that jungle cave where the big boulder rolls behind  him. Remember just before that, when he steals that golden idol statue  and he replaces it with another object of the same size and weight to  prevent all hell from breaking loose? That's exactly what I'm trying to  do here. You'll take my place in Heather's life."

"But all hell DID break loose," Sean pointed out. "The  replacement wasn't exactly the same, so all the traps were sprung, like  that big boulder getting released. Hell DID break loose! He nearly got  flattened!"

"Hmmm. Good point. This is going to be a risky operation,  true. That's why you have to be trained and ready. You're not ready for  Heather yet. I've put you on the fast track because each day I seem to  get deeper into Heather's grasp. You should have seen what happened  before school this morning for instance, but that's a story for another  time. But that's why I'm pretty much trying to turn the S-Club over to  you."

"What? That does not compute. Putting me with other women  will just draw my affections and energy away from Heather, won't it? I  mean, I'm not in love with them, but I have to admit Kim, Janice and Joy  are pretty cool. Still, what happened today has to be the last time for  me with any of those three. I don't care how big a slut Heather is; I  have to be true to her in order to respect myself." He seemed pained to  admit Heather was a slut.

"Sean, Sean, Sean. You have so much to learn about the girl  you say you love. Not only do you still need more sexual practice with  the likes of those three before you can have any hopes with Heather, but  you NEED a harem of your own. Heather isn't going to respect anyone  without at least, say, six sex slaves."

Sean's heart skipped a beat and he stood slack-jawed. "Did you just say 'sex slaves'?"

"I did. Perhaps I got carried away there. Let's say fuck  partners. You see, Heather's not into loyalty or monogamy. She might say  otherwise, but I know what she really wants. She'll fuck anyone she  wants to fuck, male or female. She won't respect anyone who pledges  undying loyalty and devotion to her."

"Huh? Why not?"

"Well, she thinks loyal is boring. Complete devotion is for  suckers. Anyone loyal can be taken for granted and basically tossed  aside. She wants challenge and competition. She wants a sexual superstar  who's fucking as many, or better yet, more people than she is. That's  like a calling card that shows the person is worthy of her attention.  The more she has to fight her way to the top of the heap, the more she  loves it. Plus, she's got me as her standard now, and she knows roughly  how many women I'm with. My replacement has got to be similarly  impressive. Of course, I'm talking about the Heather of today. We're  going to try to change that. Remember, first you have to be attractive  to the bitchy Heather, and only then can you start to change her and  bring out the angel hidden inside that we both briefly glimpsed today."

"But Alan! Dude! What you're suggesting here is soooo not  going to happen. For one thing, I know I'm looking a gift horse in the  mouth, but maybe I don't want a harem. Call me weird. Sure, I'd love the  sex, but at what price? I have to admit, I have kind of a dark side.  When I was fucking three girls at once just now, I felt like a big shot.  I loved it, living like a lord. When you tell me you're fucking a  mother and daughter at the same time, I'm like, 'Yeah! Do them both!' I  get off on the sinfulness of it all. I'm so twisted that I even get  thoughts of ordering them to kiss each other. I'm sorry. I'm not  thinking about those two in general; I don't even let myself think about  Amy in any sexual way since she's your girlfriend. I'm just talking  about the 'mother and daughter together in bed' kind of thing."

Alan thought, Hmmm. Maybe I might be able to tell him  about all the incest stuff some day, if he has that kind of attitude.  Maybe he's even more twisted than I am. But he's certainly got to pass a  lot more loyalty and trustworthiness tests before I'd entrust him with  that deep secret, even if he's totally okay with the general idea.

Sean was continuing, "Then, when you said 'sex slaves' just  now, well, you don't want to know what that does to me. You seem to have  not let it all go to your head, but I'd probably go power mad at the  first opportunity. That's why I need to be a one girl kind of guy. When I  think of what I might be capable of with all kinds of women at my beck  and call, well, I don't want to open that Pandora's Box."

"Sean, I appreciate your honesty, and believe me, I'm  grappling with the power issue every day. Sometimes I feel like I'm on  the verge of losing it completely. That's one reason why I like talking  to you, because finally there's another guy starting to understand what  I'm going through. I'm hoping that we can help each other, keep an eye  on each other to fight the whole power-mad thing. But in your case,  having a harem is the only way to make headway with Heather."

He went on, "I'll be completely and brutally frank. You don't  stand a chance of having her take you seriously as a long-term prospect  unless you show her you're an amazing sex stud keeping many other girls  well fucked. Competition is such a big motivator for her; you HAVE to  use that as a lever or she'll ride all over you. Either go all out, or  give up on her right now. There's no point in doing something in between  because that's guaranteed to fail. I understand her mindset some. If  you follow the path I've set for you, I think you really can win her  heart in the long run, at least as much as anyone can."

"But dude! I'm no sex stud. I'm a nerd who happens to have  muscles from playing sports. I was a complete virgin until this last  week! There is no fucking way I will come CLOSE to your sexual skill.  Ever. No way!"

"Don't be so sure," Alan said. "Ask Janice, or Joy, or Kim.  I'm sure they weren't caring who was attached to whose dick when things  were hot and heavy on the 'fuck train' up there." He nodded upward  towards Kim's bedroom. "It was all equally good. True, I didn't really  give that session my all, but you're just as handsome as me, just as  athletic as me, and just as smart as me. Smarter, in fact. If I can  learn things like how to give a whole-body orgasm, you can too."

"That's not true," Sean complained. "I saw your very special  way with Heather. Maybe some of that can be taught, but not all of it.  What you did was natural talent, plain and simple. You knew just where  to touch her and when, just what to say, everything! I'd have to have  sex a thousand times before I could even begin to hope to do what seems  to come naturally to you."

"You've got a point there. I do seem to have a special  affinity for this. In fact, I love fucking so much that I'm beginning to  wonder if sex is pretty much going to be my main occupation from now  on. I'm happily addicted. But don't count yourself out. You're way ahead  of where I was at this point in my sexual development. You may discover  talents you didn't even know you had. I did, and completely surprised  myself. Maybe instead of having to compare yourself to me you'll end up  doing something with Heather that's different but just as good. Who  knows. You won't know until you try. If you're really serious about your  love for her, you have to take risks. You have to risk the power-mad  thing, the rejection, the not measuring up, and much more. But here's  the thing. No matter what the final outcome is, I know you're going to  live life to the fullest and have a hell of a time on the journey there.  So what's it going to be?"

Sean stared off into space for some time, and then looked intently into Alan's eyes. "Okay. I'm in."

"Good. I thought as much. I didn't just pick you at random. I  think you have what it takes, and in fact your hesitancy and moral  qualms help convince me I picked the right guy. Now, let's get moving.  My ass is starting to hurt standing halfway on my bike like this, and  I'm already way late getting home."

Sean pushed off and began to bicycle down the street. He  still seemed confused and conflicted, and the hurt about what he'd seen  and learned about Heather was still visible on his face. "So. You're  really gonna set me up with a harem so I can train for Heather, huh?"

Alan bicycled alongside his friend. He grinned. "It's a tough  assignment for ya, but someone's got to do it. You should see the  surprise I have planned for you tomorrow."

"Unreal. Unreal. Just insanely unreal!" Sean reluctantly  grinned too. "But please, no more surprises! That whole closet thing -  I'm STILL recovering from the shock!"

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