6 Times a Day

Chapter 1025 Christine's Plan To Steal Alan From Amy


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Alan was careful to walk from class to class with a friend at all times, just to be on the safe side. He was grateful that Christine seemed keen to stick to his side as much as their mostly-overlapping class schedules made possible, since he knew that she had significant martial arts training. He did get some nasty looks and muttered insults from the football players or their friends, but that was all.

ραndαsnοvεl.cοm He started asking around and confirmed that the bully who had tormented him in the stairway was indeed a defensive lineman named Ryan. But Alan found out little more than what Simone had told him, since Ryan and his friends were in the remedial educational track, just squeaking through to graduation, and no one Alan knew was in that track. Ryan was said to be surprisingly smart for a remedial student; apparently he just didn't apply himself in class. Alan resolved to learn more about his enemies, and quickly.

He considered going to the vice principal or some other school official to get help, but he knew they could only do so much. He suspected that Ryan or his allies might use some underhanded and not exactly legal tactics of their own to fight back, so it would be prudent to keep the authorities out of the squabble at least for the time being. He specifically thought about possible help from Heather, which might be simultaneously both the most helpful and the most morally dubious. He knew that Heather would have to be rewarded for her help, which could cause all kinds of conflicting troubles if she continued to otherwise act so rebelliously, as he strongly suspected she would.

Alan had plans to go to the S-Club meeting/orgy directly after school, but since Sean would be there he'd confirmed with Katherine and Amy just before the start of P. E. that they wouldn't attend this time. In addition to letting them know about Sean's attendance, he also gave them a very truncated account of what had happened between him and the football players.

When he walked to the P.E. building for his sixth period tennis, he was surprised to see Christine waiting there for him. Her arms were crossed under her tremendous breasts. She asked in a peevish tone, "Just where do you think you're going?"

"Um, tennis? Where else?"

She looked down at his scraped skin. "Like that?"

"What? They're just scratches. There isn't even any blood."

"So? You've got a lot of bruises. You've already been traumatized by TWO incidents against you today, and those guys are still gunning for you. You know a great place for an ambush?"


She pointed to the building they were standing in front of. "In there! You've got a bunch of big jocks out for blood. Why don't you go straight in to where they're all gathered and say, 'Please, just kick my ass now?'"

"Hmmm. Good point," he admitted. "I hadn't thought of that."

She said with exasperation, "That's because you're mentally retarded! I'm gonna keep you safe whether you like it or not." She started walking away from the building, expecting him to follow.

He followed, but then asked in confusion, "But... what about... coach? He's not going to like it if I just fail to show up."

"That's why, when you were doing God knows what during lunch, I was thinking ahead and making arrangements. I got you permission to go to 'study hall' instead for today." She made mocking air-quotes as she said "study hall."

"Well... cool! Thanks. But what about you?"

She sighed huffily. "As if I'd just leave you alone. I got a pass too, dummy. You see, I'm a witness to the chair-painting incident. The only thing is, you and I have to spend our study hall writing up our accounts of what happened."

"Oh, well, that should be pretty easy." Then he realized he'd already put his backpack in his locker since he didn't need any of that stuff for tennis. "Let's go this way then. I need to stop by my locker."

She pointed to her backpack, slung over her shoulder. "Don't sweat it. I've got pens and paper for both of us in here."

"Oh." He resumed following her. "You've thought of everything, haven't you? Where are we going then?"

She looked back at him and smiled. "I figure Mr. Tompkins had the right idea today, having the class outside. Nobody is gonna bother to supervise our 'study hall,' so why don't we relax on the grassy knoll where we sometimes sit, near the cafeteria."

He grinned. "Ah. The grassy knoll. Okay. You know, you're pretty smart... for a blonde." He winked impishly, hoping she'd take that in the joking spirit he intended.

She was not amused, so she looked back and rolled her eyes. "I would kill you now, but I have a rule about not attacking the wounded."

He pretended to wipe his brow. "Whew! Close call."

"Come on, you big dope, with your stupid dumb-blonde jokes. You know why brunette guys like dumb-blonde jokes so much?"


"Because they can understand them."

"Ouch! ... But honestly, one reason I like that kind of joke is because, for the good ones, sometimes you have to stop and think for a second to get the punchline. For instance, this guy got on a plane in New York, but he had a middle seat, and the plane was going all the way to London. How did he get the blonde sitting in the window seat next to him to switch seats?"

Christine said, "I'm afraid you're gonna tell me."

"Yep! He explained that it was just the middle seats going to London." After he heard Christine grudgingly snicker, he said, "You see? It's not obvious at first, and you need details like the plane going non-stop over the Atlantic for it to work."

"Yeah, whatever. How 'bout a smart-blonde joke for a change?"

"Okay, sure. What do smart blondes and UFOs have in common?"


"You always hear about them but you never see them."

She put a hand over her mouth to hide her reaction, but she couldn't help but chuckle at that.

