6 Times a Day

Chapter 1014 Having Fun With Heather And Simone Ctd.

Heather turned and drew away a bit to show her resentment, but she didn't withdraw enough to actually remove her breasts from his reach, when she easily could have. The bastard! He thinks he owns my body! But she shivered with arousal as tingles of excitement ran up and down her spine. What if he's RIGHT?! Oh, God!

That inspired her so much that she actually tried to push Simone out of the way so she could engulf all of Alan's cock. Unfortunately for her, Simone wasn't willing to give it up, and with her muscular, athletic body, she wasn't about to be pushed around either. Heather was reduced to licking just below Simone's sliding lips, waiting for Simone to pull off in order to make some joke or comment.

Alan added a bit more defensively, "Just remember that Simone and I are actually doing you a favor here, and we deserve to get rewarded from time to time. Simone especially, since she'll be doing most of the grunt work. She'll be amply rewarded for her trouble."

Simone raised her eyebrow with interest as she heard this. She would have helped out in every way possible merely in the hopes that her best friend Heather could really change for the better and become easier to get along with. Any rewards on top of that would be gravy.

Alan went on, "But you know... Hey, slow down on the sucking for a sec, both of you. I need to think here."

He paused and mentally counted to ten to bringing his raging urges under control. Then he continued as if there had been no pause at all, "But you know the two of us and you know we're not cruel or greedy. Everything that I will or will not allow to happen to you and your body will be in line with the goals of training your inner bitch. Is that clear?"

"Yes, Sir." Heather tried to sound resentful, but instead her words came out full of lust, as if she'd said in a breathy voice, "Fuck me now!"

An idea came to her. She briefly sucked on her index finger, getting it wet. Then she brought that hand down so it was wedged in between Alan's ass and the couch. Her finger fought its way up to his asshole and she began enthusiastically fingerfucking him there.

As she slowly sawed her finger deeper and deeper into his ass, she thought, Ha! That'll get him going! He thinks he's so smug and superior, able to handle anything Simone and I can do with our mouths. Well, let's see how long he can last now without cumming!

Hot damn! he thought. That feels so fucking INTENSE! But I will not give her the satisfaction of knowing she got me to cum too soon. I have to hold out! This is more than just a two on one sex session; this is a battle of wills! Thank God Simone isn't that practiced with her blowjobs, 'cos that finger up the ass trick is killing me!

He closed his eyes and tried to think about anything but the intense pleasure coming from his groin and ass. I've gotta stay one step ahead of Heather. I noticed an obvious change in her attitude as soon as I started talking about using her body at will and sharing it with others. She clearly finds those ideas quite arousing, even while she just as clearly tries to deny it. I should take advantage of that somehow. You know, she actually has the potential to make quite an exceptional whore, given the right conditions. The idea of being pimped out seemed to be a huge turn-on for her. Not that I'd ever do that, but I can still "threaten" her with that.

However, he felt like he was slowly losing the battle to stave off orgasm. He took some heavy breaths to calm down, and that helped. He upped his efforts to squeeze his PC muscle too.

Unfortunately, he still had a little more to say. Plus, he wanted to make Heather think that she wasn't getting to him with her anal fingering. "Final point, Heather. This is not about 'breaking' you. As I said already, this is not a power game between you and me, no matter how much you might think it is." He started gasping wildly for air. "This is about ... ugh! Slow down for a sec, slow down! ... You too, Simone! UH!"

Heather was feeling triumphant. A-ha! Got him! True, he's gonna cum into Simone's mouth, and that sucks for me, but at least he's gonna cum! Thanks to me! She wiggled her index finger even deeper into his ass until it was buried as far in as it could go.

He sighed in pleasure as an ejaculation-free orgasm passed through him. He hadn't planned that, but he spontaneously took advantage of what Suzanne had taught him recently.

His body relaxed, and he was relieved to discover that his dick was still erect and ready to go. He sighed happily, "Aaaahhh. That's better... Yeah."

Simone was puzzled. She had been bracing herself for a cum blast, but it never arrived.

Heather was both puzzled and annoyed. She pulled off his balls and licked up his long cock. Since Simone was still frozen in place with her lips near the tip, waiting for the cum eruption, Heather was able to lick all the way up to his sweet spot.

That made her happy, and she tried to take full advantage while she could. She did her best to suck on it from the side, as if trying to make a hickey, while going wild with her tongue on it too.I think you should take a look at pandasnovel.com

pandasnovel.com But she also was so frustrated that she almost wanted to cry. How is it that he didn't cum?! What the fuck?! He's still so gloriously hard! I love it, but I hate it too. He's never going to get to my ass at this rate. You know what? I think he can stay just as hard as he wants, for as long as he wants, and there's nothing we can do about it!

