6 Times a Day

Chapter 1039 Suzanne And Amy

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Suzanne walked in the front door of the Plummer house wearing a blue  business jacket and black skirt. As usual, she removed her bra and  panties, putting them in the underwear cabinet, then dressed again in  the remainder of her clothes before walking further into the house.

Amy was sitting in the living room alone. Seeing Suzanne come  in, she got up and went to her, giving her a big hug and an even bigger  smile. "Hey, Mom!"

Suzanne smiled back. "My Honey Pie. What's up? Where's Susan?"

"Oh, she's in the kitchen. Can we go upstairs for a minute? I want to talk to you about something kinda private-y."

Suzanne naturally agreed to that, and the two of them went  upstairs to stand on the sun deck where they could enjoy the view while  talking without much fear of being overheard. Suzanne was fully dressed  (except for her lack of underwear) while Amy was completely naked, but  neither of them were bothered by that at all.

Amy said, "It's kinda about Susan - well, part of it, anyway -  so that's why I wanted to come up here." She proceeded to give the  basics about Susan's phone call with Brenda and Amy's participation in  it.

Then Amy said, "So... long story short, that's made me think about the issue of 'backbone.'"

Suzanne raised a curious eyebrow. "'Backbone?'"

"Yeah. Brenda's neat; I like her a lot. And of course she's  super sexy, and super duper ultra boobaliciously busty. But I'm kinda  starting to think that she has the least amount of backbone of anyone I  know. I hate to say a bad word about anybody, but Brenda is seriously  spoiled. I can say that 'cos she freely admits it herself."

Suzanne nodded. "That's very true. She came from a very  wealthy family, and then married into even more money. To say she's had a  pampered life is a dramatic understatement. I fear she's completely  incapable of taking care of herself without help. If it wasn't for her  maid Anika, plus all her other hired help, I suspect her life would be a  mess."

Amy nodded sadly in reply. "Yeah. Bummer, huh? But that's not  the only bummer-y thing. Of course, Susan is super awesome. She's one  of my very favoritest people and I love her all up. But she's kinda  lacking in the backbone department lately too. We all know how much she  dearly loves Alan, but lately she simply gets sexually excited too  easily to be able to tell him 'No' on practically anything. Have you  noticed that?"

"I definitely have. It's hard to miss. She's taking this 'man of the house' stuff way too seriously."

Amy said, "Yeah. But that's not all. It's sorta the same with  Katherine. She's super way into this whole 'fuck toy' thing. Which is  great for her, 'cos she's totally loving life lately, but there's no  backbone there either."

Suzanne nodded grimly.

Amy continued without her usual smile, "Then there's me! What  frustrates me the most is that I don't think I'm really good at giving  my O.B. the backbone he needs. I totally want to, but I'm just too  easygoing and agreeable to be a tough task master. Plus, I get carried  away sexually, just like the rest of us. So when I look to the future, I  seriously worry for my brother. Things are getting out of control. I  mean, today on that phone call I was telling you about, both Susan and  Brenda were calling him their 'fuck lord.'"

Suzanne chuckled. "'Fuck lord?' That's a new one. That's pretty over the top, even for them."

Amy looked worried. "Yeah, it is. And sure, it's fun and sexy  to say stuff like that, but how could he not get a big head when he's  called stuff like that day after day? Plus, he gets TREATED like that  day after day! The thing is, I don't know how to fix this. You're, like,  the only one around here with serious backbone. Phew! Thank goodness  for that! But sometimes even you get carried away and lose your  resolve."

Suzanne frowned. "I know. Unfortunately, that seems to be  happening more often lately. Look at me!" She held her arms out  dramatically. "I agreed to be one of Sweetie's sex slaves, just like  everyone else. Whether one calls it that or not, that's basically what  we are now. And I get frustrated about that, but I don't regret it. I  want to get carried away with lust and love too. The main snag, however,  is that if we're all carried away with our powerful lusts and desires,  then who does provide the backbone for him?!"

