This era’s people are romantics. Especially, all the uncivilized pre-modern medieval humans, except those from Krasilov and Kalion, and among them, the nobles were even more so. (Let’s not lump Kalion in, as it’s simply a den of madmen.)

They possess treacherous, realistic, meticulous, and calculating facets, but deep down, they live with a fragment of romance hidden in their hearts.

This was supported by Ivan’s cold intuition and experience. Everyone he had seen until now was somewhat selfish, but then suddenly, at certain moments, they would ignite a fire in their hearts and burn out dramatically.

But Ivan is not like that. As a cold modern city man, he has decided to live in reality rather than die in romance.

Thus, his wars always begin quietly, in the dark of night, from outside sight, accompanied by dishonorable ambushes, and they quietly end as well.


After lowering his body, Ivan sent a signal. There was no response. Only the sound of his companions halting. Ivan did not bother to turn around to check.

He quietly stared at the military camp in front of him.

“Type 3.”

At Ivan’s words, someone approached him. It must be Elpheira. Type 3 requires her to take action.

After finishing a brief spell, sparks began to fly from her hand. She formed a ring with her fingers above one eye and extended the hand with the sparks straight out.

Bang, with a small explosion, her hand was violently thrust back. Soon, a fireball flew and struck its target precisely.



A commotion erupted within the camp. Torches were lit on the barricades and towers, and people began to run around.

Immediately after confirming the direct hit of the fireball, Ivan stood and said.


A supply depot of the Albina Crusade was set ablaze. The same thing was happening all over this region.

Not everyone agreed with his plan. No matter how boiling the camp was with anger, they were basically knights.

“Isn’t it time to make a charge?”

It’s only natural for the knights to voice their discontent. They are warriors who have trained with swords their entire lives, and the best opportunity for them to shine is in the charge. Knights are the most effective soldiers when mounted, slaughtering enemies.

But they are also a group composed of superhumans. Keeping this amount of troops in reserve until a charge is made is extremely inefficient.

Superhumans have sensory abilities in hearing and sight that differ from ordinary people. They are the ones who can distinguish objects even in places where ordinary people cannot even imagine.

Even without special reconnaissance training, this country has no better resource for minimal scouting within enemy territory. The intelligence assets of Equitania were virtually nonexistent compared to Krasilov.

“We must achieve victory before we fight.”

“But the enemy has not fully gathered yet, and our preparations are sufficient, aren’t they?”

“If we launch an offensive now and drive them out, then what? Are we simply fighting against Albina and Elros? We need to minimize battle losses in a situation where we have to cope with the entire Southern Six Nations.”

Ivan was not skilled in strategy. He lacked deep knowledge in tactics. But he was an agent from a group of informants who accurately understood Equitania’s national power.

Therefore, he believed this war would end as soon as it began. Equitania had a wide border relative to its population and lacked the troops to block all enemy routes.

Even if a single nation, or even two nations, turned against them, they could hold out to some extent. But their opponent was the entire Southern Six Nations, and it would be impossible to withstand even for a moment.

If combat occurred, inevitably there would be damage. Even if they suffered the same level of losses, Equitania’s losses compared to the enemy could be critical at every moment.

Hence, engagements must be minimized. Ideally, there would be no outbreak of war from the start.

“If a war begins, I will not participate in the military command of the Equitania army under any circumstances. But before the outbreak, please.”

Ivan scanned the commanding officers of the military camp with heavy eyes.

“Please, follow my words. I do not claim that I can handle every situation or that my plan is perfect in all cases. But one thing—I will ensure that you do not die in vain.”


“Equitania cannot fully endure all future wars. You must fight in the battles that are absolutely necessary. Before that, your lives are this country’s last bulwark. Please, defend it.”

The gathering that had been excited by Ivan’s words sank deeply.

What they desired was the romance of massive charges, splendid battles, and exhilarating vengeance. It meant to reclaim the lives of knights who died in other theaters at that cost.

But it cannot be. Ivan had to prevent such matters, even if it meant using force against their honor and romance.

He must do the dirty and uninteresting tasks. War is no game. The romanticized knightly literature is only enjoyable because it is fiction.

Reality is much harsher. Most of the proceedings of war happen on ledgers. Things like supplies listed on pages, finances, troop mobilization situations.

“Sir Yeremov.”

An aged knight met Ivan’s gaze.

“Do as you wish.”

“…Thank you.”

“We will adhere to the previous policy. We will mobilize all knight-level forces and propose to form individual units of 3 to 5 for reconnaissance. Am I correct?”


With Ivan’s response, the old knight exhaled deeply and looked around at the commanders.