"A-ha! I heard you laugh," he said triumphantly.I think you should take a look at ραΠdαsnovel.cοm

"No, that's just a sound I make right before I kill someone." She gave him a fierce look, and then laughed playfully. "Someone who knows too many dumb-blonde jokes!"

They both had a good laugh at that.

They reached the grassy knoll. They found two close-together trees and each sat under one of them, so they could get comfy and face each other. Christine took out her writing materials and explained their assignment.

They each finished their report in less than five minutes.

Alan said, "Geez, that was easy. Are you sure that's it?"


"What now, then?"

"Nothing. We can just kick back and relax. You've had a busy, stressful day. You could use a break."

"You could say that again! Do you mind if I just close my eyes and chill out for a few minutes? I don't plan on taking a nap but, like you said, it would be nice to kick back and relax for a little while."

"Okay. Sure. I guess I'll get started on my homework." She pulled one of her textbooks out of her backpack.

Alan closed his eyes. That figures. Her study habits put mine to shame, especially lately. Still, I could use a little "zone out" time. Today has been extra busy and very stressful! I got attacked... TWICE! Then there was that whole weird thing with Heather and Simone and the dildo in the bathroom. And I had some interesting moments with Glory; the tip of my dick very nearly bounced off her nose! Heh-heh! Going further back, I had a nice time fucking Simone before school. And the double blowjob with her and Heather was outstanding! Dang! And what about all the fun I had with Mom and Sis before I even left home? My dick was being licked pretty much from the moment I woke up! Then, of course, I've got another S-Club meeting to look forward to shortly.

Yep, just another typical day in the life of a typical teen! Heh!

But the thing is, I know it sounds ridiculous, but having so much sexual fun REALLY IS stressful! I swear, everything is so exciting that my heart pounds hard just as if it were the first time I'd ever done any of these things. If this keeps up, my heart is gonna give out before I hit twenty. Taking a little rest is exactly what the doctor ordered.

He relaxed under his tree for a few minutes. But the smile never left his face, since he was ruminating about the fun sexual experiences he'd had earlier in the day. He was mostly focusing on his time with Heather and Simone before school, since that was the most prolonged stimulation he'd had that day.

However, those happy and arousing thoughts created a problem. Alan had pretty much given up the practice of wearing undershorts, even to school, since they were just an obstacle that slowed down his sexual fun. Normally that wasn't a problem during school hours, because he was mindful of the situation and generally sat with a desk blocking the view of his crotch.

But he was feeling both mentally exhausted and relaxed, so he let his guard down. Without realizing it, his dick went from flaccid to fully erect in his outerwear shorts as he thought about that morning's fun with Heather and Simone.

Christine had been reading her book, but when she glanced over at him to see if his eyes were still closed, she noticed something. Is that...?! Yes, it is! That's his penis, winding down the side of his thigh like a thick snake! And that's his... Oh my God! That's the tip, poking out!

Sure enough, part of his cockhead was poking out the bottom of his shorts. And it just so happened that Christine had an ideal view of it, sitting under her tree just a few feet away.

Her first reaction was dismay, if not downright disgust. She was very big on rules and proper behavior, and this clearly was out of bounds. But then she realized that he was either sleeping or close to it, and so was doubtless unaware of what he was showing. That led her to consider how to fix the problem.

She averted her eyes, even shielding her face with a hand. Dear God! What am I gonna do?! I can't just say something. "Hey, Alan, you might wanna tuck your penis in there. It's kinda hanging out." No way! But if I don't say something, how's he gonna know?!

Her heart was pounding like mad. Soon she found herself peeking between slightly splayed fingers. Oh God, there it is! It's just... hanging there! And it's not just the bit peeking out that's so shocking. God knows I've seen him sport erections often enough, since forever. It seems like he always has one whenever he's around me. But I've always done the polite thing and averted my gaze, so I'd only get a brief confirmation that, yes, there's a big bulge there.

But now? Now I can just stare and stare! Just LOOK at that thing! It's just so THICK! And LONG! No wonder it's poking out. The amazing thing is that it doesn't reach down to his knee!

She forced herself to look away. No. I can't. It's rude. It's not what a nice girl does. But then it was just as if a devil on her shoulder appeared. But then again, who cares? I don't want to be just a nice girl anymore. I've done that, and it sucks! I'm so alone. Besides, if girls like Amy are to be believed, I'm really, really missing out on a lot of sexual fun, 'cos I don't have a boyfriend.

She looked back at his dick with renewed determination. It was almost as if she were playing chicken, daring herself not to turn away. So... weird! It's just a fleshy appendage, in the greater scheme of things. And all I can see is some tenting of fabric and the tip just peeking out. What's the big deal? But... it's making me seriously horny! I mean... Alan kissed and fondled me on our last practice date. What'll happen if we do that again next time, and even more?! I could wind up... playing with that thing! And who knows where that could lead.