"Exactly." Amy sighed. "One weird thing is that the problem  isn't really with our lovable Alan. He's actually been pretty good at  trying to keep a level head despite all this crazy, sexy stuff happening  to him pretty much non-stop. It's more of a problem of you, me, and his  other women getting carried away than anything he's done or not done.  But that just makes solving the problem even more difficult."

She added, "There is one thing I'm thinking though that could help."

"What's that?" Suzanne asked.

"We need reinforcements! Of the right type. I don't mind  Brenda joining our harem, but she's going to pull things even more in  the wrong direction when it comes to this backbone stuff. Since it seems  a given that she'll become a key part of all this, we need to  counteract her slave-y attitude, and then some, by adding some  different. I'm thinking Ms. Rhymer would be pretty key. He's used to  taking instruction from her. Don't you think?"

Suzanne nodded thoughtfully. "I do. I've been rooting for her  all along, and doing all I can to get her to join us. I think she would  be an ideal addition. It's clear that she truly loves Alan. Plus, she  lusts for him and I can tell that she gets off on being dominated by  him, which is necessary for harem harmony. But she's nothing like Susan  or Brenda. She's more like me. Most of the time, she's got a lot of  backbone."

Amy smiled. "Exactly! That's totally what I've been thinking.  We're gotta make sure she joins us in the harem, all the way. I'm  counting on you to take care of that, m'kay?"

Suzanne grinned. She found it amusing that Amy was speaking  almost like her boss. She replied with exaggerated obedience, "Yes,  dear."

Amy grinned back. "Sorry. I don't mean to be pushy, but  you've got a special bond with her and I don't, so I can't help there.  I'm just trying to be practical and figure out who can do what."

She went on, "I can help in another way though. I'm thinking  that even if Glory joins us, that's probably not enough. I mean, if you  get Susan and Brenda together with their super slave-y attitude, and  then Kat with her fuck toy thing, it's sexy and fun to just let them run  wild, so before long all of us get into the spirit of that. And that's  great sometimes, but not all the time. So I'm thinking we need MORE  reinforcements! Specifically, Xania and Christine."

Suzanne stared out into the backyard, thinking that over.  "Phew!" After a long pause, she commented while still looking away,  "That certainly is audacious. BOTH of them?"

Amy responded, "Maybe. I mean, neither of them are a sure  thing, so I'm hoping one of them will work out. I don't really  understand Xania that well, but she seems to like living by herself. So  it may be hard, or even impossible, to get her to fully join us. And  Christine... boy! I don't know. That's kinda scary. She could be exactly  what the harem needs, since she's probably the backboney-ist of us all,  if you know what I mean. But the fact that she's so tough means she  might not be willing to live the harem life, and I especially worry  she'd never accept the incest-y stuff."

Suzanne looked back at her daughter. "That is the problem. I  think we see things the same way. Obviously, Xania's got a lot of  backbone. With her, Glory, and me, plus you lending tacit support, this  harem would have plenty of toughness to keep Sweetie from succumbing to  his 'Bad Alan' side. But I just don't know if Xania has the right  personality. Not everyone fits the harem life, you know. In fact, I'm  sure the vast majority of women wouldn't fit. We're very, very lucky  that all of us generally jibe so well. Xania is a 'lone wolf' type. She  needs her space, a lot of space. I could see her visiting us once or  twice a week, but otherwise continuing to live her own life in L.A. Who  knows, things could go on like that for years."

Amy asked plaintively, "Can you fix that? Do one of your awesome scheme-y things, maybe?"

Suzanne chuckled ruefully. "I wish it was that easy. You  can't change someone's basic personality with a scheme. To be honest, I  don't even know why she's that way, and I've known her a long, long  time. She's never wanted to talk about it, or discuss really intense  personal stuff, period. Maybe there is no specific, fixable reason.  Sometimes people are just the way they are, all the way since birth.  They say signs of personality can be detected from day one, such as some  babies crying a lot and others barely at all."

Amy said, "I can believe that. But... it doesn't hurt to try, right?"

"Right. Believe me, I'm already trying to bring her along. I  figure we just need to keep exposing her to all the sexy fun and loving  good times that we have. How can she not want to keep coming back to  visit and get more involved? I'm continuing to play that by ear. It's  key not to be pushy with her, or she withdraws."