“It seems there are some complaints.”

“Sir Conti. But….”

“Aren’t we in a tournament now?”

The commanders fell silent and lowered their eyes. The knight continued to speak slowly.

“This is not just a small border skirmish. It is not a territorial dispute. They will not take prisoners. They will not demand ransom for captives. We are heretics.”


“Consider it as fighting against demon clan. There are no captives, and if we falter, the territories to be occupied will not be subdued but will burn. When that happens, will the dead people blame the enemy or will they blame us?”

Equitania’s shield. Their nickname is not swords but shields. They are the ones who swear to protect their land. Men who pledged to protect the weak, justice, the royal family, and their nation.

“So do not worry about getting your feet wet in the mud. Will the enemies recognize our honor just because we die honorably? Or will our people, who will sing praises of our honor, even remain?”

The commanders nodded in agreement without a reply. The meeting concluded briefly. It was wrapped up with a proposal to repeatedly strike the enemy’s supply lines with the same operation and withdraw.

After everyone left, Ivan quietly bowed his head to the last remaining knight.

“Thank you.”

“It was something I had to do.”

“I am not a citizen of this country. My experience is not greater than yours. It must not have been easy to trust my command.”

“Do I trust you? Me?”

The knight chuckled lowly.

“What I trust is only my lord. He has never made a wrong judgment, and if he has trusted you, there must have been a reason for it.”

The knight left after giving Ivan’s shoulder a pat without waiting for a response.

“So do not betray the trust our monarch sends to you. That is enough.”

Watching the departing knight’s back, Ivan thought briefly.

A wise monarch and his completely trusting subjects.

Thinking from the other position, yes, that would be the case. If the late king had commanded him to serve under a foreign general, he would have accepted it without objection.

Thus, Ivan was slightly jealous of the knights at this station.

Their appearance was the ideal he had longed for. That far-off future he had wished for must have been like this.

After tapping the table twice, Ivan silently left the barracks.

His mouth felt dry.


The Albina royal court literally felt like it was carrying a bomb.

A large-scale crusade involving five nations had been organized, yet it was Equitania that initiated the war. Despite the excommunication, they solely raised their military based on their national identity and began their invasion.

As absurd as it was, it was understandable if one thought of it as a last-ditch effort. They must have used their heads to some extent. Since it might take months for all the crusading forces to gather, they likely thought they should strike Albina first.

Up to this point is possible. Some losses can be tolerated. But.

“To think Elros has crushed three cities while our army is only retreating?”

“Your Majesty, there has been no engagement, so it is not a retreat. The enemy bastards, despicably, raid from the rear, and when responding troops are sent, they retreat back to their fortresses….”

“Is that not a retreat?”

“Your Majesty. The enemy has not dared to occupy even the smallest village of our country. It is just a minor border dispute; victory is only a matter of time….”

“A matter of time!!”

The king shouted, slamming his fist on the floor.

“I will dismiss Count Fabri니, who keeps repeating a farce! If the enemy’s tactics consist solely of ambushes, then it should be enough to prepare for ambushes! Such an obvious fact that even I know!!”

“Indeed, Your Majesty.”

“Go! Delegate command to Count Tomasi! Order the confinement of Count Fabri니!”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

The courtiers bowed their heads in response. The king gritted his teeth and spoke.

“When will the reinforcements arrive? What are they all doing? Even if troop mobilization takes time, how can it be that not even supplies are coming? Is this truly a crusade army? Or are we merely being consumed while being played by the Pope’s words?”

Elros had brought down three cities. Logically, it was impossible for Elros and Albina’s two frontlines to have only Albina’s forces as the stronger army. Both parties ultimately desire the fall of Equitania.

Is our army weak? Not at all. Albina’s legions had soldiers and commanders with direct experience in major wars, unlike Equitania.

Moreover, the Southern Six Nations had experienced endless territorial wars even before the Great War. With six countries entangled together, it cannot be said that there is no war experience across any nation.

So, this difference is evident.

“That Pope…!!”

He spoke as if they had betrayed us and teamed up with Elros.

Having endured losses, and once national finances were drained due to excessive mobilization, if Elros finally conquers Equitania after that—

Then it means they intend to push us aside and share the spoils with other countries peacefully.

There’s no evidence. But diplomacy is not a court of law. Clear evidence is not required.


The command structure of the Elros forces was equally engulfed in confusion.


“Yes, Your Highness. All the storages in the castle are empty.”

“Damn it. When is the food supply supposed to arrive!!”

Having crushed the royal knight order at Portabella, Equitania’s forces fled in disarray. How they laughed at the sight of their own army fleeing, even emptying the castle due to a light border provocation.