That idea was both daunting and electrifying. She gasped loudly, belatedly bringing a hand to her mouth, as if that would somehow help. Look. I'm not a little girl anymore. I'm gonna do this! I'm gonna sex up my life. Cast my virginity and abstention aside. Be like a normal girl for once, dammit!

No more "goody-goody" or "Ice Queen Christine" for me! I want more! More kisses! More hugs! More touching... everywhere! I want Alan! Gaawwwd, I want him so much! I want that... dick!

I can't be passive. I'm a winner because I'm a go-getter. I'm gonna get what I want here too. I have to be sexy. Flirty. Fun! Provocative. Funny. Cute. Charming. I can do that. I'm not going to let my ossified sense of propriety hold me back anymore. True, I certainly don't want other people to see, but this is an ideal situation. We might as well be on our own planet, because everyone else is in class. Even if someone did show up, we'd be able to see them from a ways off.

Here's the thing. Alan's penis is a weapon. It is! Like a magical wand. It does things to my body against my will. Just looking at it right now, my heart is racing a mile a minute, my nipples are poking out lewdly, and even my pussy is feeling funny. But I've got my own magic weapons too. In fact, I have a whole bunch of them. Especially my two breasts. But really, practically any part of my body will work, if I just know how to strut my stuff.

"Strut my stuff." That sounds so stupid. This isn't me. But dammit, it's going to become me! I have to change or I'll be left behind. Alan is on the fence. He's got a great, sexy girlfriend already, and other lovers besides. To kick him off that fence and into my heart, I'll use every trick in the book!

While she continued to stare at his erection like she was trying to memorize every last bit of it, she thought about what she was wearing. Let's see. I'm wearing my Wonder Woman T-shirt. That's a lucky break. It's his favorite!

But then she reconsidered. No, it's not. He's seen it a million times. Been there, done that. Dammit, what if I could dress like Heather, just for once, without any social consequences? I know objectively that I have an outstanding body. What if I outright flaunted it? I want to be scandalous, for once in my life! Then Alan wouldn't be able to resist me!

She pictured herself wearing a skimpy top and even skimpier pair of shorts, a combo so revealing that even Heather wouldn't dare wear it at school. She snickered, imagining all the people that would be blown away when they saw her.

Okay, obviously THAT isn't gonna happen. But I have to shake things up somehow! What can I do? Is there any way I can adjust it to show off some cleavage? No. Or what if I pull it up and tie it just below my breasts? No, that's not me. True, it would look sexy, but I'd feel stupid. I've gotta feel sexy too; that's half the battle. I have to think of something else.

She considered the rest of her clothes. I'm wearing shorts. I suppose that's a step forward from keeping my legs completely covered all the time. But still, that's what ninety percent of the other girls are wearing today. No big deal there. What if I kick off my shoes, since we're on the grass?

That was a no-brainer, so she kicked them off. But she also realized, Feels good. But that's not a game-changer. I need a game-changer! I want to see his jaw drop and his tongue hang out like he's some kind of cartoon wolf.

There is one option, but no... I couldn't...

Why the hell not? School is almost over. No one else will see but him. I'll make up an excuse to explain it, so he won't think it's weird. Also, I've got my backpack here to hide the evidence. Okay. Dammit, I'm gonna do it! Fortune favors the bold!

The option she'd been kicking around in her head without actually verbalizing her thoughts was taking her bra off from under her T-shirt. While she still had her burst of inspiration and Alan was sleeping, she reached inside her shirt, released and removed her bra, and quickly hid it in her backpack.

There! I did it! No going back now. I'm going to win Alan, no matter what it takes. I'm not gonna steal him away from Amy; that would be too mean. But they'll break up sooner or later, right? And in the meantime, he can still go out with me. If I tempt him enough, by the time our next practice date rolls around he won't be able to keep his hands off me!

And if I can get him to go on another beach trip, there's no telling what'll happen. I could wear a revealing bikini, and he'd naturally have to put suntan lotion on me... back AND front! Once he gets his hands on my breasts his willpower will crumble and we'll be French-kissing again in no time!

She experimentally shifted positions while remaining seated on the grass. Each time she moved, her huge boobs wobbled freely inside her T-shirt. God, I feel so slutty. I never do this, not even at home. It's weird how it practically feels like I'm not wearing a shirt at all. It's like I'm sitting here topless in the middle of school, staring at Alan's stiff dick!

Her arousal level continued to escalate. She tried changing positions. Oooh! I'd better not do that too much. The way the fabric rubs across my erect nipples... way too sensitive! She looked down. And look! You can totally see just how erect they are now! Even before, my shirt was so thin that you could kinda tell. I guess that's a big reason why he loves this shirt so much. But now? Geez! It's crazy how my nips are tenting the fabric! He's gonna love that!

Ha! Now, this is what I call using the weapons I have. Alan's a great guy - a really nice, caring guy - but he's also a teenage boy driven by his libido. Guys his age are all hormones. He's resisting me now, but once I deploy all my weapons and wiles he won't stand a chance!

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