Suzanne found herself distracted due to looking up and down  Amy's nude body. But she refocused, and asked, "Meanwhile, what do you  think about Christine? You know her a lot better than I do."

Amy frowned, and took her turn staring off into the distant  horizon. "I don't know. It's like... high risk, high reward. I'm  thinking it COULD be a really awesome thing if she could join us. Not  only because of the backbone thing, but I've got a feeling I could end  up being really good friends with her." She looked away shyly. "And...  maybe even... her lover."

Suzanne chuckled mirthfully. "A-ha! Now we get to truth time. So you've got the hots for her, do you?"

Amy blushed slightly. "Well... kinda." She suddenly looked  back into Suzanne's eyes. "I mean, if I do, what's wrong with that? Geez  Louise! Just look at her! You'd have to be dead and buried six feet  underground not to notice how super sexy she is! But she's, like,  seriously sexually repressed, and that's sad. I want to help her with  that. I just know somehow that once her sexual side comes to the  surface, it'll be like unleashing a wild tigress! Once she opens up,  she'll be great for Alan!" She looked away again uncertainly. "In fact,  maybe... maybe too great."

Suzanne said, "Ah, that's another problem, isn't it? Jealousy. You worry that she could outshine you."

Amy nodded glumly. "Yeah. I've discussed this with Katherine.  She feels the same way, only even more so. 'Cos let's face it:  Christine IS awesome, and in virtually every possible way! She's as  smart as she is sexy, which means she's super smart. And who can fail to  notice how busty she is? Definitely not a certain 'tit man' who shall  remain nameless." She rolled her eyes. "Plus, she always succeeds in  being the best at whatever she does. If she sets her sights on my O.B.,  she could be unstoppable, like some kind of sexual tsunami!"

Suzanne said, "That's true. Let me give you some advice.  First, I think it's basically inevitable that he and she are going to  hook up. These 'practice dates' they've been going on will get more and  more serious. They've already French kissed by 'accident.' Soon, they'll  be doing more, much more. And you know how sex with Sweetie is - it's  like a highly addictive drug. Once Christine starts regularly sucking  and titfucking Alan Junior, and enjoying the huge, frequent orgasms that  come with that, she'll be hooked."

Amy just stared at her mother with a worried expression. She couldn't deny any of that.

Suzanne continued, "Trying to fight that is probably futile.  Sweetie's been lusting after her for two years, at least. Now that he's  discovered his sexual powers, of course he's going to use them on her.  He seems to be genuinely trying hard to fight it, apparently out of some  sense of honor or concern, but how long can he hold out? She doesn't  stand a chance either, especially since she's so sexually inexperienced.  If you get in the way of all that, you'll just cause bad blood. So  instead, you might want to try the old saying, 'If you can't beat 'em,  join 'em.'"

After letting that sink in, Suzanne asked, "Because you're so  laid back, you've had problems having as much sexual fun with Sweetie  as the rest of us, correct?"

Amy nodded shyly. "Yeah. Sometimes I feel a little left out.  But it's hard for me to be pushy and say, 'Hey! Look at me.' That's not  my way."

"I know. And that's part of what makes you the oh-so-lovable  girl you are. Furthermore, there are only so many hours in the day, and  if Glory joins us, and with Brenda already joining us, and Xania  visiting more often, and so on, it'll become harder and harder for you  to get as much of his time, cum, and attention as you'd want. But if you  latch yourself onto Christine, befriend her and even get intimate with  her, you might be able to arrange things so that he can often partake in  threesomes with the two of you. I know you're not pushy in a 'Hey, me!'  kind of way, but you do manage to get what you want much of the time in  more subtle ways. I'm not totally blind to your shenanigans, you know."  She winked.

Amy looked away, even more bashful than before. "Yeah...  well..." She suddenly changed the topic. "I've kinda been thinking some  of the same things you've been thinking. But what if she's, like,  totally opposed to the whole incest thing?! Frankly, I'm so certain that  she'll be that way that I think we've gotta be super duper careful to  make sure she NEVER learns about that. At least not for a really long  time. So how could she join the harem?! And she's gonna hate the harem  idea even without that. I've gathered she's got really traditional  notions of boyfriend and girlfriend and white picket fences and all  that."