But now it was different. All three castles were empty. All nearby pastures and agricultural fields were burned, and not even a single grain of rotten wheat came from small peasant villages.

The army is a monster that consumes food and funds. Even in the midst of continuous victories, people need food to move.

A sensible commander does not rely solely on plunder to secure supplies. (Those countries have all perished.) But at this point, with all supply lines disrupted and having fled, the supply lines cannot catch up with the marching speed.

Blitzkrieg is a tactic that is only possible for prepared armies. Elros merely performed a light reconnaissance beforehand.

“We must retreat… at least we should give up Viarlato and fall back to Castello. We have advanced too far!”

“How do you suggest we endorse a retreat?”

What would the current battle reports sound like to the royal court? They had secured the wide agricultural lands of Equitania, which they had never captured before, advancing solely on their own strength without any battle losses.

How can they be told to abandon one city and the nearby territories in this situation? Saying that to the king would cost them their head.

“Wait. Albina has yet to advance even once beyond the border?”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

“They remained idle despite hearing our victories?”



Commander Theodor ground his teeth and shouted.

“The Pope… that bastard…!!”

At his words, the command structure looked around in surprise. The priest, who had lost his holy power, became useless on the battlefield, but thankfully, he was not present in their vanguard.

“While we were swallowing three territories, what does it mean that Albina’s pigs didn’t budge at all? Did those bastards not realize how weak Equitania’s soldiers are?”

“Y-Your Highness. I mean…?”

“They have abandoned us!! If we proceed and strike Equitania, using only our strength to swallow it without rear support, they can finish the crusade army with victory without lifting a finger!”

“However, Your Highness. If we do that, the merit will only be ours….”

“Would the other pigs of the Southern Six Nations stand by and watch that? We would have completely exhausted our resources through war, and we cannot defend both Equitania and Elros at the same time! Will the Pope protect us once the crusade ends? Even if he does, who will heed the Pope’s words!”

At the point where the holy power had vanished. Can the Pope truly pressure monarchs as before?

No. The current organization of the crusade army could only occur because their interests were intertwined. They were wolves gathered, considering how to carve up the resource-rich land of Equitania amicably.

In any case, when the hunt ends, dogs are cooked. The logic of abandoning the hounds does not appear in all lands.

“We must voice our advice to the King. We must halt our advance and wait!”

“Yes, Your Highness!”


Before the armies of Elros and Albina abandon their advance and devote themselves to defense, two weeks have passed since the war began.

The Pope was grinding his teeth, shouting at the envoys.

“Why is it that even the support of supplies is difficult!”

“Our current situation….”

“What situation!!”

The envoy from Lorensia looked extremely contrite, but his eyes showed no guilt as he spoke to the Pope.

“However, Your Holiness. This is different from the promises made to the crusade army.”


“Albina’s border is currently occupied by Leonor’s forces. We do not know what they are thinking, but since Leonor has revealed its desire for invasion by exploiting our loopholes, we cannot devote ourselves fully to supporting the crusade forces.”

At the envoy from Lorensia’s words, the Pope was about to explode with anger but paused briefly.

Leonor? They suddenly deployed forces to Lorensia?

Why on earth?


To find the answer to this, one must reverify the situation at Leonor’s court.

-Prepare to die.

In response to a letter from a gangster nation (once on the verge of a continent-wide conflict half a century ago), Leonor attempted a reasonable counter-response.

-Our child. It is true.

That’s about the extent of the grand explanation. Leonor cannot confront Krasilov by itself. If the crusade army had been fully organized, it would have been a different story. In this situation, where everyone is tiptoeing around, it’s even more so.

But as previously mentioned, diplomacy does not rely on physical evidence but on circumstantial evidence. Leonor’s explanation did not provide sufficient ‘justification’ to the Krasilov court.

-Cry, prove your innocence by crying.

Before a long threat that could be summarized like this, the Leonor court immediately began to wail loudly. In essence, they answered that they would offer a bad kid for sacrifice.

Of course, Leonor would never truly attack Lorensia. Internal strife within the crusade army would be a sin grave enough to warrant heretical judgment, and the Pope is in a state of frenzy right now.

So there would be no military operation. There was merely enough performance to claim, “We did our best.”

The army of Leonor was immediately deployed along the border between Lorensia and Leonor.

At this point, where two out of five allied nations say, “We can’t directly participate,” the Pope lamented with a darkened expression as he looked at the map.

Throughout the church’s long history, there had never existed such a pitiful crusade army, and he had a premonition that the authority of the church would not remain the same even after the war ended.


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