Gaawwwd, that's hot! This is the best cock in school, hands down!

After about half a minute, Simone finally resumed sucking, forcing Heather further down his shaft. Neither of them were wiser as to what happened.

Thinking it hadn't been so effective after all, Heather withdrew her finger from Alan's ass. He was secretly very relieved, because that had been way too effective.

He resumed speaking in a much calmer voice, now that his orgasmic crisis had passed. He was even able to stop clenching his PC muscle. "This is about breaking the inner bitch in you, Heather, the bad parts of you, and leaving the good parts."

Alan reached down to Heather's face again. He cupped her cheek in his palm and was surprised when she leaned into his caress and sighed in response, while still lapping up and down as much of his shaft as she could.

He spoke tenderly, "It's just my gut feeling, but I seriously believe that there's a loving and wonderful Heather in there, somewhere, trying to get out. I don't think the bitchy Heather will ever fully go away, but in time, and with training and willpower... and a whole lot of ass stuffing... I think we can keep her mostly in check. So what's it going to be? Do you agree to everything I've said or not?"

As she gently scraped a fingernail over his scrotum, she asked, hopefully, "If I agree and this part of me you like comes to the fore, does that mean you'll agree to be my boyfriend? If you want to keep Amy and all the rest, that's okay with me. I can live with that. But I'd want-"

He reached way down and pinched her left nipple almost painfully to get her full attention. "Hold on! We're talking an extremely hypothetical situation when it comes to any boyfriend promises. Even then, it wouldn't be a normal relationship. I certainly wouldn't give up my other girls for you or anyone else. It just means you'd rank up there with Amy when it comes to doing things in public and at school. You weren't thinking otherwise, were you?"

"I knew that," Heather said defensively, even though she hadn't realized that, and was crushed to hear it. Yet it didn't lessen her resolve to get that coveted official-girlfriend status. She went back to licking his balls while sliding her fingers up and down most of his shaft.

He added, "Besides, we'd be talking far in the future, if that happens at all. Taming your inner bitch down to even moderate levels will take months at the very least. I know you. You're stubborn. You're probably already thinking of ways you can rebel and skirt the rules and that kind of thing even as I speak. Aren't you? ... Don't answer. I know you are."

Actually, she wasn't. But that was only because she was too busy concentrating on his words while sucking on one of his balls. But he was right in the larger sense, because she knew that she'd have plenty of time later to plan out her schemes.

He continued, "And that kind of determination to win is one of the things I like about you. It's just that it's so misguided most of the time. You rebel against anything and everything, like a bull charging blindly at any red cloth waved in the air. If you win by tricking me, you'll actually lose and defeat yourself. Think about it. But my point is, you have such a long way to go that there's no point in even talking about boyfriend and girlfriend for now."

She longingly fondled the base of his stiff shaft, not minding the mixture of saliva and pre-cum there, not to mention the repeated passes of Simone's lips that sometimes caused Simone's face to bump into her hand. "But is it possible? Would I have any chance at all, if it was something I wanted? Not that I care... Sir."

Her attempt to sound disinterested was pathetic; she simply wasn't used to being in this position and didn't know how to act. If she wanted something, she'd always gone right out and gotten it, especially when it came to men. Furthermore, she was confused and distracted by how much she was enjoying stimulating his balls and shaft.

Alan humored her and resisted a chance to mock her. "Yes. I'll admit it's possible. But I'm not even going to think about just how wildly unlikely it is, until you show at least some desire to change yourself. Just tell me, yes, you'll obediently follow my training in every way, or no, you're a stubborn assed wench and an incurable bitch who wants to go her own way."

She looked up into his face and smiled. "Well, if you put it that way... then yes." She tried to appear reluctant, as if she'd had to think it over, but in fact she considered the decision a no-brainer (and had since he'd broached the idea last week).

In reference to the very first thing Alan said that morning, she thought, You had me at "Good morning to you too, Heather." She would have liked to say that out loud as a half-joke of sorts, except that she was too proud to reveal the part of the sentiment that obviously wasn't a joke. The truth was, she was practically panting at the idea of being filled all day and every day by a big anal dildo. Her sexual arousal had been slowly growing, more by anticipation of what was to come than the fact she was naked and fondling his balls and ass, although that was really great too. By now though, she was so hungry to experience the first day of her new life that she was ready to explode.

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