Suzanne responded, "Yes, well, that's your challenge. I  barely know Christine, though I certainly have heard a lot about her, so  it's hard for me to have much leverage over her, plus there are the age  differences and such, so I have no leverage over her. But you're in an  ideal situation to befriend her, and even seduce her."

"Seduce her?! Mother! That's impossible. She hasn't given off any kind of sexual vibe to other girls, like, at all."

"Maybe not. And I don't mean you should seduce her directly.  No way! But think about how great sex with our Sweetie is. Think about  how he makes us so very, very aroused sometimes that we just about lose  our minds. I don't know about you, but there are times I get so into it  that I would practically do anything, such as the time I crawled on my  hands and knees and totally humiliated myself. What if Christine gets  like that with him, except that you're there too? If you could manage to  kiss and fondle her a little bit, you could test how receptive she is  to that sort of thing when her guard is down. If you time it just right,  when she's absolutely losing her mind cumming with Sweetie, I'll bet  she'd be VERY receptive."

"Really? Why?"

Suzanne shrugged. "I don't know. I guess I just feel that  most women have the potential to be bisexual, at least to some extent.  It's just that most never explore that potential. It's a different  situation than with men, where homosexuality is considered much more of a  taboo, and seems to be hard-wired as an either/or thing most of the  time. Plus, I know how it feels to basically lose one's mind like that.  She could be 100 percent straight, and I still think she'd enjoy kissing  and fondling you in the heat of the moment! Nobody can resist, when  Sweetie heats things up as much as he sometimes can! The question is how  she'd feel about it later, once she cools down. It's tricky. Very  tricky. But like you said, it's high risk, high reward."

Amy nodded thoughtfully.

Suzanne added, "The only thing is, I don't want you to do  anything that could put the whole harem at risk. We do have to walk a  very fine line when it comes to Christine, since there's a clear and  present danger there, especially if she learns too much too soon."

Amy gave a single, sharp nod.

"But that aside, if you could help things along with her, it  could improve the backbone problem considerably." Suzanne suddenly  grinned wickedly. "If you do end up getting intimate with her in some  sort of threesome fashion, that could help you get a lot more Alan time,  and it could even be a foot in the door towards getting her all the way  into the harem eventually, at least potentially. Because if she can get  used to intimately sharing him with you, then we could eventually add  to that. For instance, imagine her sharing him with you AND me some  sweet day!"

ραndαsnοvεl.cοm Amy's face lit up. "Wow! That would be awesome!"

"It would. In short, I think it's worth the risk. What do you think? Are you up for that challenge?"

Amy furrowed her brow, deep in thought. "I think so. I'll need to think it over. Like you said, it's tricky."

Suzanne patted her back. "You do that. Meanwhile, I'll keep  doing what I've been doing with Glory and Xania. Namely, encouraging  them to get more and more involved. Glory is a must, in my book. Things  are pretty tough with her right now, and it's going to be a long road,  in any case. But if we can get her to fully join the harem some day,  that'll go a long way towards solving the backbone problem and providing  a counterbalance to the submissiveness that tends to get out of hand."

Amy nodded. "Amen to that. I know there's probably nothing I  can do there, but if there is any way I can help, please let me know."

Suzanne playfully ruffled Amy's hair, and then gave her a  hug, not minding that she was fully clothed while Amy was buck naked. "I  will, my Honey Pie, I will."

Amy commented as they hugged, "It's been great having this  talk with you, because you told me some things that were almost exactly  what I was thinking already! On just about everything, but especially  about the Christine stuff. Except all I've been doing so far is thinking  and observing. In order to make things happen, I've gotta take action.  Talking to you gives me the confidence that I'm on the right track. So  maybe that'll help me finally get off my duff and do more to improve  matters."

Suzanne grinned. "I can't say I'm surprised that we're  thinking along similar lines. I've underestimated you for far too long,  since I've had trouble coming to terms with the fact that you've grown  up so much. But I'm going to try hard not to keep making that same  mistake."

"Thanks, Mother." They French kissed.

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